Partner Double “Morrison”
In teams of 2, with one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Box Jumps 24/20″
Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
Partition the work however desired.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
How was your Crush Week? What was the toughest workout? Tell us in the comments!
Today’s Schedule
We’re hosting the Starting Strength Seminar at 608 Degraw this weekend and will be running on a modified schedule. All classes will take place in 597 this weekend, which means that we can’t accomodate OGers outside the regular 6 to 8pm hours today. Here’s the full schedule:
8am CrossFit group class
9am CrossFit group class
10am CrossFit group class
11am CrossFit group class
12pm CrossFit group class
1pm CrossFit group class
2pm Anti-Gravity
2:15pm Free Intro Class
6-8pm Open Gym (597 only)
9:30am – 11am Starting Strength
11am Active Recovery
10am CrossFit Preschool
11am CrossFit Kids
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Clean | Partner WOD
Going It Alone Outside
Training and Discipline Starting Strength
A. Bar muscle up strict/kipping
B1. EMOM 8
Even: 5-10 Ring Dips
Odd: 30 Double unders
B2. EMOM 8
Even: 5-10 HSPU
Odd: 10/7 cal row
Morrison w/ Isaac
Forgot to write up on the board. We split evenly all the way the through despite having trouble with the math and keeping track. 20's for the 100 & 80 sets, then down to 15 for 60 and 10's for 40 and 20. Finished in 40'10". Used a 14# w.b., 16 kettle (white), and 20" box.
Crush Week – I did the two rest days. And then three of the workouts: the barbell thrusters, the fr sqat w/ burpees over the bar, and then today. The hardest one for me was the front squat one w/ burpees over the bar. I did that with Ben.
Richard G.
"Morrison-ish" (no partner, 40/30/20/10, some rest betw. rounds)
WB 14#/8'
BJ 20" step-ups
KB 1.5
26:10 (less than 12:00 of that was rest) 40/6:20, 30/4:20, 20/2:55, 10/1:10
On a lighter note: I was on a short run yesterday and while turning my head to look at a woman jogger I was passing, I tripped on a slight raise in the sidewalk and utterly face-planted. I tore open the heel of my left hand and shredded my left knee, but managed to also get scrapes and bruises on my face, elbow, and shoulder. I said, "That really hurt," got up and kept running. 1.67mi./16:10.
Partner Double Morrison with BK: 28:54 Rx
We both did or respective Rx weights/heights, which allowed for some quicker transitions. Box jumps as 10s throughout. Wallballs started as 20s and 10, shifted to 10s and 5s in later rounds. KB swings in 20s and 10s.
Deadlifts: 135×5, 225×5, 255×3, 275×3, 295×3, 305×3.
That one-two punch of dumbbell thrusters and push-ups in the start of the week definitely crushed me- great week of workouts overall. And loved the Roxanne warmup today!
10am with Fox and Snickers
Metcon in 36:30min Matt. A box jump workout for me, and a KB workout for him, so I guess we both got something out of it. Individual time 33(ish) in December, so this was a surprise. Legs are still destroyed from front squats yesterday. Glad crush week is over.
11am AR with Fox
Motorcycles and cars instead of food.
9a w/Fox and Snickers
Morrison with Michael A
29:37 Rx
Really happy it was a partner workout.
Yesterday WOD w/Pierre 17:27
Enjoyed the crush week. DB thrusters and burpees hurt.
I'll never think of Roxanne the same
Double Morrison with KLove in 32:03
Box Jumps: 5s
KBS: 10s
We kept such a consistent pace theoughout, no slowing down: very happy!
The goal here, as per the conditioning training we've been doing in AG, is to keep this pace while doing 10s next time! We definitely could have shaved 2 or 3 min off our time.
Fun AG: arms mad swole after 2 sets of 8 tempo strict chin-ups, and JM presses: 15×10, 17.5 x 10
Ring dips: 10, 7, 5, 7
HSPUs: 5,5 10,5