For Time:
60 Overhead Squats 95/65
Every time the bar is dropped you must perform 5 burpees. Every time the clock hits a new minute you must perform 5 burpees.
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Extensive Foam Rolling
Introducing CrossFit South Brooklyn "On Ramp" Classes
Are you a new athlete? Do you have trouble keeping your knees out in a squat or your back set in a deadlift? Are you fresh out of Foundations and not quite sure if you're ready for the demands of group classes? If so, our new On-Ramp class may be perfect for you.
The sole purpose of the On-Ramp program is to develop consistent technique and increased capacity so that new athletes can proceed into group classes with solid movement and training habits. By focusing on truly mastering the fundamentals, developing proper movement strategies, and increasing strength and mobility, we'll provide you with the fitness base to move seamlessly and successfully into Group Classes.
The key difference is that the On-Ramp classes purposefully take more time to review exercises, detail good training habits and limit intensity. Most workouts will be done not for time in the interest of making you move better before you move faster.
The class meets 2x/week and is recommended as a 8-12 week cycle for potential participants. Attendance is open to all members and payment works exactly like your regular Group Class membership. You may also mix On Ramp and Group Classes if your schedule doesnt afford you the time to come to both classes.
CFSBK On Ramp classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm and start on 7/27.
What was your first CrossFit WOD?
Michele,Where are you doing ART?
My first official CrossFit Workout was a modified “Filthy 50” at Chuck Mound Performance Training. I remember subbing out a couple things that i wasn’t familiar with and carrying a list with me so I knew what was next. It took me somewhere around 50 minutes and changed my understanding of what it meant to be fit.
I had been reading about CrossFit for months and contemplating trying it.
I was pretty good at pullups. Could do 10-15 strict unbroken (weighed about 135 at the time) so I thought this Fran workout wouldn’t be too hard. 95 pounds didn’t feel to heavy when I just picked it up off the floor.
Couldn’t actually do one thruster at 95 so I lowered them down to 75 and then just the empty bar bell. Got through the first 21 some how. Did 15 pullups felt like I was going to puke. Pretended like that was the whole workout and then slunk away to the bathroom where I did puke a little. All done in a corporate gym with thrusters in a squat cage so if I failed they wouldn’t hit the ground.
Realized I needed to get stronger and did my first cycle of starting strength after that.
Morning run w/20lbs vest: 3x[200m, 400m, 600m] resting between each interval the exact time it took to do the prior run.
My first real CrossFit workout was after exiting foundations at CFNYC, came in for a lunch time class and “Murph” was written on the wall.
“How long does that take?” escaped my lips…”As long as it takes you” came the reply.
Wasn’t entirely sure I could finish this in the hour lunch break. But what the hell. Tourists and residents on their lunch flooded the sidewalks of midtown manhattan and turned what would have been a pedestrian run into a game of human slalom.
Chose to go Cindy style on reps (20 rounds of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 15 squats), and I suppose that was also my introduction to Cindy as well. Didn’t like her *at all* that day.
What was really terrible wasn’t the last run — it was the fact that CFNYC was on the third floor of a walk up office building. So after running that last mile, you had to make your way up all of those stair in order to yell time.
In a sick way, I really miss the stairs at the end.
Today’s “couplet” looks like fun. Question: do you start with 5 burpees? Given that the first round is the start of a first minute, or do we start with OHS?
I’m assuming that we can “rest” the bar on the shoulders or in the hip crease to avoid the penalty burpees from putting it down.
Other than that, really looking forward to this today!
Lookin’ good Charlotte!
My first exposure to Crossfit was at the Brooklyn Black Box. To “warm up” we did a burpee ladder. Really thought that was the workout itself. Then we did a half “Cindy”, where I did jumping pullups and modified pushups. I think I only got 4 rounds. That was maybe a year and a half ago?
Back Off Week?
Ha.Good thing I just had a back off week 2 weeks ago.
I dont even remember my 1st WOD–its all a blur–I mean I guess it was technically something in foundations.
