Push Jerk
Work up to a heavy set of 5 Push Jerks. No splits. Barbell comes off the floor.
Post loads to comments.
Dumbbell “DT”
5 Rounds for Time:
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts 50/35
9 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans 50/35
6 Dumbbell Push Presses 50/35
Post time and Rx to comments.
Join the 2018 CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition!
For the 3rd year in a row, CFSBK is organizing a friendly, in-house intramural team competition during the CrossFit Open. This competition aims to promote a healthy community rivalry and provide motivation for all Open competitors to perform their best each week! Participation is voluntary, and those who wish to participate will be split into balanced teams with team captains assigned by CFSBK management. Team scores will be compiled at the close of each week by the captains using an average team ranking. Last year, we had more than 70 CFSBK athletes compete in this in-house competition. We’re hoping to surpass that number this year, but we need everyone to sign up by the end of the day!
You may perform the workouts scaled or Rx’d, whichever is most appropriate for you. Since we will be using overall team ranking as the score, performing workouts Rx’d will be more valuable to your team than performing them scaled, regardless of how many reps you get. This dovetails with the intention of the Open: to attempt as many workouts Rx’d as you can while scaling when necessary.
The Open workouts will be programmed for Saturday group class each week, which provides team members the opportunity to complete the workouts on Friday and Saturday during group class or Saturday and Sunday during Open Gym. However, if you must miss a workout (due to travel, injury, illness, etc.), it won’t necessarily negatively affect your team’s score, because the score will be an average of top submitted scores for each week.
Teams are encouraged to attend the same group class, wear matching outfits/t-shirts (we’ll assign each team a color), and trash talk. If the competition results in a tie at the end of the Open, there will be a head-to-head team throw-down. Teams will be invited to compete against each other every week during a super-fun, good-vibez, open-to-all Friday Night Lights event.
This isn’t mandatory, so if you want to do the Open workouts without joining the intramural competition, you can. If you are interested in joining an Intramural Team, fill out this survey by midnight tonight!
You must be officially registered for the CrossFit Open to compete in the Intramural Team Competition, so go here to sign up if you haven’t already! Please remember to sign up for the CrossFit South Brooklyn affiliate and team on the Games site!
We’re shooting to have 200 CFSBK members sign up for the Open, which starts THIS THURSDAY! Right now we’re at 139. Can we get to 150 by the end of the day? Let’s do it!
Upcoming Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Cycles!
BJJ Fundamentals (8 spots available)
- 8 week cycle: 2/25/18 – 4/22/18 (no class on 3/25)
- Sundays from 1:30pm-3:00pm
- Details and registration here!
BJJ Level 2 (8 spots available for each)
- 4 week cycle: 2/25/18 – 3/18/18
- Sundays at 3-4:30pm -or- 4:30-6pm
- Details and registration for 3:00-4:30pm here!
- Details and registration for 4:30pm-6:00pm here!
Open Mat (only for Level 2 members)
- 4 week cycle: 2/25/18 – 3/18/18
- Tuesdays at 4-6pm.
- Level 2 members can add Open Mat time for additional $40 per month. Please see our front desk staff for this add-on.
- Non-members can drop in at $25 per class.
- RSVP is required as there is a 6 person cap. Please view our calendar and select your date to RSVP.
For more info on our BJJ classes, see the program page. Feel free to contact Callie with any questions at calmesefreeman [at] gmail.com.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Lunges, Double-Unders, Sit-Ups, KB Swings
Train Less to Gain More? HIIT Explained Breaking Muscle
Ron Gets Fit CrossFit Journal
2.5 mile untimed jog to the gym. Morning temps are sooooo good right now for these.
8:00 group
Push Jerks are interesting. The bar can both feel weightless and like you’re lifting a bear. If you don’t get under it just right, it’s crazy. Then you throw one up and it breaks the fans it’s so light. They also make me miss push pops and sweets.
Dumbbell DT
Points of performance – Don’t listen to Brett say “this will be terrible” right before you start. I mean, it was, but I didn’t want to know that going into it.
7:02 with 40#
I personally think the best place to break is between the cleans and the presses. When I didn’t rest there, all of my pushes were wobbly and scary!
