For Time:
Row 50 Calories
21 Kipping Pull-Ups
Row 40 Calories
21 Wall Ball Shots, 20lb 10’/14lb 9′
Row 30 Calories
21 Kipping Pull-Ups
Row 20 Calories
21 Wall Ball Shots, 20lb 10’/14lb 9′
For Time:
Row 50/40 Calories
21 Ring Jumping Pull-Ups or 10 Strict Pull-Ups
Row 40/30 Calories
21 Wall Ball Shots
Row 30/20 Calories
21 Ring Jumping Pull-Ups or 10 Strict Pull-Ups
Row 20/10 Calories
21 Wall Ball Shots
Post time and Rx to comments.
Sergey B takes the Jerry Cans for a stroll
The Farmer’s Walk
Check out this short video from Elite FTS on The Farmer’s Walk Set Up and Execution. You can also check out Dan John’s article on “The Secret of Loaded Carries” for more related reading. Then check out Matt Gonzalez carry 700lbs for 50ft and this little carry slightly less.
Dude, Where’s My 1RM?
By Coach Jeremy
Everyone has had the experience: it’s the 2nd attempt of a Crossfit total or your working up to a new 1RM on singles day, you load up the bar with a weight equal to you your existing 1RM, you get psyched up, unrack the bar, go into the hole, and……nothing. It doesn’t come back up. Why? Did you get weaker? Are you doing something wrong? Why can’t you do what you’ve already done?
Think of a 1RM not so much as a measure of strength capacity but as an act of strength performance. Veteran lifters will speak of owning a weight versus hitting a weight. Owning a weight means that you can get under a bar just about anytime you want and move that weight (assuming a proper warm-up and having not done back-to-back hero WOD’s that week). Hitting a weight is a much less reproducible feat. It means that on a day where you felt good, were well rested, timed your eating properly, had your weight belt sitting just right, heavenly bodies were aligned properly, and you managed not to fuck anything up, you were able to squeeze out a higher weight than ever before. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that a weight that you have only hit isn’t something that you can just do on command. It’s an act of strength and will; repeating it doesn’t just happen. No sprinter expects to hit a PR every time they run a given distance, not in competition and especially not in training. There is no reason to just assume that every time you get under a barbell you’re going to PR.
We should also consider that not every one’s best event in lifting is the 1RM. Consider again, sprinting. All sprinters are fast, that’s why they are sprinters. However sprinters have different specialties, some are better in a 60m dash, others are better at the quarter mile. If we took a random group of sprinters and tested their best times at a series of distances, say 60m, 100m, 200m, and 400m, we would probably find that the rankings would look very similar across the events: the faster runners would tend to do well at all of them. However, you would also expect to see some shuffling of rankings based upon the individual strengths of the sprinters. Some are better at accelerating, some run the turns well, some finish well, etc. To bring this back to lifting, imagine a group of powerlifters from the same weight class. If you tested their 1RM, 3RM, and 5RM squat you would see something very similar: The strongest lifters would tend to be at the the top of each ranking, however you would also see some move up or down the leader board as the reps changed based upon their individual characteristics. This is relevant to us because the better you are at an event, the 3RM versus the 1RM for instance, the more likely you are able to reproduce your best effort. We should test our strength at 3RM’s and 5RM’s for precisely the same reason that Track and Field tests more than just the 100m dash as a measure of speed.
Weighlifting, Powerlifting and Crossfit Total’s are all tests of 1RM. This isn’t because 1RM’s are magical, it’s just that they are easier to quantify, they are the highest weights (and everyone wants to see big weights), so they lend themselves to being tested. All this being said there is certainly nothing wrong with going after 1RM’s and when game day comes, you want to break some records. Set yourself up for success by working hard at a good program, resting up in the days leading to the event and getting your head inside your lift when you get under the bar. Once the day’s lifting is over, let it go. A sprinter isn’t suddenly slow on the day they don’t PR; you’re not weak on the day you don’t either. Allow for the fact that not everyday you try to PR is going to be the perfect day to demonstrate that amount of strength.
Survival of the Fittest: The Future of CrossFit’s Innovative Model Huffington Post
Let Me Tell You About CrossFit
an hour of squash, then hit the iron den. Got a bit more aggressive on my deadlifts Even after all of that running around, deadlifts ended up feeling great. need to work on grip more. a couple of months off and I can feel it. Presses. I think I've lost more in my press than any other lift, but it will come back.
Anyone interested in purchasing the last two months of my meat CSA share? It's a 15# mix beef, pork, and chicken for $125 a month.
If so, please email me at katie dot mohrhauser at gmail.
Lovely 6am with D.O. Pre-workout I was estimating this was a 12min WOD. Finished in 13:43 Rx. The pull-ups were remarkably tough after the rowing. D.O. was shouting for the pull-ups to be done unbroken. Ha! Did manage the wall-balls unbroken. Accessory dumbbell press: 40×8, 45×8 and 45×8.
Fun WOD – 11:33 running. Pull-ups were probably a lot easier without the rowing beforehand!
