Mid-Hang Snatch
Work up to a heavy Mid-Hang Snatch for the day.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
100 Alternating Leg Dumbbell Overhead Reverse Lunges 50/35
200 Double-Unders
100 Sit-Ups
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
The Lunges are Single-Arm Overhead and should be split evenly between the left and right arm. Perform a set of 10 Alternating Reverse Lungs with the dumbbell held overhead in the left arm, then switch arms and perform a set of 10 with the dumbbell held overhead in the right arm. Repeat for 5 sets each arm to complete the 100 total reps. Scale load to be able to complete sets of 10 reps unbroken, or to the front rack as needed. Scaling for Dubs is 300 Singles or 50 attempts. The Kettlebell Swings should be heavy for you, but unbroken on the top end.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Joy M. putting the “Box Jump” in “Burpee Box Jumps” | Photo by Thomas H.
The 4th Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Lecture and Q&A is today at 12pm in the Annex. I’m soooo hungry… What healthy snacks can I have? Do you struggle with mid-afternoon hunger or late night munchies? In this lecture we’ll dig in a bit to see why and learn a few strategies for dealing with it.
Yesterday’s Results Board: WODurday
A Before-School Exercise Program May Help Children Thrive NY Times
How Much Is Enough? Finding Your Perfect Workout Frequency BarBend
2-3 sets @Z1 effort
3 wall walk
10 band pass throughs
10 band pulls
12 glute bridges
kipping HSPU Practice
-kick up
-tripod w/kick
6 sets with a partner @aer pace
50 double unders
10 burpee box jump overs
15/12 cal row
2.5 mile recover jog. Untimed and slow as shit. Snow was RX.
Short Circuit – felt sluggish and slow. Blame this on nutrition bc I see that I shorted myself on carbs the day before.
Metcon – did this at home. 35# front racked and this was the hard part. Been working on double unders so that was fine.
Around 18:00 in total.
10am with Lauren
Worked up to 65.5# on midhang snatch. Things were feeling heavy today and I was dragging a bit, so really just was trying to drill in good form. Fell on my butt at least once in the process.
WOD in 15:16. Used 20# db in front rack position rather than overhead, Single unders, and yellow kettlebell.
AR with Fox after = always a good decision.
10am with Fox & lots of the 7am crew!
Mid-hang snatch: 63×3, 73×2, 83, 88, 93, 98 (pr)
I failed one at either 93 or 98, but I didn’t have my notebook. I forgot how it can be soooo much better to work from the hang and have less opportunity to get in poor position pulling off the floor. Good cue from Fox about dropping too early; I do this quite a bit, overeager to get to the bottom and not fully extending up first. 98 felt pretty good – 8# pr from the hang and matches my snatch 1RM. Drama-free so I feel like there’s room for more!
WOD: 16:20ish with 35# DB, scaled 50dus, 24kg bell
Overhead lunges were hard – failed one rep on the left, elbow just buckled. DUs were a little less miserable than last time – couldn’t string many together, but had an OK single-single-double thing. Hardest part was sit ups!!! My neck did NOT like it. KB swings unbroken.
Cashout: Thought about squats, but realized I have a day off tomorrow, so I have time! Went to 608 & did ~5-6 strict pull-ups every minute or so. Finallyyyyy got the first one yesterday, so time to build! Long, sunny walk with the doggo after that. Sunday 🙂
omg and that should say 1 pull up every minute or so for 5-6min. lifetime total is now like…10. lol
Dude! Snatch PR and pull-up PR in one weekend!!! Crushing it!!!
heh I read your write-up and thought “damn she went from a single to 5-per-minute!!”. Congrats on the PRs!
Strict pull-ups WOOT! Go Kate!
1pm class
Mid Hang Snatch
Metcon Rx’d in 16:20
I wore the wrong shirt (apparently) for doing dubs…the discomfort was real.