Dropped in at CrossFit Lumos in Austin with Coach Noah!! So fun. The gym is amazing and the workout crushed me, lol! He’s done a great job with the space and everything!
Worked up to a heavy 3 on Deadlift:
133×3, 153×3, 173×3, 193×2… failed last rep. All T&G. Noah said my left arm came away from me a bit on rep 2– correcting it might have taken away some power for the third rep. 205 is my 1rm. Maybe I can do 210 now.
Today’s wod (aka Torture):
7 min AMRAP wallballs with 5 deadlifts (153#) EMOM
Dear lord I am horrible at wallballs. Deadlifts were hard and I probably spent too much time on them. I was still crushed after.
Then, wanted to do Dumbbell DT after for practice. Ended up revising that choice to 3 rounds. Then quit after 2, haha! 🙁 The push presses were very hard.
I tried to convince Noah to do it with me but he chose not to. Fox, I think you have the Open win over Noah in the bag!!! 😉 haha! He was complaining about being sore from a soccer game!
What a trickster…Might just be trying to throw me off and make me lose focus…
7 AM with Ro
Worked up to 59.5 on the push jerks. Wondering if there’s ever going to be a day when my arms aren’t sore.
WOD in 7:22 @ 17.5#. This felt light, but I tried it with 20s and my arms screamed on the power cleans so I backed off.
Not even gonna front, I was planning to come to 8 AM today and changed my mind once I saw dumbbell DT on there.
Short Circuit was great though! Got up to 40#x10 on the DB bench press, and then pretended the 30# slam ball was my most annoying client. Boy, was that satisfying.
Can’t make class tomorrow or Wednesday, so came early and squatted a bit:
5x 45, 95, 125, 145, 155, 165.
8 AM class with Brett:
Push Jerks: 95/105/115/125/135. the 135’s weren’t great- all slight right arm press-outs.
Metcon in 4:48 @35#. 5 sets of 27 reps.
Didn’t trust myself to hold up that well- should have gone heavier.
Sunday’s work- 8 AM with Jess:
Hang power snatches up to 103#. Too floaty- need to be much faster.
Chipper in 12:33 Lunges @15#, 300 single unders (280/20 as planned) and 32k swings.
10am HUGE class with Brett
Worked up to 73 on push jerks, which were hard but definitely doable. Felt good about form overall but need to keep movement snappy even when it gets heavy (my challenge across all the things).
WOD in 6:21 with 20# dbs. Was very happy with this. Glad Brett challenged us to hold the dumbbells and go right into the deadlifts after the push presses—that helped push me and break at the right points.
2 questions:
1) every dumbbell clean made me feel like I’m going to have bruises on my shoulder. I wasn’t whacking them or anything but it also didn’t feel like the best contact at the top of the clean. Tips? Thoughts?
2) in the open for scaled version, does it matter if you do their scale weight or what is best for you?
For the Open, it’s their scaled weight. And IMHO you’ll be fine!
8am class with Brett
Worked up to 98# on push jerks- need to work on bracing my midsection and keeping my elbows up. 63×5, 73×5, 78×5, 88×5, 98×6.
Dumbbell DT was truly awful to me. When 9am came around, I actually asked Brett if there was a time cap that could save me from this workout, which I’ve never done before (and truly have never wanted to!) There was not, so I pushed through in 10 mins, Rx. Getting those 35# DB’s overhead was extremely difficult for me, and if DB thrusters come up in the open I’ll probably have to scale it.
Then 9am Short Circuit, which was super fun as always! Having Kate and Daniel in my group was full of jokes and high fives, which meant I could have probably pushed myself harder…but it was more fun this way 🙂
Makeup post for Snatch Sunday:
Really focused on form, so didn’t try to go too heavy. Which was hard, witnessing Kate Tk right in front of me just PR-ing all over the place! I think I worked up to 83#, which I did 2-3 times.
WOD: Rx weight with 300 single-unders, in 15:40.
I went in attempting to do 50 DU attempts, but after about 5 tries with no luck, moved to singles. KB swings done unbroken! The lunges were awful, and made me very aware that my left side is nowhere near as balanced as my right! Nearly tumbled right over the first time I switched sides.
