Welcome Myla Willow Zimbler to the world! 6 lbs. 15.2 ounces. 21 inches
Congratulations to Brian Z (BAZ) and his wife Nora on the birth of their first child!
CFSBK Badass Report:
- Coach Jeremy hit his “2/3/4/5” (220 Press, 335 Bench, 435 Squat, 500 Deadlift)
- Martha S hit a 7lb Squa PR at 122lbs
- Chris P (CP) hit a 25lb Deadlift PR at 295lbs
- Noah B Got his Kipping Pull-Up Mojo
- Sarah LR got a 5lb Deadlift PR at 265lbs
- Kristen H (KH) hit a Double Under PR with 42 Reps Unbroken
- Jess B (J-Bails) also hit a Double Under PR with 50 Unbroken AND a 290lb Deadlift PR
- Ron W got his first 3 double unders linked together
- Lana Z got a 210 Deadlift PR, 85lb Clean and Jerk PR and 7 Strict Push-Ups
- Dan H (DH3) got a 10lb Press PR at 170lbs and an 8:43 Helen
- Sarah W (WORM) hit the leaderboard with a 7’1″ Standing Broad Jump
- Kyla also placed leaderboard with a 6’9″ Standing Broad Jump
Great work, Team SBK! If you’ve gotten better recently, share it with us on the gym Accomplishments Board! Also, a new month brings new short term goals. Next time you’re in the gym post how you’d like to get better this month on the Goals Board.
AskAthletes Contest
AskAthletes is running a contest on their Facebook page where you have 4 sentances to explain why you should win a free month to your CrossFit gym. CFSBK is participating in this event along with about 150 other affiliates. The winner of the contest wins 1 month of training at their gym. Give it a shot and see if you can win!
What is your current music obsession?
CrossFit and SAT Prep CrossFit Norcal
California Strength Preps for 2012 Weightlifting Nationals Youtube