Rest Day
Jess P. representing CFSBK at the 2nd event of this year’s Subway Series (we see you, too, Thomas!). We’ll be hosting the 3rd event of the Subway Series tomorrow. Come over to the gym at noon to watch the action and cheer for your buds!
1. We’ll be running on a modified schedule for the big day tomorrow. Morning classes will run on the usual schedule, but everything from 11am onward is cancelled (i.e., 10am classes are the last of the day).
2. Fight Gone Bad fundraising season is here! So far we’ve raised just over $4,000 for Brooklyn Community Foundation. On Monday, we offered an email template you can send to your friends and family.
3. Front desker Karina S. has a show with her sketch team this Monday, October 16th at 7:30pm! Karina tells us, “It’s got some bizarre, spooky-funny sketches and makes a great date night. Also, you’ll get to see me making a rare cameo on stage in some spooky circumstances.” Check out the Magnet Theater website for ticket info and more details.
4. As we’ve mentioned before, Coach KHarpz is writing a series for our friends at beyond the whiteboard on her training for next year’s Northeast Regionals. Check out the most recent installment, “Trusting the Process”!
5. Need to build a foundation for gymnastics work on the rings? Check out this fun video of Coach David demonstrating a basic ring support!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean | 3 x 500m Row
Mattie Rogers Unofficially Broke the American Clean and Jerk Record BarBend
What Half-Marathons Teach Us About Running a Marathon NY Mag
Clean | WOD 10.12.17
Clean Complex
Every 2 Minutes x 5:
1 Mid-Hang Clean + Front Squat
Warm up and work up to a heavy load on the complex. Focus on a powerful finish in your extension (2nd pull) followed by an immediate and aggressive pull under the bar (3rd pull).
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 5 of 8
3 x 500m Row
Rest 5 minutes between rows. Max effort on all three pieces.
Post times to comments.
Sign Up for Anti-Gravity Strength
Struggling with your Pull-Ups? Stuck at the bottom of your Handstand Push-Up? Check out Coach Arturo‘s critically acclaimed Anti-Gravity Strength class!
Each AG Strength class will be an hour-and-a-half long, focusing on the strength and skills needed to improve Pull-Ups and Handstand Push-Ups. This will include a variety of skill exercises, progressions, weighted and strict practice, and other techniques to teach, develop, and perfect your Pull-Up and Handstand Push-Up. This fundamental strength work will carry over into other CrossFit gymnastics movements, including the coveted Muscle-Up. The class meets 2 times per week for 8 weeks according to the schedule below.
Tuesdays from 6pm to 7:30pm
Saturdays from 11am to 12:30pm
Cost and Eligibility
The cost is $160 per month ($320 total plus NY sales tax). This cycle is open to all CFSBK members as well as CrossFitters from other affiliates.
What Happens in a Class?
The first class will begin with an assessment of each individual’s upper body push, pull, and core strength. Once the assessment is completed, each AG Strength class will consist of skill work, strength development, and flexibility training based on your personal needs, weaknesses, and strengths. If a member chooses to do a CrossFit group class on the same day, we recommend doing the skill and strength work from the AG Strength cycle first. Arturo can advise you on this on a case by case basis. Just ask!
Yes, You Get Wiser with Age Nautilus
8 of the Fittest Women on Earth Share Exactly What They Eat Every Day Women’s Health
Back Squat | NFT Work 10.11.17
Back Squat
Warm up and hit a heavy set of 8, heavier then last week. No failing. No tempo. Use spotters.
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Exposure 5 of 8
4-6 Rounds Not for Time (or 20 Minutes):
150′ Farmer Carry, AHAP unbroken
Max Strict Ring Dips (1-2 RIR)
The carry is 75′ out and 75′ back. You can place the implements down at the turnaround, but pick them right back up within a few seconds to come back. Aim to begin with at least 10 Dips or scale accordingly. “RIR” stands for “Reps in Reserve.” In other words, you should end the sets to 1 or 2 reps shy of failure. Scale the Dips to the Matador as available or to Ring Push-Ups or regular Push-Ups. There should be plenty of space to do elevated Push-ups as a further scaling option as needed.
Post work to comments.