Finally – I wanted to mention here that I did my very first bouldering competition on Saturday at BKB and got 7th in my division! Went to Whit’s yoga class right before the comp to warm up, which really helped.
Talk about CF as functional fitness- I’m not super lightweight and don’t have the long limbs that typically give climbers a pretty good advantage, but I truly believe that Crossfit gives me the strength and mobility to make up for it. I was able to muscle up a lot of the overhang/cave problems (climbing horizontally, all core!) and on the 45-degree incline walls with no issue. Just a year ago I would have never been able to. I also have pretty good grip strength, which I feel can be owed to all the barbell/dumbell work we do?
Overall, a wonderful fitness-filled long weekend!
I thought your snatches were looking good! And Jaime!!! How cool about your bouldering comp! Congrats 🙂
Congrats on the competition Jamie! That’s so cool!
Jamie you were absolutely rocking it today with the 35lb dumbbells! Congrats on tackling that Rx, and *congrats* on your competition!
yaaas! congrats Jaime!
wow way to go, jaime!
Awesome on the bouldering comp! I aspire to be like you and have the confidence to do that!!
Thanks everybody!!
10 am with Brett and Arturo and then just Ro because I like football.
Worked up to a heavy set of 5 push jerks at 83 lbs aka my old one rep max! I attempted 88 but failed either my 3rd or 4th when my arms went all gumby under the bar. Then the dumbbell DT. Darn me. I’ve been telling myself lately that the 20lb dumbbell is too light for workouts but today I tested the 25 and the cleans were hard so I grabbed the 20s yet again. 6:39 – not lightening paced but I should have gone heavier and taken a slower time.
Yesterday at 1:00 with Ro
Those mid hang snatches got better after a cue from Ro to be more patient pulling. I kept the weight at 62 because I could really feel the difference in timing. Then that workout. Again too light with a 15 lb dumbbell. Tried to just keep larger sets moving to make up for the poor weight decision. 20/20/10s then 5 with fairly quick switches. 50 DUAs with a new speed rope that I’m not used to yet so I didn’t string too many together. I feel like I’m good at sit ups but then everyone passes me by – I must just be a slower sitter upper than it feels like I am. KB swings with 20kg. 30 unbroken then more than 10 then the rest of them. 16:37
Then AG
Kipping HSPU practice felt good and it was great to be in a class with so many making great strides – Christine, Lauren, Daniel…. I got in a few with no ab mats and they felt good but I’m not sure how many I can string together with none. I was still a little beat from class so I did 6 instead of 10 BBJOs in the workout and still felt like I had to jump to that 20″ box with all my might and strength. Fun stuff in AG – always! I miss the Tuesday night gang but I’ve had so many work obligations on Tuesdays.
8am class
Jerks up to 205
Last rep at 205 was def “CrossFitty”, slight press out.
Metcon Rxd in 6:11
Hard AF. Tried to do it as EMOM but the minutes must’ve gotten longer.
8am with Fox!
Push jerk: 63, 73, 83, 93, 98, 103
Should have skipped 98 and made the 5# jump after 103. Still learning how to stagger weights and rest during open lifting time like this. Felt ok & like I was using my legs though!
Nightmare WOD in 10:20ish? Had to break the push presses into 3-3 each round. Lots of staring at dbs on the ground.
9am short circuit after
Sandbagged the warm up/strength work (sorry, Brett!). Loved the circuit. Felt good to just keep sweating & moving.
Cashout: BREAKFAST (featuring biscuits!) and another good walk around with doggo.
Have a day off and Thaisa is working all day so a loooong day at the gym! (aka “a Karl”)
9am Short Circuit
A ton of fun as always, and super shoulder-y which I appreciate (“no DB thrusters!!!” as Kate puts it). Took it easy on the grippy stuff to save for metcon. Fun burpee sprinting and trying to pace Jamie. I think 18min circuits are the right duration for a pre-group-class SC.
10am group class with Brett
Push jerk up to 175, really focusing on cycling them well and going up and down in a straight line. Didn’t push the weight.
DBDT 8:15min Rx. I was actually excited for this, but it wasn’t great – I realized I don’t know how to cycle heavy DB cleans, which meant a lot of weird reverse curls and some near failures where the DB almost slipped. DL and PP were no problem, it was really the cleans.
