Post loads to comments.
compare to 9.16.09
Skill Work
Handstand Practice
compare to Charmel Post FGB III
There are NO EVENING CLASSES THIS WEEK. We are meeting Monday through Thursday at 6am and 7amotherwise we're closed. We'll be posting no equipment WODs on all our nomal "on" days this week.
Monday at home CrossFit
Warm-up: DROMS and a jog around the block
Skill: Practice gracefully kicking up to a handstand against a wall. Spend ten minutes on this skill with plenty of rest in between inversions. Once you kick up, try to get "hollow" and keep your back straight.
For Time:
50 Squats
42 or 21 Push-Ups
50 Squats
30 or 15 Push-Ups
50 Squats
18 or 9 Push-Ups
Physical Culture From Around the World Ido Portal's Forum
1970's Polish Weightlifting Training Footage part 5/10
6am cfsbk!
5×3 FSQ(45×5, 75×5, 95×3)115, 125, 130, 135(2), 125
135×3 is my PR but it just wasn’t happening this am. dropped down to get my 5th set in
rowed a 500 @ 1:55.9had every intention of doing another but just felt gassed. i feel a rest day coming on!
FSq5x5w/up 22-22-4550×3, then failed. My flexibilty hurt me here, as I went way too far down and ended up on my ass. Went back and did a “toss across” or whatever it was Shane called it of 45×5 for five sets.
Handstands felt great! Also did 5-5-3-3 pullups (blue) with Ariel before I had to head to work.
Great lifting with Jess today.
Front squats:(45×5, 75×5, 95×5)100×3, 110×3, 120×3, 125×3, 130×1.
Went too low on the 2nd 130 and failed. Next time!
5×5 pullups with white band. These are getting easier!
Always nice lifting with you too Charlotte! Thanks for not minding the lower bar rack position.
Warmup: Foam roll and handstand work.
Front Squats:(45×5, 75×5, 95×3)100×3, 110×3, 120×3, 125×3(PR), 130×3(PR)
Still fairly new with this movement, but I think I might really enjoy it once I get passed the awkward choking feeling. I was a little wobbly as the weight increased and I need to work on keeping my knees out and staying on my heels to drive up. Thanks Shane for the coaching!
Anyone else crazy sore from yesterday’s pullups? I’m hurting already, which isn’t good since I normally get sore 2 days later. Not sure what to expect tomorrow…
One more thing, I really like that Home WOD’s are being posted for those that can’t make the AM classes. That’s right folks, no excuses.
If we’re not gonna be open for classes on Thanksgiving, anyone interested in another morning Prospect Park 5K? Our own little Turkey Trot? If we are open for classes, I’ll bring the turkey and brussels sprout fritatta.
aaah 6am! nice to be up and early.
WU900m row incr. by 10sec every 300mfoam roll spinal flossinghand stand practice. feeling a little easier getting inverted.
WODFSQ(45×5, 65×5, 95×4,) 135, 155, 175, 195
not a pr, but solid for me. leg was a tad twitchy so didn’t want to push it. i think it was from the 2 sets of tabata DU’s yesterday.
kipping pull up practice.
CDfoam roller
“toss across”
that sounds obscene steph.
5×5 FSQ
(45×7, 75×6, 95×5)125, 135, 135, 135, 145
first time fsq in awhile so i did 5*5 and didn’t push the weight. felt pretty good on most of these lifts and the knee was fine throughout. we’ll see how it feels later. gonna have to take a nap at some point today.
“Toss Across” was actually a favorite childhood game of mine that involved throwing beanbags at a giant tic-tac-toe board. Thank you for sullying that memory Sameer.
Try this at homehttp://gizmodo.com/5404571/i-desperately-want-this-video-to-be-fak
I could be talked into a Turkey Trot. Assuming I’m not busy burning a turkey (note: not a euphemism) at the time.
I’m also down with a Turkey Trot. Smart thinking, Fox.
FSQ 5×3
225, 245, 255, 265, 225
It was great to see Charmel back this morning and do front squats with him. I’m down for Prospect Park Track Club’s Turkey Trot.
As a point of solidarity, I’ll be doing the at home wods
Warm-upbarefoot jog around 2 blocks
skill15 min handstand practice
not very good at high rep push/ups
Nice find, Jack. That’s pretty sweet. I haven’t forgotten that I owe you some kipping practice either.
EARN YOUR TURKEY!!! (or more to the point, earn the mashed potatoes, stuffing, desserts, etc…)
CrossFit South Brooklyn Track Club!
CFSBKTC Thanksgiving Day 5K!
happy to oblige
Turkey Trot! I’m overdue to go for a 5k, never done one. I seem to be sick or out of town for them…
I’m sore today – not sure how much is from the fall and how much is from the pull-ups and hip extensions.
warm-up: DROMS, 3×20 kb swings @ 25lbs. ~25 handstands against the wall
Home WOD: 10:18. Squats unbroken, but slowing towards the ends of the sets. Push-ups: 10,8,5,5,3,3,3,3,3/5,5,3,3,3,3,3,3,2/5,5,3,3,2 … sorry to be so verbose, just want a record so next time I can see how my sets match up.
Just did the home wod of 50 squats, 42 pushups, 50 s, 30 pu, 50 s, 18 pu.
Took 8:16. My hips hurt. I feel like an aging show dog.
Warmed up with KB swings at 16 kg and wall hand stand supports. 3 rounds.
Worked out at the Equinox this evening-snuck in. Did front squats x3 115,125,135,160,135. Felt strong today, concentrated on proper form.Didn’t have my log with me and we haven’t done these in a while, so I didn’t push it,although 160 felt heavy. I did the squat- pushup WOD, 21,15,9 time was somewhere under 4 minutes, couldn’t tell exactly from the gym wall clock. Did some pullups, foam rolled. And oh, did I mention the hot shower? I hafta say(crossfit snob that I have become) that watching some of the big guys lifting was an eye opener. Most of them had the crappiest form. That stuff would never fly in SBK.And Fox Man, I’m gonna take you up on the kip practice, thanks.
5k run: 25:35. Ran a good two mile race, unfortunately 5k=3 miles.
Home Wod Squats/Pushups50/42-50/30-50/1811:39
Needed someone to chase for both events.
Super happy for the play-at-home WODs this week!
Home WOD (50/21/50/15/9): 8:21
Err that should have been 50/21/50/15/50/9. 🙂
at home WOD50/21/50/15/50/9 modified pushups 15 minutesgot the handstand!
Deadlift385x1x5The last couple were about as ugly as ugly can be. It felt heavier then I was hoping.
Bench Press135x8x2Got bored and left. Also, really felt it in my bad shoulder.
Pretty uninspired trip to the Y, a pretty uninspiring place.
Home WOD Rx: 10:50Push ups sucked.
1st round squats unbroken2nd: 25/253rd: The wheels fell off the cart.
I’m in for a Turkey Day 5K depending on what time.
Extra credit:@home WOD with 21-15-9 pushups (full down, mod up)13:04my legs hate me
Good times at CF North Atlanta–nice space and they’re doing a good job walking that line between friendly and hard core. WOD was Filthy Fifty–50 reps each of 24″ box jumps, jumping pull-ups, KB swings (35#), lunges, K2E, push press (45#), back extentions, wall ball (14#), burpees and double unders. 37:30. Maybe made more progress on the stupid double unders.
I’ll do the squats/push-ups tomorrow.
made up FSQ on Tues AMtook it easy, my quads were still sore from thrusters/row (I drank too much Saturday night)