Fitness and Performance: 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a heavy single for the day. Aim for about 90% of your 1RM. If you’re feeling good then go for a new 1RM, if not, back off.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Time:
270m Run
10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75
For Time:
30 Double-Unders
10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75
25 Double-Unders
8 Hang Power Cleans
20 Double-Unders
6 Hang Power Cleans
15 Double-Unders
4 Hang Power Cleans
10 Double-Unders
2 Hang Power Cleans
5 Double-Unders
Post time and Rx to comments.
Are you ready for “Murph” tomorrow?!
Come Get Supple, and Remember That Coach Noah’s Muscle-Up Workshop Is Today!
- Active Recovery is on at 11am with Coach Fox.
- If you signed up for Coach Noah’s Muscle-Up Workshop, you’re meeting in the annex today from 3-4pm. A spot opened up if you’re still interested! Register here.
Are you ready for tomorrow?! The gym will be open starting at 7:45am. We’ll start grilling around 11:00am and be done around 3pm… maybe. There will be no evening classes. Please be ready to go at the time you signed up for. That means you’ll need to get there early and warm-up on your own. Here is a good mobility|WOD to check out if you’re not sure what to do. The gym will provide beer and meat for all who attend. If you can bring a side dish and other food/drinks, it would be much appreciated!
Register Now to Row a Half-Marathon With Coach Nick on June 14th, at 2:15pm
You know you’ve always wondered, “Gee, what would it be like to row 21,097m?” Well, your chance to get your answer is coming up: SBK will host a 1/2 Marathon Row on June 14th at 2:15. And fear not: we’ll show movies during the event. Really, what better way to spend your Sunday afternoon? You can row the full distance or split it up however you want with one other partner.
Coach Nick will send out a DIY program to everyone who signs up and will analyze video of participants’ rowing form. The training will consist of at least two long erg sessions a week to get your butts—and calluses—in shape! Expect to devote 1–2+ hours twice a week to this. Sound fun, or what?! (What?)
Sign up now! The cap is 25 – 15 slots for people rowing solo, and 10 slots for people who are partnering. This may change depending on demand. If you don’t want to row the 1/2 marathon solo, but also don’t have a partner, we’ll find one for you.
Space is limited. REGISTER HERE (scroll to the bottom)
Questions about either event, or want the 1/2 marathon training plan asap? Email Nick [at]
Why Do We Experience Awe? The New York Times