WOD 3.18.18
Every minute on the minute x 36 (6e)
1) 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat
2) 5 Strict Toes-to-Bars (or Hanging Leg or Knee Raises) + 10 Air Squats
3) 10 Burpees
4) 30 Second Single-Arm Plank Left
5) 30 Second Single-Arm Plank Right
6) Rest
Post work to comments.
Theodora is ready for those Overhead Squats today
The End Is Nigh!
By Chris Fox
Hard to believe that this year’s Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge is about to be a wrap, the official end date being next Saturday, March 24th! Please get your Post Challenge Submissions to us no later then Wednesday, March 28th. We recommend that you take some time, 1-2 weeks, to let loose just a little bit. Don’t go off the rails entirely, but do allow yourself a few treats that you may have been avoiding (great time to experiment with your Red, Yellow, and Green Light Foods!). If you’ve been counting macros, put your scale away and eat intuitively for a few weeks. If you’ve made some changes to your body composition, you need a little time to let your body adjust to the new version of you. If after the short break you still want to make more changes, get right back on your plan. If you’ve been counting macros and you’re still progressing then there’s no need to change the numbers. If you’ve stalled out a bit and your goal is to lose body fat then you can drop your carbs and/or fats by 10-15% to create a further, small caloric deficit. If your goal is to gain mass and you’ve stalled then you can bump all your macros up by 10-15%. In both scenarios you’ll follow the new numbers for about 12 weeks, then take another break before deciding where you want to go with it.
We’ve programmed the Capacity Test WOD (in bold below) for Monday, March 26th. If you can’t make class on either that Monday or Tuesday then simply ask a coach for some space when you can do it and we’ll accommodate you. Open Gym is another option. Maybe you can find a few friends looking to do it together on the Facebook page! Use the same version of any scaling options you used initially, or make note if you chose a more difficult version of the workout (like now you do pull ups instead of jumping pull ups). If for any reason you performed a different test workout then re-do that same one and submit it with your Post-Challenge Submission.
2018 LFPB Challenge Capacity Test WOD
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45#
30 Pull-Ups
Regardless of how well or poorly you think you did these last 12 weeks we encourage you to follow through with the Post Challenge Submission. It can provide a platform for some healthy introspection on what does and doesn’t work for you. Also, it’s important to note that some while some habits might have been hard to follow right now, it doesn’t mean they won’t be a bit easier to follow in the future. You are constantly evolving as you learn and practice…and it all takes time and practice. One thing we know for sure is that getting down on yourself for being “bad” won’t help. There is no failing, only learning. (very Miyagi, no?)
Once more with the link:
2018 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Post-Submission
Winners will be announced the week of April 2nd, the week after the submission deadline of March 28!
Unhappiness Is a Palate-Cleanser Nautilus
Fan Favorites Face Failure CrossFit
2 sets
5 hanging leg raises/knee raises
5 ea DB high pull@3012
5 ea heel touches
B. Kipping toes to bar Practice
C. 25 min row for meters@aer pace
every 5 min perform:
5 t2b
8 push ups
6ea db hang squat clean thrusters, 35/50
Three mile run to the gym before the 8:00am class with Brett.
My snatches felt good today! I felt like my hips were extending, but more importantly, I felt like I was pulling my arms and shoulders back way more than usual. I 100% give credit to StrongFit from Saturday for that, as we were doing KB snatches, which was all about pulling the bell back. It really helped see how little I was doing this on my regular snatches.
Today was the first time where I understood what people meant by the bar feeling weightless when done right. Still a lot to work on, but mentally this was such a big win this weekend.
I will keep saying it! DO STRONGFIT in addition to your regular classes if you can.
So a few days ago I wrote all about how I never have Open Miracles but that AG has been a miracle for me. It happened again today! I strung together T2B for the very first time. I screamed! Not ashamed. 😛
Thank you Ro (and Noah, even though he’s not here any more) for making this class happen. I couldn’t have made these breakthroughs without it!
Afterward, stuck around to cheer for Mich while she did 18.4, and she had a breakthrough of her own — she came in thinking she was going to do 15 deadlifts, and she ended up getting 2 full HSPU out of the bargain. Go Mich!
Yas Stella!!!
+1! Your scream was awesome and the gymnastic progressions in AG are so so valuable.
Hell yeah! Screaming is for firsts! Like the first time one commits murder.
Yeah Stella!!! Agreed that we are so so lucky to have something like AG. Need to get back on that train post-Open!
Hell yeah Stella!!
1pm group class and then 2pm AG
Highlights from a sweaty, really fun afternoon in the gym:
– Kelly risking her life to demo a T2B in the high bar during AG;
– Stella’s scream of joy during the AG workout;
– Toni rowing next to me during the AG workout and keeping a 1:40-1:50 pace FOR 25 MINUTES, I swear she could have gone another hour at that pace;
– Lots of folks getting closer (or getting) their T2B during AG;
– Scott’s description of my T2B->air squat transition as a “ninja move”;
– 135lbs felt good during the complex, including the OHS which is the weak link;
– Felt good for all rounds during group class, kept the burpees at 26s flat during all 6 rounds;
– A 50lb DB Hang Thruster is a terrible thing, in particular on my left side;
– A single arm plank isn’t as bad as I thought it’d be.
Good thing I was good at the monkey bars in elementary school!
And yeah, Toni on the erg. Her sustainable pace for 25 minutes is my sprint. Speechless.
Lol, it was the erg, we should have swapped 😉
Snatches weren’t particularly snappy today: 53-63-68-73-78-73
Burpees: Went AFAP with Toni
DB hang squat clean thrusters at 35 are so much harder with my left arm.
Hands on fire after the EMOM and AG.
18.4 at FNL
38 reps which is 17/21 HSPUs
All singles. Failed a bunch but didn’t have any no reps. Made sure I was super close the wall so my feet would clear the line but this also made for an awkward kip. Happy with this because it’s 16 more than I thought I would get (have only done kipping HSPUs 4-5 times since my injury a year ago and with an ab mat) but also wish I was able to do more because I got my first HSPU in the 2016 Open and haven’t made much progress. Oh well. Injuries. Although my shoulder and thumb feel fine after doing these (yay!), going to continue to only do strict HSPUs bc there’s just so much room for injury when kipping them.
Did 108×2 on the clean/push jerk complex.
Handstand walk: 16ft. Possibly a PR or PR Match. Only recently started keeping track of these.