Need to work on those Ring Dips? Check out this video demonstrating the basic ring support! Coach David is winking because he knows you got this one…
News and Notes from CFSBKers
- Front desker Karina S. has a show with her sketch team this Monday, October 16th at 7:30pm! Karina tells us, “It’s got some bizarre, spooky-funny sketches and makes a great date night. Also, you’ll get to see me making a rare cameo on stage in some spooky circumstances.” Check out the Magnet Theater website for ticket info and more details.
- As we’ve mentioned before, Coach KHarpz is writing a series for our friends at beyond the whiteboard on her training for next year’s Northeast Regionals. Check out the most recent installment, “Trusting the Process”!
Tweet the Deets
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Don’t Even Think About Talking to Me Until I’ve Had My Second La Croix The New Yorker
A Guy Balances an Erg on His Chin MBS CrossFit (video)
Rest Day
THIS SATURDAY: The Subway Series at CFSBK!
Calling All Volunteers
- Judges (we need the most help here)
- Score keepers/score runners (proficiency with spreadsheets preferred)
- Set up/break down
If you’re interested, please contact David at David [at] with the subject line “SS Volunteer” as soon as possible, and let us know what you’d like to help with. No prior judging or volunteering at a CrossFit event experience is required. We’ll make sure you’re 100% prepared. In addition to our gratitude, we’ll provide you with coffee and snacks throughout the day!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Press /Sumo Deadlift | KB Swings, Push-Ups, Pull-Ups
Aging with Grace and—Fran CrossFit Journal
The Clean: Don’t Just Fall Down, Turn It Over Catalyst Athletics
Press / Sumo Deadlift | WOD 10.9.17
Press / Sumo Deadlift Superset*
A1) Press:
Warm up and hit a heavy set of 8, heavier than last week. No tempo. Be sure to lock your knees and not Push Press.
A2) Sumo Deadlift:
Warm up and hit a heavy set of 8, heavier than week 3. Dead stop, no touch and go. Use a double overhand grip. Hook grip is allowed.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Presses, followed by a set of Sumo Deadlifts. Repeat for 3 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements.
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Exposure 5 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
40 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
15 Hand-Release Push-Ups
10 Strict Pull-Ups
Choose a bell that you can swing for 40 reps in 1-2 sets. Maintain a strong midline on the Hand-Release Push-Ups, no snaking. No Kipping on the Pull-Ups, so break them up before they go away. Scale to bands or challenging Ring Rows as needed. You will most likely need to break these up a bit.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update
Comrades! We’re at $2,159—which is 9% of our fundraising goal for Brooklyn Community Foundation. Team Ziggy WODdust and the Squatters from Mars (nice) is in the lead with Team Goes to 11 (also nice) not far behind. We’re off to a great start!
Now’s a good time to start e-mailing your friends and family. Rip off a version of this one below, and select, replace, or delete adjectives as you see fit. One of our members used this email a few years ago (with almost all of the adjectives) and quickly raised over $500. Jump on it!
Dear/Salutations/Greetings/Hola/Aloha/Beloved [insert name],
As you probably know, I’m really into CrossFit. It’s helped me/I love it because _______. Every year at my gym, CrossFit South Brooklyn, we have an event called Fight Gone Bad, where we do this crazy/hard/weird/incredible/soul-crushing/soul-enhancing workout (which you can see here).
What makes the event even more cool/inspiring/sweet/meaningful is that it’s not just a competition for highest reps, but also a competition to raise money for a local organization called Brooklyn Community Foundation. BCF supports a variety of artistic, agricultural, environmental, social, and educational programs in Brooklyn, helping people of all ages.
So, why am I telling you all of this? Because I need your help! [Insert any crazy story or incentives for hitting certain fundraising markers, i.e., If you donate $XX, I will do X, Y, and/or Z.] Donate here [insert link to your page]!
I will be sure to let you know how the event goes, and probably send along a sweaty/hot/sexy/revolting photo of myself post-workout.
Sincerely/With love/Gratefully/Be well/Shalom,
[Your name]
AND REMEMBER TO SAY THANK YOU WHEN PEOPLE DONATE! It’s what our moms taught us to do.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | Hang Snatch, Burpees, Toes-to-Bars
The Meaning of “South Brooklyn” NY Times
Good vs. Bad Trainers Starting Strength
Snatch | WOD 10.8.17
Snatch Balance (or Tempo Overhead Squat)
Snatch Balance:
80-85% x 2 x 4
4 sets of 2 reps at 80-85% of your 1RM Snatch.
