Performance: High Intensity, 85-90% x 3 x 4
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add a few pounds to last week
Exposure 3/8
Work up to one heavy set of 5 reps
Go heavier than last week’s set of 5.
Exposure 3/8
Post loads to comments.
Partner AMRAP, 16 Minutes:
5 Toes to Bar
10/7 Push Ups
15 Squats
Partners alternate full rounds. Men do 10 push-ups, women do 7.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congrats to all CFSBKers who competed in the Starting Strength Fall Classic yesterday at CrossFit Gantry. They CRUSHED it.
Here are some numbers from our strong folks:
- Charlie N. WON Best Female Lifter, with a squat of 270#, press of 92.5#, and deadlift of 335# (which was also a personal PR).
- Nicole A. WON Best Female Lifter in the Masters division!
- Bethany E. hit a lifetime PR on her squat at 200#, and hit her all-time deadlift PR at 250# (which is two times her bodyweight!).
- Cam C. hit 210# on her squat, 85# on press, and 245# on her deadlift, all PRs!
- Rob U. hit a deadlift PR of 420# and squat PR of 360#!
If you competed yesterday and we didn’t get your numbers yet, please tell us how it went (even if it didn’t go according to plan)! And anytime you compete in anything athletic or CrossFit-related, please take photos and tell us how it went by posting in the comments or emailing Managing Editor, Kate R., at Katharine [at] <3
Join Jacyln K. For Yoga at the New Time of 9am on THURSDAYS!
Jaclyn has always had a love for fitness and overall health. She started practicing yoga as her source of recovery both physically and mentally. Her love for yoga drove her to get her first certification in 2007. Since, she has been teaching both Bikram and Vinyasa in the tri-state area. With her extensive study in many lineages of yoga, Jaclyn takes aspects from each creating a flow both challenging and accessible for everyone.
For Jaclyn, CrossFit and yoga are a brilliant team. She uses her yoga practice not only for added mobility but for strength, focus, and breath work as well. When Jaclyn works with athletes, she will gear her class around these principles while still keeping things light and fun in the same spirit that a CrossFit class has. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or brand new to a yoga mat, Jaclyn will offer plenty of options so everyone feels challenged yet still comfortable in this Vinyasa flow class.
When: NEW TIME Thursdays at 9am
Cost: Free as part of our Unlimited Membership option, or counts as one of your regular group classes
Why Weightlifters Should Front Squat With a Closed Fist Instead of Two Fingers Catalyst Athletics
What New Yorkers Do After Being Stuck on the Subway For Two Hours Gothamist
So awesome, strong people!
Swole filter on!! Congrats to everyone. Charlie bringing home that hardware! Adele working so hard and crushing her first meet!
Press: 122.5x5x3. Last week felt heavy, so I only jumped 2.5 on this. Felt good and was not in any danger of failing.
Deadlifts: 415×5. Getting heavier. Looking forward to switching to 3s soon.
Metcon: Worked with Rytes (whose name I might have misspelled) for 14 rounds even. unbroken toes to bar, push ups in 2-4 rounds, and consistent squats.
Big 6am class with NickDowell
Press: 75x3x4. This was just a little below 85%. I've been enjoying the performance work so far this cycle.
Deadlift: 235×5. Up 10lbs from last week and still feels heavy.
WOD: Partnered with Steph for the snowflake version, with me subbing sit-ups for T2B and Steph doing hollow rocks. We completed 16 rounds + 5 push-ups. I was really happy to do all of the push-ups strict. Seven was the perfect amount for me each round with enough rest between rounds to be able to stick with it.
Congrats to all the strong people who competed in the SSFC!! So impressed with everyone's results!!
Best Q&A from why weightlifters should FSQ with closed fist article:
"Are there top international athletes who front squat with two fingers? Yes, there are. Some of you dying-to-contradict-the-author-of-an-article-because-you’re-desperate-to-prove-somebody-wrong-because-you-didn’t-get-enough-mashed-taters-at-the-dinner-table-and-your-desire-for-vengeance-consumes-your-soul folks have probably already jumped on YouTube to find video of a world champion who front squats with two fingers. If that’s the direction you want to take, go ahead and front squat any way you want. I’m sure your particular situation and skill set is identical to that world champion…"
Press: 132x3x4 – Made all of the reps, last set was toughest, but descent bar speed through out.