I remember the 1st WOD that really killed me was this Sprint from 1 corner of Lyceum to the other corner, do like 20 burpees, sprint to the next corner, do more burpees…
I took off on the Sprint up a hill like a bat out of hell, and was dead at the 1st corner.
I am not sure if it was my first, but the first that I remember was the bear. I hated then, and I hate it now. It’s got the perfect name.
My first CrossFit WOD was either “Helen”, or “Fran”, can’t remember now.
Sometime in 2007…I remember having much the same thought process as Malcomn for my first Fran. 12 minutes or so later I had been justly humbled. 95 lbs (iron plates, taken out of a squat rack, at a NYSC) felt sooooo heavy, and where the heck did my pull-ups go? 21 didn’t seem like all that much, and 15 and 9 were less than 21…This taught me to really look at overall volume in CF style workouts. Helen was a similar story. I browsed the “girls” and thought, “that doesn’t seem too bad”. I was new into working with kettlebells at the time so I was jazzed to incorporate them into a workout that had other components in it. It took me more than 15 minutes to complete, the runs were on a treadmill, and I loved the crazy looks I was getting from other trainers and members at the gym. My first year or so of CFing was done in the NYSC where I trained and eventually a few of my co-workers would join me. I think a few members decided never to train with me during that time, but it definitely drew in new clients. I had been doing a lot of corrective exercise back then (all the knee-hip-back-shoulder problem prospects were ushered my way) and it was liberating to simplify the process a bit and be able to push folks to a somewhat uncomfortable place.
My first CF WOD in a box was a teaser at SBK at the Lyceum in the summer of ’08 (you think Degraw street is hot???). David warmed us up and then Jacinto took over. I think the workout included med-ball cleans, wall ball, pullups, kb swings, push ups, sit ups, and maybe another component or 2. He must have already been brewing up the Storm. It was awful but I loved it. I knew right when I left that I wanted to work with David at CFSBK, it just took some pestering to get in there 😉
This was my favorite post in recent memory.
This workout starts with overhead squats, barbell on the floor. You can hold the bar on your back (be careful racking) or at the hang. You can’t drop the bar until the minute is completely done, if you do there is a 5 burpee penalty, if you’re doing burpees and the minute finishes, you tack on another 5.
For folks that have mobility issues, you’re going to Front Squat or Back Squat.
Here are some observations from the first 2 classes:(6 men, all using either 65lbs or less)The workout took everyone 8-12 minutes, most folks got about 12-16 squats the first minute. Burpees were taking folks about 20-30 seconds, especially when they got fatigued. DO not drop the barbell within 10 seconds to the finish of a minute, 5 burpees to 10 burpees can become 15 burpees if you’re real tired.
can’t remember my first WOD, but i had just finished foundations and coach d and his persuasive self took my reluctancy to participate as a definite for Fight Gone Bad. I scaled a few movements, had an insanely great time. Still love that one.
Anyone who hasn’t done FGB, i highly recommend it.
If you need a good laugh, or just a reminder why living in NYC is awesome, take a look (WS):
My first WOD out of Foundations was on 8/19/09. There was a double-under/situp WOD and I’m not sure what I subbed for doubles since I didn’t write on the blog. (I was shy back then, can you believe it?) There was accessory work involving levers, so it was my first day getting inverted on the rings. I was afraid to take my feet off the straps! Shane was helping me; he worked a lot with me in those early days. I think it was good practice for cf kids, since I had the motor skills of a 4-year-old. (My current crossfit age is approximately 11. Progress!)
the day after my final foundations class in May, i went to CFNYC for my first real workout. the WOD was:
4 sets for time of
200m (400m?) run50 air squats
i didn’t scale the squats because either i didn’t know i could, or they told us not to. it was outside at a busy park during the evening rush hour. we loped back to the Box all flush with our pedestrian-dodging prowess.
the best part was my SECOND-ever WOD, which was Karen: 150 wall balls. HA HA. HOOOO. that was great. i made it into the triple digits, then stopped. i already couldn’t walk going down the steps from the BBox – the subsequent days were amazingly torturous.