Tempo Overhead Squat (2211):
4 x 2
Warm up and perform 4 sets of 3 reps. Use a load that’s challenging but allows you to hold solid positions, and as such, only squat as low as you can move well. Goal is to go heavier than on 9.17.17.
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Exposure 4 of 8
Partner Metcon
In teams of 2, complete 14 rounds (7 each) for time of:
7 Hang Squat Snatches 95/65
7 Burpees
7 Toes-to-Bars
The barbell should be light for you. The Burpees happen lateral to your barbell and are not “jump over.” Scale TTB to HLR or HKR as needed, or to 15 Sit Ups.
Post time, Rx and partner to comments.
November 11th and 12: CF Level 1 Certificate Course
On Saturday, November 11th and Sunday, November 12th, CFSBK will host the CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Course. Courses are open to individuals and trainers at all stages of development. The Level 1 Certificate Course serves as the cornerstone for CrossFit methodology and movement and includes classroom instruction on these topics, as well as hands-on small-group training for the movements. These group sessions are conducted under low intensity with a focus on improving mechanics. Students’ movements are observed and corrected, and they engage in dialogue concerning effective coaching techniques. Large group CrossFit workouts are conducted as an example of bridging the gap from theory to practice. These workouts provide examples of how to:
- Conduct a class.
- Hold a standard of effective technique at high intensity.
- Achieve relative high levels of intensity for each individual.
- Scale for any ability level.
The Level 1 provides introductory education on the fundamental principles and movements of CrossFit. It is structured to meet two goals: 1) Provide attendees with the knowledge to better use CrossFit methods for themselves; and 2) Provide attendees with an initial and foundational education to begin training others using CrossFit.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Row, Power Cleans, Handstand Push-Ups
7 Ways to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve (And Why You Should) BarBend
For Your Brain’s Sake, Keep Moving NY Times
WOD 10.8.17
AMRAP 30 Minutes:
30/21 Calorie Row
7 Power Cleans 185/125
10 Handstand Push-Ups
The barbell should be on the heavy side of medium for you, allowing for cycling a few reps on the fast end and singles on the slower end. Scale ROM on the Handstand Push-Ups to 1 or 2 AbMats, or scale up to a deficit if 10 is easy for you. Sub Box Piked Handstand Push-Ups or heavy Dumbbell Push Presses if you can’t perform at least 5 unbroken Handstand Push-Ups.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
NEXT SATURDAY: The Subway Series at CFSBK!
Calling All Volunteers
- Judges (we need the most help here)
- Score keepers/score runners (proficiency with spreadsheets preferred)
- Set up/break down
If you’re interested, please contact David at David [at] with the subject line “SS Volunteer” as soon as possible, and let us know what you’d like to help with. No prior judging or volunteering at a CrossFit event experience is required. We’ll make sure you’re 100% prepared. In addition to our gratitude, we’ll provide you with coffee and snacks throughout the day!
News and Notes
- Today’s 10am Yoga for Athletes will feature guest-instructor Sasha S.!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
What 7 Fishmongers Wore to Work at the Fulton Fish Market NY Times
Death, Divorce, and Double-Unders CrossFit Journal (video)
Rest Day
Come out to the gym for a Halloween-themed Movie Night on Friday, October 20th! We’ll be showing What We Do in the Shadows, a funny mockumentary about vampires with domestic issues. We’ll start the movie at 8:15pm, right after Open Gym!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Thanks again to everyone who came out for our 10th Anniversary Party on Saturday! Photos from the evening are up on our Flickr account and at We Love Photobooths.
2. You know that big wooden thing in 608 that kind of looks like it could be a poorly designed ladder or a medieval torture device? It’s neither of those things! It’s a actually a pretty cool thing you can use for accessory work. Watch this video to find out how you can use that thing!
3. Ready for another kickass event? Save the date and start making art for the 4th CFSBK Art Show on November 18th!
4. Fight Gone Bad Season is here! On Wednesday, we posted a checklist to help you get started, and on Thursday offered some fundraising tips.