Still getting my lungs back I guess so I felt a little sluggish on the runs. Pull-ups were unbroken, broke the wallball into two sets on the last round
Double post:
Yesterday – 8 PM with Noah and McDowell. 285# on the high bar back squat (did one at 305# but Noah wasn't sure that I had enough depth, so I'm calling it a no rep). 2 rounds + 400m + 2 burpee box jumps on the WOD – shared a 24" box and had a little trouble finding a rhythm with my partner but I feel like I pushed myself adequately on the runs, so I was happy.
Today – 7 AM with D.O. 15:59 with rowing (had the opportunity to run instead of row but chose the latter because I enjoy it less). Really need to work on cycling kipping pull-ups – I'm still holding myself up at the top and it's slowing me down considerably. Wall balls felt pretty good – broke them up 7/7/7 but probably could have gone 11/10.
I haven't posted in a while, I just realized. Today's workout was super fun, especially since I missed yesterday and haven't been in since Monday's deadlifts. It's so completely amazing how much more speed and power I have in my hips and legs now as opposed to pretty much any other time in my life. Just getting this amount of volume in on a consistent basis is awesome. 16:38 with 21 jumping pull ups as opposed to kippings. Was able to do the wall balls 11/10 on the first set and unbroken on the second set. The row was hard as always but my form felt really good and I was able to keep it consistent. Was thinking of Coaches Nick and Josh both telling me to go for that really long reach on the recovery, and it really got my numbers down. Can't wait to squat tomorrow. 🙂
12pm with the one and only Jess Fox.
Been feeling pretty sluggish recently and the last few days has felt pretty good. Did the WOD rx'd at 12:38 and am pretty happy. Surprised I broke the 2nd set of pull ups into as many sets as i did (4) but equally surprised I did both wall ball sets unbroken.
FYI, we have a few slots left for Fight Gone Bad in order to make full teams. If you are interested and didn't get to sign up, please email me ASAP at cfsbkfgb(at)gmail(dot)com.
P.S. Everyone that signed up for Fight Gone Bad (not FGBelated) should have received an email indicating your team and teammates. If you didn't please also email me and let me know ASAP.
Fight Gone Belated folks will get an email soon.
Yesterday am:
Bench – 205x6x3
Pull Aparts – Red x 15×6
GHR – 3×10
DB Uni Press – 55x8x3
V-Ups – 3×10
Today afternoon lifts
Snatch + Hang Snatch
Power Clean and Jerk
BTN Press
HB Squat
High bar squats are starting to feel hectic, but they are still moving.
Aloha from Crossfit Kona on the Big Island. We joined a 9am class at this cozy little box. We did Wendler back squats and the WOD was 400m run followed by 30-20-10 wall balls and med ball cleans. Great workout quads are burning. Tomorrow we're going scuba diving and then hiking through Volcano Nat'l Park. Saturday we fly to Oahu where we plan on checking out Crossfit 808 in Honolulu.
Wow that was brutal! On the plus side I did a lot better rowing for calories than I have in the past. Cranked up the damper a bit and concentrated on pulling hard and recovering slow and smooth. Seemed to average about 4 calories every 5 pulls.
Finished in 13:48 with 20# wall balls and KPU. Amazing how much more taxing both movements felt after the rows, compared to the KPU during Lynne or even the wall balls during the wb/run workout a couple weeks back.
Did the db presses at 40# after 35# felt too easy and managed to squeeze them all out without losing too much stability.
I feel like I cheated my way out of a bad one tonight.
6pm with McDowell and lady fox. It was a big class and I threw my arm up before Jess could finish asking for running volunteers. I couldn't sleep last night. Was awake at midnight to see what today would hold, of course I had a nightmare that I was on an old fashioned erg that had this crazy thick coil that kept pulling me back in, as a result my machine wasn't reading calories? When I finally got to 40, 42 actually, I somehow remembered that it was for 80 calories.
Got through it in 12:18. I did jumping pull ups and wimped out with a 10lb ball. I practiced with the 14 for a little bit afterwards. I really wish there was a 12, but I think I'm allowing myself to graduate to the big girl ball next time.
Worked on the 17.5# db for 3×8. I felt shakey and was not always keeping my ribs down. I have to work on upper body strength.
Another fun class 🙂 per usual…..
18:06 RX'd
1st wb round was 11/5/5, 2nd was 6/7/4/4.
DL's at 17.5 lbs. A little wobbly on the last rep. Rowing continues to get better and better. It's crazy how far I've come and I love it. Super excited for FGB. More so for the matching outfits than the actual workout….
8 p.m. with Jess Fox and McDowell. Did the WOD in 12:59 rx. Really thought the wall balls were going to be the worst, but I managed the first set unbroken. Lost it a bit on the second, and put the ball down once. The low point was definitely the second set of pullups and then climbing back on the erg.
i did not like this today, not at all, but i'm glad i did it anyways. 16:55 rx. 45# db after.
I did this today (Friday) man it was hard.
My legs have been feeling very gassed lately as I have upped my squat weight over 200 pounds now which is something considering my start at crossfit a little over a year and 4 months was 75 pounds.
Thanks to McDowell for the encouragement on the last 20 cals rowed and 21 wallballs.
Dropping the weight to 16 pounds certainly helped with the 16:09 finish. I think if I went for the 10 strict pullups over the 21 kipping I also would have been faster.