Only overhand grip today
Handstand Practice
10 Anterior Reaches, Each leg
12 Knees To Elbows or Toes to Bars
14 Pulls on the Erg, Full Pressure
Asta gets her boulder on at BKB
Thank you so much for all your contributions to this community and program! Have a great Birthday!
This week's CrossFit at Home:
Droms/Samson/Anterior Reaches
"Death By Burpee"
With a continuously running clock, perform one burpee the first minute, two burpees the second, three the third and so on until you can't keep up with the clock.
Post WOD
Scrape yourself off the floor and do some DROMS and finish with a light jog or wal.
Look forward to the upcoming rest day.
Fox says
Death by , what? I can’t hear you…
Happy Birthday Shane!
Deb says
Happy Birthday Shane!! Hope you have something fun planned!
Jr says
I saw something posted here recently about Ratner and Atlantic Yards. You might want to check this link out. Acorn sold their souls to the devil:
jacinto says
stephaniep says
Happy Birthday Shaner!!!! Enjoy it! 🙂
This morning my head said was saying “get up, get up” but my body said “Hell no, Hell no!”
I snoozed for over an hour. Whoops!!
See everyone Saturday
Joe says
Warm-up: 3 Rounds NFT5 anterior reaches/leg12 knees to elbows (last set: toes to bar)14 hard pulls on erg
Accessory work: Handstand kick up practice
WOD: Deadlift 5×3(warmup): 45-5 95-5 135-5 185-3(work): 215-3 225-3 235-3(pr) 245-3(pr) 250-3(pr)
Big jump today. 235 was my 1rm.
Charlotte says
Great working with Jess and Ariel. I love the mornings. Fun with handstands today–finally feel like I found where balance exists, even if I can’t spend a lot of time there yet!
DL 5x3WU: 65×5, 95×5, 135x3WO: 180×3, 190×3, 200×3 (PR), 210×3 (PR), 135×3
200 was my previous 1RM so I am PSYCHED. Might possibly have been able to hit 215 for 3 but my back was feeling sore so I backed off. No regrets.
Charlotte says
PS HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANE!!! The thirties are SOOO much better than the twenties. Welcome.
Jess says
Happy Birthday Shane!!!
WU: as listed but with assistance on the K2E.AW: handstand practice
Deadlifts:(65×5, 95×5, 135×3)180×3, 190×3, 200×3, 200×1, 135x5x2
I always love deadlifts, but it seems like I lost everything I learned about them today. My grip was tired from the K2E and I just didn’t feel strong. My form suffered which is why I decided to drop weight for my last 2 sets. Fun lifting with Charlotte and Ariel. Nice PR Charlotte! Can’t wait to see what your new 1RM will be! David, thanks for the coaching as always.
I’ll get you next time deadlifts! (preferably not at 7am…)
Oh, and Ariel posed a good question this morning which I will now ask of you all. Do you eat anything before morning classes? I don’t (especially before metcons) but am wondering if maybe this could be affecting my strength/stamina?
Laurel says
Ha-pp-y Birthdaaay Dear Shay-nnne, Happy Birthdaaay Toooooo youu… PINCH. 😛
Jr says
Happy Birthday Shane! enjoy
Laurel says
Wow – you ladies posted while I was posting. DAMN!
Jess – those are still impressive numbers.
Charlotte nice work, you badass you!
I’m sorry I missed it, although there is no way I could DL today – my back is super sore from falling off the pull-up bar. Have to rest.
ariel says
Happy birthday Shane!
Nice lifting with Jess and Charlotte. Thanks for all the cues. I think I’d do better if I ate something before class but I find it’s hard to eat that early in the morning.
Steph W says
Happy Birthday Shane! If it weren’t for your patience, coaching (and occasional name calling) I would not be progressing half as well. You are awesome.
deadlift 5×3(65×5, 65×5)85909595100 PR
very excited to break 3 digits finally, though it was definitely sloppy. My shoulders kept rounding forward and my knees felt like they wanted to cave inward.