11am mobilization break
11:30am coffee break at Ninth Street
12pm open gym
Clean 1RM test: made it to 240lbs, a 20lb PR. This retest was overdue, as I had hit 220lbs as a power clean recently. This wasn’t a pretty lift, but I got some video and there’s a ton of stuff to get better – the bar is plenty high, need to get down faster and need to keep chest up on the front squat. Then… Fitaid + fitaid baby food break. Then…
5 rounds
10 DB HPC 30lbs
10 assault bike calories
Around 8min or so, did this at an aerobic pace, focusing on flushing legs and learning how to cycle the cleans (it was better than DT). Then…
Bench press 185x3x3, just to keep my bench press working, it’s a known weakness and we don’t do it enough in class. Was also planning on doing some butterfly practice, but alas my body was like “dude you’ve been here for literally 5h can we plz stop”.
Trying to get all my fitness in before going away later this week to California/Utah for 10days :/ I’ll be back for 18.3/4/5.
(I was happy that SC was *not* super shoulder-y!)
Now off to see some movies at BAM! Have a great day all!
Garbage day
Had food poisoning all weekend, was nauseated until bedtime last night, then woke up this morning cramping like ugh, so just wanted to move around after 36 hours of horizontal couch time.
Push jerks up to 93lbs, these were mushy, I stopped after the 4th rep because I felt like I was about to hurt myself (good thing too cause I just noticed I huge bruise on my collarbone that I don’t normally get anymore). Then did part of CRASH B’s. 500m-3 minute rest-500m. Was supposed to be race pace but as soon as I got on the rower I broke into a cold sweat so went about 1:59.
Got to watch Toni crush a 2k! Which is like watching a beautiful blonde stallion gallop away.
Lol! This made me laugh out loud! <3 !
Also, I hope your feeling better!! x
Push Jerks: 103×5, 113×5, 123×5, 133×5, 143×3 (F4), 143×4
Reracked the 4th jerk on the last set, but decided my soul just into it and didn’t attempt.
Dumbbell DT: 5:35 Rx
Grip just fell apart completely. In retrospect, definitely wasn’t using my legs nearly enough on the cleans.
Makeup Sunday WOD after: 14:27 Rx.
Could have pushed the pace on the lunges a bit more. Legs were smoked during DUs- lots of small sets. Was shocked going in to my first KB swing after all those sit ups.
10am with Brett, Ro and almost every member of CFSBK!
Worked up to 113 on the Push Jerks. Had to take a slight pause before reps 4 and 5 at this weight. That was enough for me. My shoulders were feeling pretty fatigued, so I dropped the weight way down to 83 for my last set of 5.
WOD in 8:31 RX
Dumbbells scare me! And i’m pretty sure I owe about 1000 burpees for dropping them! I’m glad I RXd it and I’m glad I got through it (just!), but it was very unpleasant and I’d happily never do it again.
5:30 with keith
Worked up to 98 on the 5 rep push jerk.
Did dumbbell DT at 25# in 4:38
Came in tired and a little sore from the last few days of skiing in Vermont so I took it easy. Felt good to move!
@karina: lol your comment about Toni. sorry you’ve been feeling crappy 🙁
morning aerobic session between clients:
25 min assault bike (about 50-52 RPM)
every 5 min get off and do some line drills
instincts were telling me not to push my luck today. my R shoulder started to feel a bit tweaky and achey yesterday after like 4+ months of being totally free of that stuff. SO — no need to push over the line!! kept quality high, the volume low, and steered clear of anything dynamic.
:30 ea side banded clamshell hold
4 x :10 ea psoas march hold
5 push up @ 21×1
:30 ea side plank
8ea SA DB BOR @ 30# @ 21×1
3 strict ring dip @ 20×1
10ea SL SS RDL @ 35#
3 strict ring dip
then David wrote me this little ditty…
10 cal row
3 DB Deadlift @ 35# ea (originally burpees, but that was a NO on the shoulder)
3 box jumps 20#
10 cal row
6 BJ
10 cal row
9 BJ … etc.
Cleared the round of 18 reps. Got real spicy on ma back!
