Workout of the Day
A1. DB Strict Press, 4 x 6-12
A2. Strict Chin Up, 4 x max reps
Rest about 45 sec after pressing and 1:30-2:00 after chin ups.
Do at least one lighter/shorter warm up set before the work sets.
Press: Use heavier weights than the previous two weeks. The rep range is now down to a minium of 6 reps… so be bold and try that next weight jump of DBs or use the fractionals!
Chin Ups: If you hit 10+ reps in your sets in week 5, add weight.
If you are not yet doing sets of 5+ reps unbroken, use the progression below. Aim to add difficulty or volume to what you did in Week 5:
A. Bodyweight “Cluster sets” (ex: 4+2+2, with short rest between)
B. Weighted Negatives, 4 x 2, as slow as possible
C. Negatives, 4 x 3, as slow as possible
D. Box Pike or Foot Assisted, 4 x 6-10
AMRAP 12:00
2 Wall Walks
10 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35/20#)
12 Box Jump Overs (24/20/16″)
This workout is a play on CF Open WOD 22.1 — just slightly compressed!
Intent: 6+ Rounds
Wall Walk Scaling:
A. 1 Full ROM
B. 1-2 Partial ROM
C. 20 sec Angled Wall Hold
Box Jump Overs:
Athletes do not need to come hip or leg extension at the top of the box.
Athletes must step down off the box. Rebounding is not allowed.
You may face the box or be parallel to it for a lateral jump.
BJO Scale: Step over the box. Both feet must touch top of the box before getting to the other side.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK7/8)
Welcome new Foundations grads Sophie, Ashton, Kyle and Boen!
Staffing Considerations
Here is a video from 6 years ago where coach David talks a little bit about the philosophy about our staffing considerations at CFSBK. Things have changed a bit over the past 6 years but our general ethos remains the same.