Mackenzie C and Coach Nick at the CRASH-Bs
Congratulations to Teresa B. on getting 8 muscle-ups yesterday!
Upcoming Strength Cycle
Our latest strength cycle began in earnest yesterday. We’ll be continuing with the Wendler 5/3/1 for this cycle for the Squat, Press and Deadlift. Novice athletes will be doing 3×5 sets across for the lifts. The upcoming schedule is:
Monday: Constantly Varied Functional Movements at High Intensity
Wednesday: Squat+Conditioning/Accessory Work
Thursday: Press+Conditioning
Saturday: 2012 Open Sectionals WOD
Sunday: Deadlift+Conditioning
Athletes continuing with the Wendler 5/3/1 will add 5-10lbs to their training maxes if they made all of their rep outs.
2012 Open Sectionals Clarification
We now have over 40 athletes registered to compete in the CF Games Open Sectionals! We wanted to clear up a couple of points so everyone knows what’s going on with the Open:
1. Everyone interested in competing in the 2012 Open Sectionals must register with CrossFit HQ via the 2012 Games website. If you are going to compete in the 2012 NYC Open competition (which you must register for separately) you must STILL register on via CrossFit HQ. To register to compete in the Open Sectionals Click Here.
2. We will be doing the WODs as our group class programming on Saturdays during the Open. This will give all of our athletes whether competing or not an opportunity to complete the Sectionals WODs. Scaling options will be available for those not registered to compete.
3. Athletes do not have to compete in the NYC Open Series CrossFit Competition to do the WODs. The event is a great opportunity to do the WODs in a competitive environment with Crossfitters from all over the NYC. For full details on the 2012 NYC Open Series as well as registration information check HERE.
Stolen from HQ’s Facebook page: Tell your CrossFit story in 10 words or less
Intros to the Open CrossFit
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