Today was…a struggle. But I felt great afterward, so there’s a win. 🙂
1pm with Lauren
Mid Hang Snatch: definitely still working on making these feel better while working up the strength. Began practicing with 25lb, worked up to 40lb snatches. Such an awkward movement and currently my hands don’t want to grip the bar that way – but Lauren provided lots of helpful tips. Thanks!
WOD: Finished the situp portion at the 16:00 cutoff, did not make it to RKBS.
100 alt r lunges with 15lb overhead.
200 single unders
100 situps (just in time)
9am with the Foxes
Hang snatch – worked up to 145 and felt pretty easy. Ties my PR from the hang.
WOD – 75 situps Rx at 16 minute cap. Lunges were fine but I blew up on DU again. After two sets of 25 I went to sets of 10-15 with just too much rest. Situps felt awful after those DU.
10am group class with Fox
mid hang snatch:
65×3, 85×2, 95, 105, 115, 120, 125#
125 is definitely a PR from the hang (and about 90% of snatch rm). actually, 120 probably was too. wasn’t expecting anything special today but just felt speedy and solid so kept going up. focus for the day: no hesitation and being connected to the bar for strong receiving position.
WOD in 11:54 RX’d
happy with this!
lunges were great, switching every 10 reps. tried changing overhead but it was weird so just set it down. quickly back up through the first 50-60 reps and then maybe :05 of rest between the later sets. legs felt this! shoulders were fine.
DU: 50-40-30-11-19? I think?
sit ups: 50 unbroken then maybe 2 more breaks after that? this got tough on my neck and just lasted much longer than i wanted it to.
kb swings: 25-15-10. could i have done two sets? yes. just didn’t feel like going there today!
7 min bike cooldown + 20 min CARs (wrist, ankle, hip) and stretching.
1pm with Ro.
Worked up to 103# in the hang snatch.
I’ve had some key feedback from Ro today and from Frank during weightlifting club which has really helped me to improve my snatch technique. Ultimately I need to think ‘explosive tap dance with a narrower grip’. Boom! Whatever works!
Metcon in 17:30 RX
Even though i have a new zen type approach to Double Unders which really helps me, they still fell apart during this workout. Got through everything eventually! Tomorrow is going to be interesting!
1pm with Arturo
Today was interesting. Pretty sure I had both my best and worst snatches today. Worked up to a successful 52lb snatch 🙂 Then tried for 54.5 and totally caved in, went back down to 52 a couple times after that and things just didn’t feel right. Arturo reminded me to keep my eyes straight ahead, land a little bit lower, and to keep the bar close, all of which felt like much needed advice. Feel like as I got tired the bar went in all kinds of wacky places, despite best efforts. Gotta work on that straight line! Still was happy overall with how things are progressing. The drop down definitely feels more aggressive/less awkward than it used to a few months ago. I feel like I’m starting to get some muscle memory for these movements so that I don’t have to consciously think about every step like I used to. Shoutout to Shawn for the tips and encouragement. Will definitely try for the bigger plates next time so I don’t have to worry as much about failing and bailing.
At 16 min, I hit the time cap at about 70 or so sit ups. I used a 15lb db for the overhead lunges which was waaaaay harder than expecting, though oddly I think it was less about the weight and more about my general lop-sided-ness and awkwardness around lunges. I scaled the DUs to attempts, and tried to do as many as I could in 3-4 min (I think I got up to something like 15 failed attempts). My legs felt like total jello after the lunges so my attempts were especially bad. Still have yet to unlock the mysteries of a double under. Someday! Situps were easy-peasy for the first 15 or so, and then became nearly impossible very quickly. I had to break them up to just sets of 5 towards the end. Shoutout to Daniel for quitely cheering me on during the situps, even while he was still in the midst of his own workout.
You were rocking those snatches today, Sarah! The workout encouragement was for both of us – definitely the “let’s go!”s that helped me keep going too…
So glad you’re posting here more, and congrats on powering through everything today! My lunges are equally lopsided and weird and I don’t ever feel like they’re right. Ugh. Maybe we should go to OG and practice together.
