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compare to (5×3) 6.17.09 and (5×1) 12.22.08
Accessory Work
4 Rounds NFT:
Toes to Bars, 10 Reps
Lateral Planks :35 Each Side
Monkey See, Monkey Do
Kudos to all our parents who make the time to set a good example for their children
MEBBBK: Max Effort Black Box (Brooklyn!)
Today is the last day of our Mid Hang Power Clean, High Bar Back Squat and Bench Press strength cycle. We're going to encourage a back off week from tomorrow until 7/4 when we'll kick things off with a STORM.
The next cycle's movements are:
Total Body: Push Jerks
Lower Body: Front Squats
Upper Body: Weighted Chin-Ups (Overhand).
For those of you unfamiliar with the MEBB, we choose three movements and cycle them through a descending rep scheme over four weeks. The Max Effort days have been posted in the CFSBK Calendar if you'd like to see how it breaks down through July. Much thanks to Coach Michael Rutherford for developing the MEBB. program.
Jerks are following a 5×3, 5×3, 5×1 rep scheme
Foundations Graduates will be doing strict Presses instead of Jerks and follwing a 5×5 rep scheme throughout the entire cycle.
Happy Travels, Margie. We'll see you after the Games!
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