Deadlifts: 325×5 – Up 10# from last week. Dan L. gave me a good pointer about the shoulder setup.
Metcon: Partnered with Dan L. 24 rounds + 29 reps. Dan need another second to get the last squat in. We averaged 40 seconds per round. All reps unbroken.
YAAAASSS to all the guys and gals who competed in the SSFC! I love seeing your posts and your GAINZ. Waiting patiently for the meet reports — Charles this means you ;-)!
I competed in the Met Championship at Lost Battalion Hall on Saturday along with some gals from the Next Level Club.
This was my second competition after Crow Hill in July. I went 4 for 6 and earned a 96kg total. My hope and dream was to break 100kg this time but I would have needed to be more aggressive on the snatch and so I erred on the side of using this meet for confidence boosting. It's a +7kg comp PR.
37/41/46x on the snatch
50/55/57x on clean and jerk
Overall, I really enjoy the experience of competing. I felt reallly nervous warming up for the snatch. i tried to listen to Frankie and calm down. I had picked an opener (37) that I could make all day, every day so even though the execution was not the best I got it. Long wait for second attempt and so I pulled another couple of snatches in the back, unfortunately, equally poorly. But I was able to get my mental game together by the second attempt 41kg (90#). This one really clicked. Frankie told me to remember it because that's what I'm aiming for. Aggression and commitment. Shot the moon on the third attempt and didn't quite have the commitment level I needed to pull under. In general I am very psyched on how much my technique has come along here on heavier weights.
Clean and jerk — the meet was super disorganized and slow with a billion lifters but by this portion, my mental game was on point for sure. Easy opener at 50kg (110#), and then 55kg (121#) which is my current 1RM. I felt taxed so asked for 57kg after that. I fought to stand up the clean (yay!), and then missed the jerk and totes fell on my ass! Go big or go home, I say.
Now excited to keep progressing and gaining more strength!
Nice work Mandy-Mac!
AMANDA MC xoxoxoxxo
Congrats to all our lifters yesterday. I believe everyone hit PRs on at least one lift, some on all three! I was happy to get there early enough to see the deadlifts from the morning session and then I was a side judge (along with Margie) for the afternoon session which was also lots of fun. The majority of those lifting yesterday moved really well and the event was very well organized and run. I was happy to be part of it again this year!
Great re-cap, Amanda. Congrats to you as well!
Afternoon lifting session
Press 50x10x5
135×5, 225×5, 315×1, 365×1
I was ready to go home and eat after deadlifts but Noah asked me to jump in on today's partner WOD so I did, and I'm glad I did. It's been forever since I've worked out with Noah and CrossFit is always more fun with friends. I thought I'd have to modify the T2B but they went smooth. Neither of us wanted to push the pace super hard but we still managed 9 rounds each in just under 16 minutes. Good stuff.
The meet yesterday was amazing. It was my first and I would strongly recommend it to others who are on the fence about participating in an event like this. Many thanks to Margie for your expert coaching and to Jess for helping me get back on the platform earlier in the year after an injury. After several strength cycles with Jeremy, and some big PRs, I had to start all over after hurting my back. It was humbling to take so many steps backward, but I learned a lot through the process. Jay (I refuse to call him Jay-Star) encouraged me to just keep moving and do what I could do. I signed up for the meet to keep me on track and motivated. Margie worked with me once a week, set up programming and recommended a great PT. I went on a macro nutrition plan, which the PT, a competitive powerlifter, also offers. I didn't hit PRs yesterday (although I came damn close!), but I felt strong and fit. I've lost 16 pounds since I started training for this in May, my form has improved tremendously and I lifted strong and safe.
You guys all did AWESOME!!! Super inspiring!! Congratulations to all.
I am looking for a running buddy if anyone is interested in taking a lap around prospect park at 530am most mornings. Please get in touch if you're interested! 🙂 Ariel.Colletti @
6am with NickDowell
Press – 150x3x4 – moved quite well. Thought it was going to be tougher.
DL – 345×5 – this is still pretty light. Moved better than last time I did this weight last cycle
Metcon – Worked with BK. As noted, we got 24 rounds and was 1 rep shy of a 25th. Fun WOD. Never really felt too gassed and we were able to move pretty quickly.
Adele, that's awesome! Congrats to everyone for crushing it this weekend.
