In case you missed it, lots of fun photos from last weekend’s Community Potluck are up on Flickr!
Workin’ for the Weekend
By Chris Fox
Editor’s Note: The following is an adapted version of one of Coach Fox’s emails to this year’s Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge participants. We think it’s super useful for everyone, so we’re posting it here as some weekend motivation. Go get ’em!
I hope you had a great week and have something good in store for the weekend. While schedules vary, many of us find the weekend provides a natural ebb, a little break from the hustle and bustle, where we can take a breather and plan a bit for the week ahead. It’s been famously said that “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail,” and that “Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.” Seems pretty apparent that these statements hold some truth. Why then, do we expect different from ourselves? The reason the first few days and weeks of a challenge like the LFPBC generally go well is that we’re charged with energy and using it toward change. We’re food shopping, prepping, and exercising just like we said we would last year around this time. That energy can provide a great jump start towards change, and I hope you’ve found that to be true. That energy however, is finite. Your will power will eventually run out, you’ll be tired and hungry, and then what? Make it easier for yourself to make healthy choices so you don’t have to use up so much will power all the time. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to “be strong.” Below are some strategies taken directly from former LFPB winners that worked well for them. Have some more ideas, or need some? Write ’em in the comments section!
- Keep healthy foods in your house and save “treats” for when you’re eating out.
- Make breakfast the night before so you don’t have to think about it in the morning.
- Create a large support network by telling people you’re trying to make changes, and asking directly for their support.
- Look online at restaurant menus and have your choices picked out ahead of time.
- Make novel plans with your friends or spouse that don’t (necessarily) involve food and alcohol.
- Buy a single serving size of a “red light” food when you have to have it that you would otherwise overeat.
- Instead of longer term outcome goals (lose 10 pounds, fit into my jeans from college, get my first pull up), focus instead on short term behavior goals (prepare a healthy breakfast tonight for tomorrow, buy vegetables on Sunday for the week, do 5 sets of 3 Banded Pull-Ups 3 times this week)
- Write your behavior goals down, maybe daily, and keep them where you will see them all the time.
We’re not superhuman, and neither are those who make it look like a healthy diet and lifestyle come easy. It takes work, there’s no way around that. Just as you use strategies to make your job or commute easier, experiment and find strategies to make healthy eating and exercising easier as well.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean | Power Cleans, Front Squats, C2B Pull-Ups
The Mental Tricks of Athletic Endurance Wall Street Journal
YouTube Science Bros Will Get Your Ass to the Gym The Outline
Front Squat
Work up to a medium-heavy Front Squat from the floor via a Power Clean.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
Front Squats 135/95
Handstand Push-Ups
The Front Squats should be light-medium and unbroken on the fast end. Scale ROM (2 AbMats max) on the Handstand Push-Ups or to Box Piked as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
“I don’t want to sell memberships. I want to be a coach, and I want to have community.” That’s our very own Captain Osorio making us proud once again in “A New York Decade,” CrossFit Journal‘s in-depth interview on his 10-plus years of running CFSBK. There’s so much good stuff here that it’s impossible to distill it down to a few sentences. Just read it!