Rows were all :34-:37. Box jumps: step down except for bounded last 6-7 reps.
soft tissue work in pec and post. shoulder afterward. rest day tmw!
530 with Keith today!
145 across for the push jerks. I was able to hold onto rebounding each set which I was very happy with. My core felt strong, which is generally my problem. These felt great and stable!!
Dumbbell DT:4:37
I was able to maintain unbroken until 4th rd where I went the traditional 11deadlifts, reset and the rest unbroken. I loved this and loved doing it with some strong CFSBKers!!
Before class, Kharper talked me into retesting 17.3 and I’m super pumped I did, I by passed my last score and then started to rip(too many pullups on Saturday) so I went to ring rows to prevent it from getting too bad before the open. The snatches were not a problem but the pullups started to fall apart. I think I went out too fast and that kind of killed my grip but still, I wasn’t nervous for this workout like I was last year because I’m confident I’ve improved this yeAr. But even better, it gave me a confidence boost for the first workout!! It was awesome watching Harper crush her score last year…that 155 snatch went up easy even after a log workout! Can’t wait to see what happens with her in her workouts this year.
I can’t wait for the announcement, and FNL!!!
haha! if only I didnt face dive into the floor after the catch. I got all the way under. Now all I have to do is stand up….not lay down. footage is pretty epic though. Thanks for doing this with me you crushed!
4:30 group
Worked up to 59 lbs on the push jerk. Probably could have gone a little bit heavier.
Dumbbell DT in 6:19 min with 15 lb dbs. Managed to only break in between rounds, which maybe means I should have gone heavier there as well. Still after walking home feeling pretty zonked so maybe it was just fine.
7:30 with Lauren
Push Jerk
Began warming up with 42lb, worked my way through adding 5 each time until I got to 62lb. My reps with 62 were a few here and a few there, didn’t get 5 in a row, but good practice.
Dumbbell DT WOD
I actually really liked this workout. I scaled to 17.5lb dumbbells – though I think next time I should use 20lb.
Finished this WOD in 7:10. The push press portion was definitely the toughest, but doable.
Short post 😀
A) 17.3!!!!
CrossFit Games Open 17.3 : 117 reps | Rx’d (11 rep PR)
Prior to 8 mins, do:
3 rounds of:
6 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
6 Squat Snatches, 95/65 lbs
— then —
3 rounds of:
7 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
5 Squat Snatches, 135/95 lbs
* Prior to 12 mins, do:
3 rounds of:
8 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
4 Squat Snatches, 185/135 lbs
* Prior to 16 mins, do:
3 rounds of:
9 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
3 Squat Snatches, 225/155 lbs
This is about as far as I need to go haha. So stoked I roped Sarah C into this one! She has this in the bag. We just promised ourselves we would do ring rows if we ripped so shes definitely getting a few into that round of 155. Thanks for the support!
This is the workout I’ve been worried about, and why I’ve been so pressed on getting some confidence in snatching the past couple of weeks. So glad I’ve been working on it and can’t believe this got programmed at the last minute! Glad it did though. This has me absolutely stoked to get the open started.
Finally cleared the round of 135# (did this twice and was two reps away last time). Had 40s to go and I changed my own weights too. Only had one miss at 135# …my snatches were in the groove! That was huge. Took my time and was quiet and calm for once. As you know I usually get loud and crazy when I have to do a workout with heavy lifts, i promise im working on this lol. Had tree tries at 155. Two were SO CLOSE. Two fails behind. One caught solid but I fell onto my knees, the footage is phenomenal. Tried to play it off and land in a model pose but I don’t think anybody was buying it. Bummer.
Snatches: 6/6/3-3 @ 65#, singles at 95, jumped straight to 135 and then obviously singles there
C2B: very sloppy but went unbroken for everything unless I messed up my rhythm. Messed up my rhythm every other round or so. So sets of 2 or unbroken. I love workouts where I have to earn more time.
B) Cardio:
10 min row: 129 cal
10 min bike: 82 cal
10 min ski: 96 cal
Also, does anybody know if the trains are going to be as horrendous as they were today this whole week? I cannot handle that for 5 straight days.