Had the most amazing time yesterday with the most incredible people!! My first individual meet outside of the gym too! It was pretty amazing how much strength training improved even since Iron Maidens earlier this year, which felt like it was last year but it wasn't?? I.M. got me to push further outside my comfort zone, which lead to two Strength Cycles. Since my last SC total in July, I added and improved in numbers and form far and beyond that I could ever imagine! You should really see how ugly my 240 deadlift was in July, ouch!
200 lb squat was a goal I had had for so long (even before joining this gym), didn't think I could hit over that weight in one day, even! I am not gonna lie that I cried when I hit that 200#! Thank you a million times, Margie for your training and words of encouragement, and a lot of the CFSBK coaches who I talked to during my training that lead up to this.
What I have learned from all of this is how much of lifting (which translate to crossfit too) is physical AND mental. Never realized how much of it was the latter. You have your good days and your bad days and it gets into your head a lot… I know that people may get geeked out by the idea of competing, but it really is fun, and that adrenaline rush!!! Whether you place first or last, the feeling that you actually DID IT is one of the best parts of it, along with meeting cool new people in the community, being with friends, growing closer with people at our gym, and getting a sweet t-shirt to add to your ever growing gym tees.
Before I ramble some more, the meet was amazing, and such a tight ship run by the fabulous Dana Varrone. I really suggest doing a meet or competing at least once. Fox's article was great about competing and so true. I think I've tried to peer pressure some of you at some point to do a meet and hope that it worked haha. Will prob peer pressure some of you blog lurkers to doing Iron Maidens next year (WATCH OUT!). CFSBK camaraderie FOREVER!
First of all BIG CONGRATS to Amanda and Nancy, Cam, Bethany, Adele, Nicole, Caroline, Rob and Brad. Woot!! Great showcase of CFSBK strength this weekend.
Big thanks to Margie for coaching me through my many emotions and successes and failures and never batting an eye. And thanks to Michelle and Serene and Michael C. who came to support us. Also shoutout to Jeremy and Fox- great to have you guys there too. I feel so lucky to be a part of this community.
Meet Recap.
Going to try to keep this short. Ha.
Haven't been feeling so great the last few weeks (I'm calling it almostsick) so I was extremely nervous yesterday.
Squat: 260F/270/275F I got totally in my head about the squat while warming up. We had an early start and it just felt so heavy. My nerves really got to me, way more so than in Jersey for some reason. First attempt should be easy for me but I was tentative dropping down and did not hit depth. Still added 10# which was my Plan B 2nd attempt. Thankfully I made that one because my third attempt was a mess and I went soft at the bottom and could not stand it up. All the wrong things were popping in my head as I was squatting and it just didn't happen even though I have squatted this weight twice in recent weeks. There were at least four women squatting more than me. At this point I was not having a good day and I was thinking I never want to do this again. I was upset but still in the game.
Press: 85/92'5F/92.5
This was really weird. I missed the second attempt- no idea how it was so heavy for me but it was a real struggle and I was unable to lock out both sides at the same time. And then I did it again for my third rep and it flew up and I made everybody laugh because it was so easy.
This was a gamble. I've wanted 330 for a year now and I wasn't sure it would happen if I did it as my third attempt, so I changed my tactics and opened heavy with the intention of only doing two attempts. 330 went up and I said F it, why not try 335 and I'm glad I did because that gave me the edge. My deadlift was what won it.
I won Best Female Lifter based on my Wilks score and it was SO CLOSE- the woman who came second was way ahead of me on squat and press- she pressed 110#!! My Total was 697.5 and my Wilks was 318 and her Total was 700 but she was 2lb heavier than me so I won by like 1.5 points.
I've never actually won anything before, so that was cool. Maybe I was able to pull more because I had not expended as much energy as if I had maxed out on the other lifts. Who knows?
Anyway, the event was really well run and lots of fun and I love everyone. And I probably will do this again. 🙂
Wow. Huge lifting weekend. Congratulations you guys.
First class in a while that everything didn't seem depressingly difficult.
Little orb on lats and hamstrings
Foam roll thoracic spine
Lax all on calves
Warm up x 3
3 strict HSPUs (1 abmat)
16 reverse lunges 45# on back
3 pull ups
Press 85%
65# x 3 x 4
185# x 5 – used a belt. Last two reps rounded but did it which is an improvement.