I don’t remember what my first wod was – but i definitely remember my first exposure to crossfit. i read an article about it and thought i would check it out. I went to (the now extinct) Black Box Brooklyn for a free class and one of the trainers had me do 5 rounds of 15 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, and 5 burpees. I was doing the push-ups on my knees and stopped after 4 rounds. I couldn’t go on anymore, i thought i was going to vomit.
That was about a year ago. It’s amazing how much changes…
The Lyceum basement, I think Jeremy was in the class. Shane and Charmel were the other 2 I remember. Allison NY and Jacinto were running the class. We did some bear crawls, then the wod was something like 5 runs around the block broken up by who knows how many rings dips(mine were modified, of course). I remember Jacinto and Allison taking turns running with me, they must have been worried that I might not make it back. After 3 rounds I was through. Much fun. I think the next time I showed up was 3 months later.
My first WOD after foundations was “Filthy Fifty” — what an introduction. All I remember is Dave McG and Gabrus shouting encouragement as I struggled through my burpee’s in a delirious haze. Afterwards I met Malcolm and Laurel for the first time but was so shot I couldn’t remember their names, just that I talked to a really nice couple!
My first crossfit workout was tabata squats in Foundations. I showed up looking, as Shane puts it, like two coat hangers in a sweatsuit. I finished the workout turned dead white, ran to the bathroom and lost my dinner.
I did Brand-X modified WODs for at least a year and a half before showing up at the Lyceum (thanks to a lucky coincidence that had Nick making up a Coop shift where Margie was squad leader and them talking about CrossFit). A favorite was 5 rounds of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats (what is that called?) although I had to do assisted pullups.
Then when I got to CFSBK I was 14 weeks pregnant or something but still the intensity was at a whole new level. I remember my teaser workout: ascending/descending ladder of pushups and KB deadlifts. Margie counted me out. There was only one other guy in the teaser and I kicked his ass. I was totally hooked.
PS: Nice work on the TGUs, Katie & Jess! My turn to chase you ;-).
I think think think the first named workout I did was Nancy at CFNYC in their old old spot where we had to run up and down the stairs.
But the first exposure I had to anything crossfitty was in, maybe, 2007 when my friend Kevin found me doing a workout from, like, Fitness magazine at The Slope Fitness. He asked me what my goals were and then if I wanted to work out (he was a new trainer there). I was skeptical, but said sure. He taught me how to squat and then we did tabata squats. I thought: this guy knows something! So he started training me. It took a few months to understand that we were doing a Thing called CrossFit. But I liked it, whatever we were doing.
50lbs Keg: Check100lbs Keg: CheckAtlas Stones: CheckAxles: CheckFarmer’s Handles: CheckYoke: Check
This Saturday, 11am to 1pm.
Log: Check
Beautiful location on the South Brooklyn waterfront aka Quist Industries: Check
5:51 with 45#.
Kind of light but was happy to be able to do the actual movements.Great class Shane.
Thanks for showing me the new shoulder warm-up and great job on the WOD.
Bench Press(75×5, 105×5, 145×5)150x3175x3195x7
Assistance Couplet3 Rounds NFT:10 Ring Push-Ups75 x 20 ea 1 Arm DB Rows
that. was. a. cracker!
WUmuch loved and plentiful foam rolling/ lacrosse ball goodness.
WOD5.40 65lbshould have gone heavierbut obi shane kenobi advised me to go light and squat right.
dan rx’d rocked the sh*t outta this one.
I don’t remember what my first WOD was, but it was about two years ago. Brand X-scaled something at the JCC in New Orleans. Lots of funny looks as we dashed off and on the treadmills.
Today’s WOD at 65# in 6:01 (yes, technically this time shouldn’t be possible but David didn’t call time yet… oops). Didn’t help that I discovered that my new glasses fall off when I do burpees. But good kind of awful.