Handstands were fun and are probably my favorite! I have no problems getting inverted when I have a spotter, but I need to practice kicking up to a wall. I was too scared to do it at home the other night, thinking my foot might crash through the drywall, or I’d land on my neck or something.
Nino says
Please with my PRs today. I didn’t realize it was overhand only till after though…
WU: 65×5, 95×5, 135×3, 185x4WO: 205×3, 215×3, 225×3 (PR), 235×3 (PR), 245×3 (PR)
To answer Ariel’s/Jess’ question: I eat both before and after morning workouts. I prefer liquids to solid foods-usually it’ll be a smoothie I make at home (with Milkthistle yogurt of course).
Margie says
Just adding my birthday wishes, Shanetastic! You are a peach and I know you are just hitting your stride, so this year should rock.
I second Charlotte, the 30’s kickass!
Willie says
Happy Birthday Shane
Charlotte says
I don’t eat before 6 or 7am workouts, just coffee w/ milk, which is a good appetite suppressant. For 9am/10am workouts I eat at 7 or 7:30 (Linus gets us up at 6 usually), my go-to breakfast: cottage cheese, frozen mixed berries thawed in the nuker, grapes, bananas, walnuts, almonds.
James N. says
Happy Birthday Shane!
gabrus says
i eat a banana and 2 hard boiled eggs and a cup of green tea before morning workouts. Then again I usually have to use the bathroom right before the WOD starts.
Laurel says
I only do morning workouts on the weekend, but typically I eat two eggs, bacon/sausage and milk plus some fruit item at least an hour before we head to the gym. If I don’t, I’m useless for lifting and prone to nausea in metcons.
Joe says
I don’t eat before the workout…
Scott says
Happy Birthday Shane!
Deadlifts 5 x3 (I didn’t know of the overhand grip rule until my last set)
335, 365, 385, 405, 425(F)
I lost my mental focus on the final set and didn’t finish as strong as I wanted.
As for a morning, pre-exercise meal: for 7:00 a.m. workouts I have several chunks of melon, a banana, and a couple slices of prosciutto and for 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. workouts, I have scrambled eggs (about 6 eggs) with tomatoes and bacon, and gluten-free oatmeal with a ton of add ons (berries, flax seed oil, cinnamon, honey, etc.).
Shane says
Just wanted to thank everyone for the well-wishes! You guys are the best and I’m incredibly thankful to be a part of this community.
Hell yeah, Steph W! That made my day!
Fox says
Always something in the tank pre-WOD. I could get away with an easy 5k or something similar energy system wise without any food, but why?
If I don’t have enough time to have a small solid meal before, I go with this:
Fill a large mug with milk, drink most of it, leave a little, fill with high octane coffee. Drink, yum, 3,2,1, go.
Wifey, you should know this!
David says
death by burpee16 rounds cleared + 14
then I played with some split snatches, jerks and cleans
I eat burpees for breakfast.
David Mak says
Nice David, I haven’t been able to develop a taste for them yet. Maybe with bacon…
Shane Happy Birthday brother!
Well, I’ve come down with the crud. Hit me yesterday and I’m out for the count today. I guess a good week for it, all things considered. I hope to be healthy and happy by the weekend which will be spent in Vermont. See you all Monday.
jack says
Happy birthday, Shaneman!Worked out at Equinox this evening, Deadlifts x3-245,265,275,295,305(f). Very poor planning.Did knees to elbows and erg to warm up Did some pullups, 10 minutes on the erg, hot shower and gone.
Tam says
Happy Birthday, Shane!
I just did the squat/push-up work out with three bonus push-ups because I was trying to do it from memory.
So…with 21 push-ups in the last set: 16:42. I feel fantastic.
Malcolm says
Death by burpees done alone in the dark in a wet park. Warmed up with hand stand practice, cartwheels and gillies.
Got 12 rounds plus 10. Which makes 88 burpees. I hated everyone.
Then tabata’d some pulled pork at the big B’day bash.