5 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
15 OHS 95/65
Post time and Rx to comments.
Compare with 6.12.16
From our Instagram account: “CFSBK babies sneaking in some Push-Ups and Hollow Rocks while moms get after it in our Diapers & Dumbbells class. Every MWF at 11am.”
Diapers & Dumbbells: Lift, Laugh, Learn, Love
Crossfit South Brooklyn is excited to offer Diapers & Dumbbells, a postpartum fitness class designed to help new mothers and their partners safely return to exercise, connect with other parents, and develop the strength they need to support their growing babies.
Diapers & Dumbbells is a one-hour class that focuses on postpartum rehabilitation, restorative exercises, strength training, and conditioning and includes time for socializing with other parents and their babies. It provides a supportive and educational environment and is appropriate for individuals with or without previous CrossFit experience. Classes are open to mothers (and partners) of all fitness levels and their pre-crawling/pre-walking babies. Scaling options are available to allow anyone to participate and progress. Bring your baby and enjoy an hour of fitness and community.
Classes are led by two coaches to ensure close attention to each participant and help parents manage their babies so they can get the most out of class.
Diapers & Dumbbells takes place at Crossfit South Brooklyn’s 597 Degraw Street location, between 3rd and 4th Avenues. Our facility includes new changing rooms (with showers and towel service) that may serve as a private nursing, pumping, or diaper-changing station.
We encourage new parents or parents-to-be to contact us with any questions at Melissa [at] CrossfitSouthBrooklyn.com
Monday: 11am-12pm
Wednesday: 11am-12pm
Friday: 11am-12pm
Single Class Drop-In: $25
10-Class Punch Card: $200
20-Class Punch Card: $360
Members of CrossFit South Brooklyn may use their existing memberships to drop in to this class; however, anyone and everyone is welcome as there are no prerequisites for this class. You can also purchase a punch card for this and our other specialty classes: Yoga, Short Circuit, Active Recovery, and Pilates.
What to Bring
Along with yourself and your baby, we recommend that you bring typical baby changing supplies as well as a blanket to lay your baby on. We suggest bringing your baby to the class in a stroller so that they may be comfortable and easily wheeled around the gym during class.
News and Notes
- Last week we reported on Rob U. and Dan C.’s awesome work at the 2017 Starting Strength Challenge at CrossFit Gantry. The nation-wide results are in (see page 12), and we’re thrilled to annouce that Dan C. placed 1st in the nation in the Men’s Masters division! Congrats, Dan!
- Our friends and neighbors across the street at littlefield are relocating nearby and opening a sister bar and restaurant called Parklife. Back their Kickstarter campaign to help keep this awesome neighborhood institution going!
- Jenna J. recently published another fascinating study for the Guttmacher Institute. Check it out here!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: “Nate”
Bovine Colostrum Decreases Intestinal Permeability in Athletes Designs for Health
What It Really Means to Build a Functional Fitness Community BarBend
Congrats Dan! Mighty impressive.
Diapers and Dumbbells is seriously the cutest thing ever. On days I have been lucky enough to be able to take 10 AM class, I stay around mobilizing afterward just to get a look at all the cutie-pie babies.
Confession: I have a cold and I would probably have decided to come to the gym and work through it if it weren't Crush Week. #crossfitguilt
6am w/lady Fox and McD
Worked up to 155 for the PS + OHS
Nancy – 14:41 Rx
OHS all unbroken. Did not push the runs today.
A nice improvement compared to last year's 18:49 with lots of smaller sets. This morning felt great.
I am going to post a note in the CFSBK classifieds but figured I would mention it here as well. Does anyone have a spare baby that I could borrow on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11am – 12 pm. I am not planning on going to Diapers and Dumbbells, it's for something else. Hit me up offline. Thanks.
Power snatch + OHS: Worked up to 103#.
Nancy: 13:51 Rx.
Last time we did this, I remember hating every moment of this, dying a little bit inside trying to keep up with Ellie as she shouted encoragement on the runs and the extra push by Fox to go unbroken. Today felt much better (and on an added ironic note, was with McD and Lady Fox).
Runs slowed down a bit each round, but tried to be relatively consistent. Extra push by Dan G at the end at keep moving. OHS unbroken. Surprised myself with how this went. 6am was filled with lots of big improvement on this workout – great morning!
Monique made it out to Diapers and Dumbbells yesterday for the first time and LOVED it! She was so excited to be back, totally raved about it afterwords. She was still a little nervous with having Nia out the house by herself but the class made her feel at ease, said at times during the class she forgot she had a baby. I am going to take that as a good thing meaning that she knew and felt that Nia was well taken care of that she could focus on the workout.
I plan on attending when I go on paternity leave!
Management: Are certain classes cancelled this weekend bc of Starting Strength seminar?
Joy, there is no need to ask mgmt for excuses to drink more this weekend.
Power snatch + OHS: Worked up to 155#
Nancy: 13:46 Rx.
This was way better than last time. All unbroken and felt pretty good. Spotted Kayleigh and James about 75 ft on the first run and spent the rest of the workout closing that gap.
The weekend schedule will be on the blog tomorrow, but here's a preview:
Friday 4/21
All AM classes normal
Open gym will happen in 597 only
Saturday 4/22
8am CrossFit
9am Short Circuit (no CrossFit!)
10am CrossFit / Yoga
11am CrossFit / AR
12pm CrossFit
1pm CrossFit
2-4pm Open Gym
Sunday 4/23
Normal Schedule
Free Intro Class and Anti-Gravity happening in 597 together.
