5 Rounds for reps and load of:
1:00 Max Double Unders
:30 to attempt 1 Clean and Jerk
:30 Rest
You only get 1 attempt at each lift. If you miss your lift you get 0 lbs for that round.
Post total lbs lifted and total double unders to comments.
3 Attempts at:
Max Reps Push-Ups
Max Reps Strict Chin-Ups
Rest no more than 1 minute between each of the 6 sets. Hold the top of each push-up for a 2 count. If you don’t have at least 5 strict push-ups and 3 strict chin-ups you’ll scale to 3×10 of each with appropriate assists. Focus on perfect shoulder position at the top and bottom of each rep.
Post all 6 sets to comments.
Dr. Fiddler Takes To The Sea
“I’m glad we train as hard as we do at CFSBK. Otherwise, I don’t know if I would’ve been able to summon the strength to paddle out past the breaking waves in Playa Guiones, Nosara.”
Happy Birthday, Erica N!
Happy Belated Birthdays to: Noah OB (6th), Rahsaan C (7th), DH31 (9th)
CFSBK Book Club Reminder
For their second go-around, the CFSBK Book Club has chosen “The Sense of Ending” by J. Barnes for their read. If you’d like to join in, simply pick up the book and get reading. The club will be meeting at a bar or coffee shop to discuss the book on April 29th. About a week before the meet up an email will be sent out with questions about the text to consider before meeting up. To get on the email list for this and future events, please email Peggy at pjeanlouis1(at)gmail(dot)com
Book Description from Amazon
This intense new novel follows a middle-aged man as he contends with a past he has never much thought about—until his closest childhood friends return with a vengeance, one of them from the grave, another maddeningly present. Tony Webster thought he’d left all this behind as he built a life for himself, and by now his marriage and family and career have fallen into an amicable divorce and retirement. But he is then presented with a mysterious legacy that obliges him to reconsider a variety of things he thought he’d understood all along, and to revise his estimation of his own nature and place in the world.
A novel so compelling that it begs to be read in a single sitting, with stunning psychological and emotional depth and sophistication, The Sense of an Ending is a brilliant new chapter in Julian Barnes’s oeuvre.
Weightlifters are wanted to be part of filming for a new 2-hour special!
History Channel is looking to cast 20 fun, open-minded, healthy, experienced weightlifters to participate in a once-in a-lifetime event with world-renowned hypnotist Brad Henderson!
We’re also casting a crowd to watch and cheer along! (No hypnotizing involved.)
Apply only with full intent to participate. All weightlifters will be asked to sign an Appearance Release in the event they are chosen to participate in the televised special. There’s no payment but we will provide food and refreshments.
If you’re interested in taking part, you’ll need to email Weightlifters(at)sharpentertainment.com with a photograph, some information about yourself and your contact details and one of the producers will be in touch with you. You can also call 646-688-7913.
Where: Crossfit South Brooklyn
When: 4-8pm Sunday, April 22nd
** Finishing time is a rough approximation – it may run later.
“3 Years of CrossFit and This Is What I Have Learned” Sara Carr of CrossFit NYC
Don’t Make My Mistakes: The 10 Things I’ve Learned From Doing Crossfit Avery Wittkamp of CrossFit NYC (and CFSBK’s Platform)