Front Squats are on tap for Wednesday. Check out this very useful Ask a Coach video on how you should be balanced in the Back Squat, Overhead Squat, and Front Squat. Is there something you’d like to see us address in a future video? Let us know in the comments!
THIS SATURDAY at 7pm: Community Potluck
The CFSBK Community Potluck is just 5 days away! This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together. The fun starts at 7pm and will continue until around 10! This event is open to everyone and all are encouraged to come.
Your dish doesn’t have to be paleo, but please try and keep the ingredients within the guidelines of the Challenge… animal and vegetable proteins, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, starches, legumes, whole grains, and dairy are all good to go. We’ll vote on the top 3 dishes, so bring your best recipe! You may, of course, opt to bring a healthy dessert that limits the use of sugars and refined grains.
See the event page for more details, and leave a comment to let everyone know what you’re bringing!
News and Notes
- Well, well, well. It looks like we have a bunch of your stuff again. But we want to give it back! Check out our latest lost and found clean-out, and be sure to claim your possessions before we donate them to CHIPS in a couple of weeks.
- We’re always trying to get better at what we do. If you have a minute, head over to the Feedback page and tell us about your experience at the gym!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Bench Press | Run, Sit-Ups, Ring Rows
Does Weightlifting Attract Hardcore Personalities… Or Develop Them? Catalyst Athletics
Dealing With and Working Past Bad Days in the Gym BarBend
Front Squat
Warm up and work up to a heavy triple.
Post loads to comments.
Open Workout 13.3
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
150 Wall Balls 20/14
90 Double-Unders
30 Muscle-Ups
If you don’t have Ring Muscle-Ups, but you get past the Double-Unders, start over again at the Wall Balls.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.