Back Squat
3 x 5
Use 100% of Week 1‘s heavy 5
5/3/1 (3 Week):
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+
Your Training Max (TM) is used to base the percentages off of. Increase your TM 10 lbs above the previous 3 weeks. If you were above the recommended reps for the rep out sets, then increase your TM 15-20 lbs. The final set (the 90% set this week) is done for max reps, stopping 1-2 shy of failure. The goal is between 8 and 12 reps. Use a normal pace throughout the rep-out set and quit if you reach technical failure. Technical failure is the point at which you can move the weight from point A to point B but can no longer do so with acceptable technique. Use spotters on all work sets.
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Exposure 5 of 8
10 Strokes on the erg, as heavy as possible
7-10 Tempo Ring Dips 31X1
10 Full-Body Bench Levers
Try and pull your lowest split possible within 10 strokes on the erg. The goal is 110% effort on each one. If you have a mature support and a few Strict Ring Dips then scaling to Band Supported Ring Dips is suitable. If you don’t have Ring Dips then sub 5 Feet-Elevated Ring Dips, 5 Between-Bench Dips, or 5-10 Push-Ups as appropriate. Scale the Bench Levers to tuck or half tuck as needed, or scale them up to bar or ring levers as appropriate.
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Want to be as badass as Coach Katie? Sign up for the Bulletproof Assessment Workshop!
Bulletproof Assessment Workshop at CFSBK: Register Now!
CFSBK will be hosting a Bulletproof Assessment Workshop on Saturday, December 3rd from 2:30-6:30pm for athletes looking to take their performance to the next level! This will be an interactive workshop, with a full movement assessment from the Active Life coaching staff. The movement assessment will include a series of strength and mobility assessments, which will identify imbalances and expose weaknesses.
You will walk away from this workshop with an insight on how flexibility, mobility, strength balance, work to rest ratio, and skill can tie into your training. Knowledge bombs will be dropped! Sign up! It’ll be a blast. The class is capped to 50, so get on it before it fills up! The registration fee is just $49.
Questions? Contact Coach Katie at Katie [at] Click here to sign up today!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
How to Stay on a Diet Without Cheating Fitfly
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