If you’re following a linear progression add 1-5lbs as appropriate.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
30 Ball Slams
30 Box Jumps, Games Standard
1/3 Mile Run
30 Burpees
30 Pull Ups
There is no Rx for the Ball Slam or Box Jump today. Choose an Rx that will allow you to keep moving without needing to take much rest. 24″ is the cap on box height. The pull-ups should be scaled such that you can finish in 3-5 sets. If you’ve got pull-ups but 30 is too many, you can scale to 10, 15 or 20 reps. Ring Rows are another alternative.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congratulations to Andrew M who PR’d his Marathon this week with a 3:28:32 time!
Congratulations to Tom S who was recently appointed to the NYC Environmental Control Board as the Business Community Representative!
Attention Nerds*!
Specifically literary type nerds.. For their second go-around, the CFSBK Book Club has chosen “The Sense of Ending” by J. Barnes for their second read. If you’d like to join in, simply pick up the book and get reading. The club will be meeting at a bar or coffee shop to discuss the book on April 29th. To get on the email list for this and future events, please email Peggy at pjeanlouis1(at)gmail(dot)com
Book Description from Amazon
This intense new novel follows a middle-aged man as he contends with a past he has never much thought about—until his closest childhood friends return with a vengeance, one of them from the grave, another maddeningly present. Tony Webster thought he’d left all this behind as he built a life for himself, and by now his marriage and family and career have fallen into an amicable divorce and retirement. But he is then presented with a mysterious legacy that obliges him to reconsider a variety of things he thought he’d understood all along, and to revise his estimation of his own nature and place in the world.
A novel so compelling that it begs to be read in a single sitting, with stunning psychological and emotional depth and sophistication, The Sense of an Ending is a brilliant new chapter in Julian Barnes’s oeuvre.
*CFSBK is using “Nerd” as a term of endearment. In fact, most of CFSBK’s staff is part or whole Nerd!
Cleaning Service Needed
CFSBK recently lost both of our cleaning people. If you’re a fellow business owner and can recommend a cleaning service or person that can deal with some heavy duty (and light) commercial cleaning please contact David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn(dot)com. We usually do two deep-cleans, one on the weekend and the other mid week as well as 2-3 lighter cleans every other day. Help keep David’s anal retentive need for cleanliness in check! We provide fair wages y hablamos Español.
Pulled Hamstring TTMJ
New Book: Drop The Fat Act Precision Nutrition
Coach Glassman visits St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital CrossFit