😀 always game for some lunge practice with ya!
1pm with Arturo
Hang Snatch up to 135, failed a couple times at 145 but it felt good, was definitely in the “I got this weight” territory. Should have tried 140, but alas no time.
Metcon 332 reps at 16min cap, with 35lb DBs. Decided, against coach’s advice, that this would be a DU workout for me, since I need to practice them for the Open, and I wanted to see how I’d do with one very large set of DUs. 7min for the lunges (35lbs was still heavy, 50lbs would have been a nightmare), then another 7min to get the 200 DUs.
2pm AG
Kipping HSPU practice was great – I think I’m better at being stable at the triangle, and I managed to do some kick-ups for the first time!
Metcon with C(h?)ristine in about 19min and change. Didn’t keep track of time for the rounds, and needless to say she was a lot faster then me 🙂 Her BBJO were a work of art, barely grazing the box and landing softly, as opposed to my loud clang-and-bang going up and down. Appreciated doing even more DUs here, and realized that my limit is currently around 20-ish – more than that and I become a lot slower than everyone else (e.g. the 200 earlier in the day). The (strict) HSPUs during the workout were super hit and miss, as the shoulders were getting super tired.
Excited for a day off tomorrow, maybe I can even fit some Short Circuit into my day!
Fun metcon-ing with you today, Daniel (and nice to finally officially meet you 🙂 )!!
Couldn’t make it in time for group class but just squeaked in for AG!
Super stoked to have gotten my first kipping HSPU – I am in general horrified by the concept of being upside down, and in the past I’ve kind of just avoided doing it. When I joined AGS last fall I could not do kickups reliably and got so shaky nervous about the whole endeavor that the prospect of lowering myself, let alone coordinating things enough to kip, seemed impossible. A loooot still to work on but this is definite progress – thanks to Ro for his patience and always spot-on coaching.
Fun partnering with Daniel on the metcon. Scaled to 25 DUs per round, slowly getting better at doing these under duress. Push presses instead of HSPUs – after doing 30# in the first round gave myself a little mental kick in the pants and did the second and third at 35#. I’m not sure how many anythings I can realistically do with 35# overhead but it was good practice!
yes, Christine! Congrats on that HSPU!!!
Hang Snatch: 63-68-73-78-83-88-93F-93-98x3F
Haven’t done a full snatch with some weight on the bar in a long time. Happy the weight didn’t feel heavy on any of the reps- just gotta work on my form. Let the bar get out in front of me and my arms were too soft on the attempts at 98#. Got under the bar with no problems though so I’m right there.
WOD in 15:53 with 130DUs
Wish I had looked at the board to see that ppl went over the time cap bc I would have done the full volume of DUs.
Lunges: Once I figured how to balance and coordinate these properly the OH part was fine- my legs were the limiter here! So tired!
DUs: the first 40 took me 2 minutes bc I kept tripping and only getting 5 at time! After rep 40, I was able to get bigger sets in but stopped after doing these for 4 minutes.
Situps: steady and no rest needed. We’ve been doing a ton of ab work in AGS.
Swings: 30-20
AGS then group class
WOD: 25:10
Had NO energy for the WOD. Felt exhausted after tons of strict and heavy, low rep DB work.
Run: first one took 4 minutes which is good for me, second one took 6 minutes!!!!! and the last was slightly better. Wish I had read Azam’s post to motivate me on that measly 1.5 mile run!
Pullups: 9-8-8, 7-6-6-6 for round 2 and 3. Happy to be able to maintain largish sets but needed rest in between each bc my shoulders were smoked from AGS.
OHS: 13-12, 15-10, unbroken.
Realized on the last round this was more mental than anything else so just pushed through it.
You’re a hero for doing that metcon after doing AGS. Not sure how your arms had enough power left…
Anyone know when this crussfit movie is supposed to come out? I need some open hype in my life.