Workout with Frank
17 rounds plus 5 T2B
Great reading about all the barbell sports that happened this weekend!!!
Did today's programming solo before CrossFit Kids
3 Rounds
16 Reverse Lunges
4 Pull-Ups
12 GHD Hip Extensions
110x3x4 All static starts
265×5 Easy Peasy
Did the Metcon solo as an 8:00 AMRAP
7 Rounds + 5, 10, 5
So impressed by all the lifters – awesome job all around picking things up and putting them down!
Press – 75x3x4 – A little more than 90%, but moved well. This is a lift I really want to work on.
DL – 245×5 – Felt solid. Got to keep working at this now that Charlie's awesomeness has booted me from the board.
17 rounds for the partner WOD. Was bummed that my one hand started re-ripping and I switched to 10 sit ups instead, but I know in the long run that it was the right move.
105 3×5 – moving well
285 – slow and steady
WOD partnered with Chris 20 rounds +2 t2b
All unbroken. Really fun workout.
BK gave some quality advice after and said take a day off….he may have also told the class on Sunday that I was a prime example of someone chasing mediocrity.
7:30 with Ro and DO
63x5x3 on the press. Getting grindy already. Going up to only 65 next week.
200×5 on the DL. Meh. Last rep was pretty soft.
Partnered with Maggie on the WOD. We each got 7 rounds and I got 4 TTB into the 8th.
The TTB were ugly as always from me…so far from straight legs.
a few rounds of the 7 pushups unbroken and then broke them up.
Congratulations, lifters! So inspiring to read about your feats of strength– especially after following many of your progress on the blog/instagram over the past few months!
Speaking of growth- my first thought when I read today's wod was that I could really kill this workout! While doing the workout, I realized I only recently acquire toes to bar. It affirmed (along with reading the tangible growth of lifters above) that workouts that currently kill me or I can't even attempt RX'd may, one day, be "in my wheelhouse" too!!
Press: 60# 5X3 (Helpful advice from David to keep a closer grip. Felt GREAT)
Deadlift 155# 5X1
Anyway, it was fun partnering Chris (we've both been improving our skills at AG). We did 19 rounds + 5 toes to bar. Helpful advice from Ro about how to get my legs to tap the bar. Yay!
Joined 4:30 group class for some lifting tonight.
(33×5, 53×3, 65×2)
*This is the first time I've ever successfully gotten above 68# for 3×5 on press! WAHOO!
Felt fine. Ready to keep pumping it up.
(135×5, 165×3, 190×1)
hook grip. belted. rep #3 of each is a tad soft in mid-back, but honestly I think slightly better than last week @ 200.
FSQ: first time front squatting for reps in about 2 months…
45×5, 75×3
decided to keep it real light. positions feel good, bilateral hip pain is gone! but I can still feel a bit of L anterior hip impingement. going to see how the next week or two shakes out with this…
For Time
20 Thrusters (65#)
20 Jerks
20 OHS
20 FSQ
…with 5 burpees EMOM starting at 60 second mark.
Time: 9:57
this just felt like a big mess. I think the first 3 movements were in 3 sets and the OHS and FSQ were in two sets. was staring down the clock for my last 5 FSQ's because I was NOT going to do any more F**king Burpees. I have no power/strength in my legs right now from lack of squatting. felt like moving through mud. wish I had some buddies to do this one with. thanks to Jake and others for the encouragement!!
quad mash/stretch and some other hip mobz to cool down
Those are some sick numbers! Congrats to all the lifters! Loved reading about your experiences!
Performance press:
My press is so weak. I've been stuck at 65# forever. Hoping to make some gainz this cycle! I have to remember to not get overzealous and make tiny increases each week.
Deadlift: 5 reps at 215. Didn't feel heavy but my form was a little off. Too hard to articulate how though.
WOD: 21 + 11
SO MUCH FUN! Partnered with Asha and we just kept moving! We each did 10 rounds, then I did the last 11 reps (I was first to go). I was able to string together T2B for all rounds!! This is a huge accomplishment for me. I've been doing singles for about 3 yrs and strung 3 together during the open last March and that was it…back to singles. Something just clicked today! Going to AG is paying off! I highly recommend going at least once per week if you need to improve your gymnastics skills!