7:55 Rx’d Malcolm style (i.e. with “nice bumpers that will bounce”… and take it to 67lbs (they were 10kg). TWO WHOLE EXTRA POUNDS…)
Close to my least favorite WOD ever, in the sense that I hope I never do it again and kind of want to try it again tomorrow – true worstest worst worst is that rowing db thruster mash-up that goes something like row 750, do 21 db thrusters, row 500 do 15 db thrusters… HATE it and honestly wouldn’t mind if I never met it again. This one I hit some round in the middle and thought, “I quit” oops. Then I thought “no one is counting my reps” bother! Then I managed to get my head under control and thought “just get five more. almost done.”
I could really feel the muscle-ups from yesterday in the burpees. Very slow compared to usual. Shoulders are dead dead dead. Hurray for friday off work and a rest day.
Pretty cool workout. So far one of the most intense. Could only make it with 65 lbs though… super dirty form in the end. 7.10.
Good to see everyone. This was a fun WOD
i think my first real wod at SBK was Fight Gone Bad. i had taken a foundations class and talked to david and he said “if you want to stay and check this wod out, stay” and i didn’t know what i was getting myself into!
last night did a fun little leg/lung burner3 rounds of45ish yard prowler push (w/60# loaded)run 400 m
Charlotte – two words – HOT MAMA!
There is NOTHING I liked about this WOD.
8:45 at 33lbs.-Did the first 17 at 50lbs and then felt like my wrists were going to snap. Way too much weight to start out. Should have started at 33 or maybe 37 from the beginning!
-Loved the foam rollin’ and torture ball mobility work.
Weight: 35#time: 11:56Experience: pain
I love OHS, just not in a metcon. After about 3-4 rounds I had to switch from burpees to squat thrusts. I did one set of penalty burpees, then skipped a second set because Shane said it was okay.Probably because I looked ready to cry. Good times!
Wow this one burns your soul.
There was nothing good about it. I did it at 80#s and finished in 6:00.
Despite having a decent time I dont think I couldve added anymore weight.
The thing about this WOD is that it punishes you for being weaker.
Theres probably a point where you take so long to get burpees done that you cant complete the WOD anymore–I wasnt really trying to do that–so off Dan’s advice I came out the gate guns blazing and luckily got 26 reps in teh 1st rd. That saved me because rd 2 was 6 reps. My 1st set of burpees felt horrible and I had to get my head straight.
I powered through the rest of the workout. AT the 5:00 mark I kinda cheated. I was watching the clock and sped it up in my mind–I ended up dropping the bar about 1.5-2 seconds early but did not do the burpee penalty for it.
I know i suck.
Red Hook track:4xrun 400m50 squats
scaled it puppy style to:3x400m30 squats
Leo lapped me.. Twice.. And I was walking like a grandma for about a week.
WOD, as rx’d: 4:41
Very pleased with the time, but even happier (and fairly surprised) that my shoulder is mobile and strong enough to even attempt to do this workout. I’m still a little dumbfounded that there’s no post-WOD discomfort or pain — not complaining though! Going fast on the first round was key, managed to squeeze 30 reps into the first round.
Thoughts:The mandatory burpees on the minute changed the game substantially. And having burpees penalties added high stakes and a serious mental component to the WOD. Nice design, but it’s possible to dig yourself a nice hole of penalty burps. Also, this required a high degree of proficiency with the OHS.
Am very curious how we’ll do after an OHS exposure to strengthen the midline and shoulders.
Mad props to David McG (.DMG) and his sage advice on this workout: Go all out on the first minute; don’t pace, otherwise the burpees are just going to wear you down. [Hope I captured the essence of your message, brother.] Way to kick ass out of the gate with 27 reps the first round!
@Vincent: was my pleasure! For those who are interested, this was the supplemental work we discussed:
Still stoked about having a functional arm again!
My previous post was in response to first CF wod ever.
Just in case of confusion.