With a continuously running clock, perform one pull-up the first
minute, two the second, three the third and so on until you are unable
to complete the prescribed number of repetitions.
Athletes without strict pull-ups will perform a 5×5 with assisted strict pull-ups or ring rows
Post rounds completed to comments.
Accessory Work
Tabata Double Unders
12 minutes of Jump Rope Practice
Due to events upstairs and downstairs in the Lyceum, there are NO EVENING CLASSES this week. We will have additional morning classes to try and make up for folks who can make it in before work. If you're on a 4 week contract and you can't make the AM classes, please email me and I'll suspend your account for the week we're not meeting at night.
Monday 6am, 7am
Tuesday 6am, 7am
Wednesday 6am, 7am
Thursday 6am, 7am
Friday OFF
Saturday 10, 11, 12
Sunday 10, 11, 12
Death By Pull-Up:10 rounds even
old score was 6 rounds and into the 7th
hand ripped open during 9th, thanks Shane for mending 🙂 just got the 10th pull up done in time and decided to call it there. was able to go unbroken through 7 rounds. next time shooting for 12.
tabata DUs: complete mess! got 58 total. wasn’t able to string together more than 5 at a time.
Warm up was fun, did 20lb med ball with Charmel who can really rip it! Almost knocked me down once.
12 rounds and 12 in the 13th round. I was very disappointed in my performance today, I thought I was going to get much higher. I don’t remember what I was able to do last time on this. Oh well, another thing to work on.
Tabata DU’s: 148 total. Not quite Dan territory but I’m happy with it.
See you all in a week, I’ll miss ya (damn lyceum).
Worked on pull-ups: 5×5 on the yellow band. Spent time on the double unders–maybe I got one real one today. Hard to tell.
To cheer myself up after all that goat work, I rowed a 2k. The only time I ever rowed that far, it was part of WOD and I got 8:12. This time I pulled a 7:49. Pretty psyched about that.
I’m out of town this week so I’ll see you all next Saturday.
14 rounds and like 8 pullups. my lungs were killing me more than my arms actually. good times though.
Double goat day- pullups and double unders. Humbling, to say the least
While catching up with Margie, she didn’t seem convinced that I could still Pull Body weight on the Snatch after not having trained the movement in almost 5 months. We bet a lunch on it.
SnatchBarbell Warm-Ups (75×3, 95x 3 Pulls+3 Power, 115×1, 135×1)145×1, 155×1, 160×1 PR
BW=145, Margie owes me lunch!!
“Death By Pull-Up”19 Rounds cleared + 17 Pull-upsPR (207 total)
If i knew I was that close to 20 rounds I could have finished it I think…
Tabata Double Unders130 total, pretty wiped out by this point.. just tried to get through it.
Thanks to Chris for WODing with me and everyone else for the encouragement.
Good day today.
Great fun with Jenna in the warm-up. Next time everyone should do sound effects.
11 rounds plus 11 pull-ups in the 12th round. Got too excited and pushed beyond my grip strength – ended up flat on my back on the floor after falling off the the bar. Sorry to scare everyone – I seem to be fine, just a bit on the stiff side of things. Last time I got 9 rounds so this was a big improvement.
Double unders were hard, kept loosing my grip on the rope. 100 even.
hello everyone.. fun day today. death by pullup suck. I got 14 +13 .. the 14th round was easy, i really thought I was well on the way to my goal of 16, but my grip was done during the 15th round and i just couldn’t get a lot done. i was doing singles. crazy.
Yay! I got about 3 unbroken double unders. (Only gotten singles before.)
great class today
WUerg 900m incr speed every 300m
DPU10+9. this is better than i my last attempt, 7.
Tabata DU’s120, then did it again with the 11am group. 120.
did some hand stand push up practice with malcolm. i’m no longer as scared as i was being inverted, which is nice.
and…i am very psyched to see my wife in foundations!
I was much impressed with Mr. Osorio’s showing today and gladly concede that he does, in fact, still have snatchtastic abilities.
Good to be home.
Sad to miss this one–also 2 goats of mine. Instead did some capoeira training off of Ido Portal’s blog. Shane turned me on to Ido, he is amazing:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_eTg6gMTE0
(This is the workout I did, beginner version:http://idoportal.blogspot.com/2009/08/another-workout.htmland I wasn’t able to do all the movements)
I really enjoyed all aspects of today’s class. The warmup was fun and dynamic and did a fantastic job of warming me up. Then on to Pullups!
10 rounds plus 5.
I’m happy with this considering I didn’t have any pullups a month ago. My first 6 rounds were unbroken. I know I can get to 12+ next time for sure.
Tabata double unders= 120.This felt good but I just got tired. Again, I’ll be better next time.
Really fun to watch the hubby and Captain O tackle today’s WOD. Always inspiring.
Damn Jess! This is fantastic progress! Badass lady.
Oh, and if I could just put out my wish list…I would love to know what our wod’s for this week are the night before. If we’re not having a sweat heavy wod, then I could make the 7am class and not shower before work. But if it’s a kickass met-con, then I should probably make 6am so I can go home and shower before work. Sorry if that’s gross but I’m just putting it out there. There’s only a certain level of stinkyness that my coworkers can take…
Fun warmup. Threw around the 14 pound medicine ball with Peter.
Death by Pullups: 13 rounds + 9 reps. Better than I thought.
Tabata double unders: 58
750 Row – 21 Thrusters – 500 row – 15 thrusters – 250 row – 9 thrusters25lbs dumbbells12:13
Hand opened up on round 13. Finished the round but round 14 was painful and I am not a machine like Ryan who can keep going through pain. Got 5 pulls in round 14.
First 13 rounds unbroken.
Did some handstand pushup practice. 5, 4, 3, 3.
were these supposed to be strict?
Made this up at Van Voorhees park.got 6 rounds plus 3Way lower than everyone else got.
Gotta work on these…Or just be lighter.