WOD 3.14.18
Every 3 minutes for 6 rounds:
12 Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges (6e)
12 Dumbbell Burpees
Post work to comments.
Tempo Back Squat / Tempo Front Squat
Tempo Back Squat (33X1):
Heavy 3
Warm up and work up to a heavy set of 3 Tempo Back Squats. Use spotters on all work sets.
Tempo Front Squat (33X1):
Heavy 3
Drop weight from the Back Squat set and perform a heavy set of 3 Tempo Front Squats.
Post loads to comments.
Here’s CFSBK OG Samir C. putting his gainz to good use on Illiniza Norte (about 16,500 feet above sea level) in Ecuador
News and Notes from CFSBK Members
- Samir also recently published an essay in Aeon entitled “The Usefulness of Dread,” and it’s about something a lot of us can relate to. Here’s a snippet: “Anxiety is insidious, more than just a simple fear. It is, all at once, a fever and an occupation, an affliction and a constitution. An anxiety is a lens through which to view the world, a colouration that grants the sufferer’s experiences their distinctive hue.” Read the whole thing!
- Last week we told you about Chris Y.’s podcast interview with Captain Osorio. There’s a new episode of Giant Korean Head out this week in which Chris and his cohost discuss giving up booze and soda for a month. Check out both episodes on the GKH site!
- 200 (!) or so of you are currently KILLING IT in the CrossFit Open. We’d like to take a moment to thank you for all the awesome energy you’ve been bringing to the gym day in and day out. Don’t forget to follow along on the CFSBK affiliate leaderboard!
Tweet the Deets
We’re totally crushing on all you guys and we love to hear what you’re up to. Got something of note going on in your life? Let us know! We want to hear about your promotions, events, art, personal victories, discoveries, media campaigns, and small government coup d’états, or you can just share interesting links. We also always love hearing about any CrossFit/athletic-related goals and accomplishments. Send awesomeness to Josh [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
What’s Your “Fitspiration”? CrossFit Journal
High School Teacher Found Happiness, Learned to Kick Ass Bleacher Report
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
What’s Your “Fitspiration”? CrossFit Journal
High School Teacher Found Happiness, Learned to Kick Ass Bleacher Report
E3MOM: Ranged from :55 to :59.
Lunges quick, burpees consistent. Tissue runs between each round (darn cold).
Tempo LBBS: 135×3, 165×3, 185×3
Tempo FSQ: 145×3
Just looking to move today; probably could have gone a bit heavier with each.
Strict Pull-ups after: 5 – 5 – 3.1.1(minimal rest)
OMG the DOMS from the E3MOM stuff are REAL.
I am traveling down in Austin so decided to drop in at Lumos to see Noah.
Class was the following:
400 meter jog and stretching
Deadlift drills and warming up for the WOD.
“Under Pressure” For Time.
100 | 80 | 60 | 40 | 20: Double Unders
50 | 40 | 30 | 20 | 10: Abmat Situps
25 | 20 | 15 | 10 | 5: Deadlifts (155/105)
Scaled the double unders by doubling the volume for singles. Pretty brutal WOD and took me 17:36. The first round (100 DU, 50 Situps, and 25 Situps) is about 40% of the work which is a brutal way to start. The slowest part for me was the situps, with the 3 round of 30 abmat situps the hardest part. It’s just long enough that it takes a while, but not short enough to feel like you are almost done.
oooh this workout looks fun! well, HARD, but fun!
Agreed, this looks like an interesting workout!
I’d do it! Sounds fun. Also, does Noah name every single one of the workouts? That also sounds fun.
I would also do it! Maybe we need to do this in OG soon.
Also, Ben, please tell me that “Under Pressure” was also playing at some point during this WOD. If not, tsk, Noah.
That would have been clever, but unfortunately it never played. talk about a missed opportunity…
7am w/ Brett + Ro
WOD: fastest 1:15 (first round), slowest 1:24 (5th round)…shaved one minute off that for my last round but otherwise got consistently slower by 1–2 seconds each round. HARD!! Did this with the 35# DBs which I thought I might regret, but I’m glad I stuck with it. I expected the lunges to be the hard part but actually the burpees were worse?! That’s definitely where I was losing time…just couldn’t physically make myself go faster towards the end.
BSQ: Worked up to 125#x3 (but they were…not cute) then FSQ 95#x3. My legs were smoked, the 3-second pause after the 3-second tempo descent was brutal, plus I added a thera band to the mix to help with this knees-caving-in thing I’ve been struggling with…basically just a lot of variables kind of working against me. After talking to Ro about it, think I’m going to stick to lighter squats for a while and try to dial in better technique. Really want to beat these bad habits I’ve developed so I can start moving some heavier weight in time for Iron Maidens!