CrossFit Preschool/Kids classes will be cancelled. 608 will not be available for Open Gym on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
Will there be any Strong Fittin' happening on Saturday?
Sorry, also no Strong Fit.
Alright. Now I really need that baby.
yes and no OG outside of the 2-4 slot since we'll be running group classes in 597
12:00pm Group Class with Coach Lady Fox
17:13 As Rx'd
OHS all unbroken
I wouldn't use the word run to describe what I did when I left the gym each round. "trot" sounds more appropriate. I had two goals this workout:
1. Do all the OHS unbroken
2. No walking or stopping between the runs and OHS. So… "trot" into the gym right to my bar and immediately get my hands on it and put it overhead. Kept me honest about my transitions
Cashed out with some crossover symmetry TLC
A. 5 min bike, easy. xover symmetry circuit. shoulder soft tissue work (low lat, armpit, post. shoulder, scap, t-spine)
B. 3x:
100' OH carry (40#, 45#, 45#)
5 ring swings, regular grip
lower body: lunges/hip mobz, OHS pause, etc.
did 2 sets of 2 MU regular grip at some point during all of this. still need more lat/patience.
C. Snatch…
3-position snatches @ 35kg, 40kg
45x1x3, 50x1x4-5?, 53x1x2 (88%)
feels a little rusty. bumping out a bit..
D. Snatch Pulls
55×3, 60×3, 63×3, 66x2x2 (110%)
I think I've done snatch pulls (over 100%) maybe once in my life before. I can see how this could be very helpful for me in the long run… might need some straps!
E. 6 sets:
:20 max cal assault bike
2:40 rest
8 / 86
9 / 88
8 / 88
9 / 89
8 / 87
8 / 87
I felt like absolute hell after this. First just leg failure. Then got the blackout feels.
cool down: 2 min quad smash, 2 min lying on floor, 3 min row (sort of moving my arms and legs), 10 eccentric knee flexion.
I don't always read the blog, but when I do I find hidden treasures.
Great article Whit!
So that's your secret….. give zero foxes and BEAST the Open.
noted. 🙂
Jay, as we've told you many, many times before, members may only use their *own* babies for sandbag runs.
10 a.m. w/Jess & Brett.
Nancy: 20:01, Rx'ed. Slow slow slow. Not enough sleep and not enough thinking it through. Legs just didn't want to cooperate on the runs, then lost my grip in the third round on the 13th rep after thinking I'd go 8-7.
With that said, I owe a huge debt to Pierre D. for his offhand tip about overhead squats when I struggled through a similar workout last year: resist the urge to spread your arms as wide as possible when you have the bar overhead! Go a small bit narrower than a typical snatch. You may feel less certain at the start but you'll settle into it.
May not work for everyone but it worked wonders for me. Thanks, Pierre (and Jess for reinforcing this a.m.)!
posted on CFSBK classifieds
We are moving to Sweden and need to sell our 2010 Subaru Forester.
sale date / delivery date of car: We would like to sell this car the last week of May (if possible)
• Miles: 52,000 as of today. The car will most likely will have about 53,000 or less by day of sale.
• Records of maintenance: the car is up to date on all maintenance, tires, the engine and all components are in excellent condition. as a matter of fact, we just did the 52,000 mile maintenance.
• Book value: the book value of the car, according to Kelly Blue book $13,141. I have also researched sale value of same vehicle with Cars.com and carmax.com and the average is $15,500
• Body: the car does have a few NYC parking scars. The front bumper has a small cut, which we have checked with our mechanic and they said is only cosmetic.
Price for CFSBK: $11,500
The price for the general public will be $13,100
if you're interested, please email me at mauricio AT acostadesign (dot) com or call me at 516 three 8 four 43 four one.
thank you
Andre – tell Monique there is nothing to worry about as long as she avoids Jay-Star.
A big welcome to those of you who came right out of Foundations and into Crush Week this week, and a special shout out to my pal Nora!
18:24 or 44. The OHS were all unbroken at 42#. I let it down on my head after the first round. Has anyone else ever done that? Beforehand, I worked up to a 62# snatch/ohs which is just off my pr.
Sad I'm missing Nancy!!
Dropped into The Foundry Printers Row Crossfit here in Chicago. VERY fun WOD, nice people, meh coaching.
4RFT, 28min cap
8 hang power snatch (65/95)
10 strict presses (65/95)
12 burpees with a bumper plate (25/45)
600m run
Scaled to 55# and came in from the last run about :30 after the time cap. Practiced some good self-talk and pacing again, and kept pace through the last two rounds. Snatches unbroken the first round then 4/4. Presses 5/5, 5/5, 4/3/3, 4/3/3. Just kept counting mini sets of 3 in burpees but didn't stop moving. Run was rest. Shoulders phew!
Worked up to 73 on the power snatch OHS combo.
Last time I did Nancy: 18:51 RX
Tonight: 16:49 RX
A little improvement 🙂 Broke them up 8-7 while resting the bar on my back. Next time, I'd like to be able to go unbroken.
Cashed out with some really nice AR. Very sore!
7:30 with Brett.
WOD RX in 15:33. I can't remember how I did on this in the past but I'm fairly sure I've done it?
Question of the Day *PR* We got THREE questions in 7:30 class with Brett it was one of the best classes of all time.
Decided to skip Nancy bc I didn't want to overdo it with my shoulder which is STILL feeling good after some tender PT care! My thumb however is not after yesterday's grippy workout. In addition to scaling down From American to Russian swings, I also should have scaled weight.
Did Short Circuit today and I absolutely LOVE this class! Hoping to work this in once a week.
on Friday
OHS Unbroken