Snatch Complex
Every Minute on the Minute x 10:
2 Hip Power Snatches
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
AMRAP 30 Minutes:
800m Run
40 Russian Kettlebell Swings
20 Burpee Box Jumps
Steady effort today. Aim to keep moving for the whole 30 minutes. Should be in the vicinity of 3 to 5 rounds.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Here’s Ayana, one of our CrossFit Kids and daughter of longtime CFSBKers Noor and Samir, putting those kid muscles to good use while climbing at The Gunks!
CrossFit Kids and Teens at CFSBK
Our CrossFit youth programs emphasize physical development through games and age-appropriate “workouts.” Most importantly, we’re all about having FUN! Think of it like the gym class you wish you had growing up!
Developing a positive association between fitness, physical activity, and the joy of movement is the primary goal of our programs. Our Preschool and Kids classes are comprised of games, obstacle courses, relay races, basic gymnastics, and other engaging physical activities. The Preteens program is focused on building strength, stamina, endurance, and grit. Teens class begin to look more like CrossFit with basic weight training, calisthenics, and conditioning workouts.
Days & Times
CF Preschool (3-4 years old): Sundays, 10am – 11am
CF Kids (5-7 years old): Sundays, 11am – 12am
CF Preteens (8-11 years old): Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:30pm – 5:30pm
CF Teens (12-17 years old): Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:30pm – 5:30pm
We also offer CrossFit Kids birthday parties! For more info, click the button below.
CrossFit youth classes are open to all kids within the appropriate age groups. For questions about our Preschool and Kids programs, contact Coach David. For questions about our Teens program, please contact Coach Jess.
Email DavidEmail Jess
Yesterday’s Results Board: Partner WODs
Back Pain and Back Strength Starting Strength
Is Reality Real? Kurzgesagt (video)