E3/4 Sets Across
Experiment with a slightly higher load today than your previous successful 5×3. If you're having trouble power snatching the weight, try squat snatching it. Consistency this week, next week you'll go for a true max.
Assistance Work
Strict Pull-Ups 3×10
add or reduce weight to make 10 reps a max rep range
Coach Laurel Does mainsite WOD 100319
Check out Jessy H as the lead actress in this mock "Academy Award Winning Movie Trailer"
Also, check out Whitney H as one of the supermarket dancers in the real trailer for "Leading Ladies"
Feeling Sore?.. Tight? Don't forget about our Active Recovery Class every Tuesday at 8pm. Coach Fox will take you through one hour of stretching, myofacial release and movement therapy. Good for what ails ya!
Fed Up With Lunch: The School Lunch Project