Spend 15 Minutes Working Up to a touch and go Heavy Triple
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5 Rounds for time of:
7 Hang Power Cleans 115/75
7 Burpees
30 Double Unders
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Kipping Pull-Up Work Shop
Noah’s Kipping Pull-up workshop will be Sunday, March 18th at 1pm
Kipping pull-up require a significant amount of integrity in the shoulder girdle and as such this class requires a buy in of 1+ Strict Pull-Up (women) or 3 Strict Pull-Ups (men). The class will be a $10 drop-in and space is limited to 8 participants. Email Noah(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com to sign up, make sure to mention your max number of dead hang pull-up and issues you’ve had learning/perfecting the kip so he can better prepare to get you swinging smoothly.
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Amazing Acrobatics! The 5 Disciplines of Group Gymnastics
Why I Don’t “Got Milk” CrossFit West
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