“they were…not cute” <– I identify very much with this statement. The struggle is real.
Kirby! We are twins! Lol, my workout was basically the same as yours!!
Doing squats with that thera band is LEGIT – and to do those tempos after #deathbyEMOM WHEW.
Yesterday 6:30pm Strong Fit
First time doing SF, and it was as fun as I hoped it would be. Some overhead keg carries (keg C&J is crazy), heavy-ish supinated deadlifts, and sandbag cleans for time. Then a fun team burner at the end: 20s on / 1min off Assault Bike for calories. You’d think 1:3 work/rest ratio would be fine, but going all out on the AB is a terrible idea no matter how much rest you get.
Yesterday 7:30pm AG
Butterfly pull-ups are still in caterpillar stage – can do little hops, but nowhere close to chin-over-bar. Finished off with a *very aerobic* metcon circuit which included HSPU, pull-ups, T2B, assault bike (again!), …
I’ve heard a bunch of people guessing that 18.4 = 17.4 = 16.4 (deadlifts, wallballs, rowing, hspu)… I’d love that, even though I don’t think it’ll be the case.
Daniel! I actually would love that too.
16.4=55 reps (only the deadlifts!)
17.4= 119 ish reps (all dead’s, walllballs, and some cals on the erg)
This year I would LOVE to get some HSPUs!!
Crossing my fingers even though I despise rowing!!!
I LOVED THAT WORKOUT!!! I hope it’s that.
7am with Brett and Ro
WOD… happened. Changed the DB burpees to DLs followed by regular burpees. Something about the kickout from the DBs was inflaming my already-angry lower back-slash-left hindquarters area. Not the day to push it. Also used 27.5# because the 7am class was so huge, those were the heaviest I could find!
Squats! I just really enjoy squatting, and I like these tempos as an opportunity to dial in technique. Someday I’ll figure out how to prioritize a strength cycle but in the meantime I still feel like so much progress is being made in the group class via the programming and coaching. Thanks CFSBK <3
BSQ to 125#, felt great overall. Weirdly my back had no issues with the squats! Kudos to Sacha and Kirby for the counting and keeping me super honest about how loooooong 3 seconds is.
FSQ – Ran out of time, did one set at 95#, moved fine.
I love squatting with you; you’re an inspiration!! So strong, such good form.
Today’s work
Did group class alone, so alone class.
Did the 3MOM at 35#. All rounds around 1:17-1:30. So much misery. Burpees are bad enough without deadlifting 70lbs after each one. During foundations David mentioned that EMOMs can feel really claustrophobic, and I never really experienced that feeling until today.
Back Squat: 145lb -parallel and therefore legal depth but I have such a hard time getting super low in low bar!
Front Squat: 115lbs -was seeing stars from the tempo, the video of it looked very nice though.
And now a bunch of make-up stuff if you want to stop reading now:
Did pick your own adventure with
270m Row
x12 24kg kettlebell swings (Russian for obvious reasons)
x6 75lb push press
3 jumping bar muscleups from the sticky outtie bar thing (collar bone height)
15:05, did all the push press unbroken so maybe should have gone heavier. KB swings were honestly the worst part. Did some muscleups afterwards at chin height, so very happy I’m getting over my fear of heights for that movement.
Last Monday
3×5 strict press @ 60lbs
then watched everyone do 18.2
Short Circuit + Strongfit (got the ski erg up to 1500 cal/hr for 8 cal so excited to plumb those depths more)
Getting better at wall ball consistency and then:
Touch and go deadlifts (so hard to touch and go when heavy!)
x10 135#
x10 165#
x10 185#
Then work ruined the rest of the week’s schedule 🙂
8 min assault bike, :30 on / :30 off, warm up effort
hip/core drills and prep
HBBS (it’s been months!!)
5-3-1 @ 20×1
(45×8, 95×5, 125×4, 145×2)
155×5 , 175×3 , 195×1
-had Brett watched my triple at 175. first rep solid. second rep slight shift to R. third rep a bit of a booty-lead and arch on the way up. single at 195 felt good. nice to move some weight.
EMOM X 12min
a – 10 cal assault bike (67-70 rpm, about :40)
b – 10 box jumps + 5 box piked HSPU
c – 8 cal ski erg (:36-:40)
d – 8 CTB pull-ups (5-3) … played with grip and slightly different kips on this. wrist hurt a bit at the beginning but got better as i went along.
went real hard on my last ski and was huffing and puffing at the end of this!