5. Congrats again to Pierre D. and Coach Ro on placing FIRST in the Northeast Region of the CrossFit Team Series!
6. The Subway Series comes to CFSBK next weekend! See Monday’s post for registration info.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean | Burpee Box Jump Overs, Deadlifts
Cultivating Self-Trust Girls Gone Strong
How to Actually Get Some Rest for Once NY Mag
Clean | WOD 10.5.17
Clean Complex
Every Minute on the Minute x 2:
2 Tall Cleans
Every 90 Seconds x 2:
2 Hip Cleans
Every Other Minute x 4:
2 Mid-Hang Cleans
Start light and work up to a heavy load. Focus on a powerful finish in your extension (2nd pull) followed by an immediate and aggressive pull under the bar (3rd pull).
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Exposure 4 of 8
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
3 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
3 Deadlifts 225/155
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs
6 Deadlifts
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs
9 Deadlifts
Continue adding 3 reps per round until time is called. The Burpees happen facing your box. Rx is a jump up to the box, but you can step or jump down as desired. Choose a lower box or scale to Step-Ups as needed. The Deadlift should be medium heavy for you. Use a load that would allow you to perform at least 12-15 unbroken reps when fresh.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Congrats to Coach Ro and Pierre D., who teamed up to place 1st in the Northeast Region of the CrossFit Team Series! Let’s show them some love in the comments!
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Tips
Have you started fundraising for Fight Gone Bad? You and your team should be registered with CrowdRise. We’ve included some fundraising tips below to get you started, adapted from Convio. We’ve also included info below about Brooklyn Community Foundation (the organization for which we’re raising money!).
Tip #1: Start early. The sooner you start asking for donations, the more money you will raise.
Tip #2: Set a challenging but attainable goal. Your fundraising goal should be a stretch, but doable. If you are getting close to your goal, then raise it so people continue to donate.
Tip #3: Contact everyone you know. Start with your email address book, then your regular address book and member lists from clubs you belong to. You’ll be surprised who gives!
Tip #4: Customize your emails. Make the email template yours! Include a personal story—why you’re raising money, why it’s important to you, and where the money goes. (Tell people why you love Brooklyn, and why you love CFSBK and that we partner with BCF!)
Tip #5: Create an email schedule and stick to it. Set dates to send a first email announcing your participation, a second email asking for donations, an update email, and a ‘last chance’ email.
Tip #6: Ask, ask, and ask again. People can only make a donation if you give them the opportunity. Don’t be shy about asking more than once. People need to be reminded!
Tip #7: Add social media to the mix. Use status updates in Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to update friends on your fundraising and provide a direct link to your fundraising webpage.
Tip #8: Get creative. Add the URL for your fundraising webpage to your email signature. Give out “piggy banks” and ask people to save their change for a month. Hold an auction. Throw a party!
Tip #9: Stay focused. Remind yourself of why you are participating in the event, and how the money you will raise will help others. Turn to other fundraisers for inspiration and ideas.
Tip #10: Send a personalized thank you. After you’ve completed your fundraising, send your results to donors and thank them again for their help. You might need their support again next year! (And dude, always say thank you. It’s the right thing to do.)
Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF) is proud to partner with CrossFit South Brooklyn on Fight Gone Bad for the fifth year running. BCF is on a mission to spark lasting social change, mobilizing people, capital, and expertise for a fair and just Brooklyn. Since their founding in 2009, the Foundation and their donors have provided over $20 million in grants to more than 300 nonprofits throughout the borough, bolstering vital programs and services while responding to urgent community needs and opportunities to fuel community-led change.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | Muscle-Ups, Kettlebell Swings, Double-Unders
What Does Brent Fikowski Eat and When? target nutrition
Active Listening Songs for Sad Times The Outline
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Team Metcon
In teams of 3, alternate full rounds to complete 6 rounds each (18 total) for time of:
200m Run
15 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
10 Deadlifts 225/155
The Deadlift should be a medium weight for you. The goal is to complete the triplet fast and unbroken on each round.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
TODAY: The Subway Series at CFSBK
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the seventh annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year! The 3rd event of the year will take place right here at CFSBK. The action kicks off today at 12pm.
As a result, we’ll be running on a modified schedule today.Morning classes will run on the usual schedule, but everything from 11am onward is cancelled (i.e., 10am classes are the last of the day). Come for group class or Short Circuit in the morning, stay to watch your fellow CFSBKers throw down in the afternoon!
Also, please note that the Brooklyn Rock’n’Roll Run is happening nearby today, which may result in street and subway closures. Give yourself extra time to get to the gym!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Strength Is Money in the Bank Starting Strength
Have We Been Building Chairs all Wrong? Smithsonian