Every 90 Seconds for 12 Minutes (8 total sets):
Fitness: 2 Snatches (bail and reset each rep)
Performance: 1 Power Snatch + Hang (full) Snatch
Start at 60% and add weight as appropriate. Finish heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2/8
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
30 Goblet Reverse Lunges, Alternate Legs
40 AbMat Sit-Ups
50 Double-Unders
Use a kettlebell or dumbbell for the goblet lunges. Rx at 1/4 of body weight. Range-of-motion for the goblet lunge is from full standing to the back knee kissing the floor back up to full standing. Scale to 20 attempts if you don’t have double unders or scale some volume as necessary.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Carlos at the top of his SDHP | Photo by Asta F.
CFSBK Kids Club: Sundays at 9am
Want to come to class on Sundays but can’t find a babysitter? Let CFSBK Kids Club help! This one hour drop-off program is designed for children ages 3 to 8, and will keep them engaged with hands-on activities. While you’re working out, your child(ren) will have the opportunity to explore arts & crafts, science experiments, games, and movement activities. You’ll get peace of mind and they get an hour jam packed with FUN!
When: Sundays at 9am
Cost: 1st child – $10/child (take 20% off for the older child when siblings are registered together)
5 Pack – $40/child (1 child), $55/siblings (2 children). Purchase packages here.
RSVP Required (at the Front Desk), capped at 8 children
Please note that CFSBK Kids’ Club is a separate program from CrossFit Kids.
Questions? Email Janelle [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com
A $365 Foam Roller? It Exists The New York Times
9 AM with the Foxes:
Snatch work at 47#, except for sets 3 and 4 at 42# because I crazy-bailed my second rep on set 2. This didn't feel 100% comfortable on my wrist, but I didn't feel like I was in any danger of hurting myself so I kept going and it got better as I went along.
WOD: 3 doubles shy of 4 rounds, with 25 DUs per round and a 35# DB. I can do DUs safely in a WOD, which is awesome. And apparently I haven't forgotten how to do them! Very pleasantly surprised.
Did someone accidentally leave 10 am with an extra sweatshirt this morning? My grey CFSB skull & crossbones sweatshirt disappeared from the closet.
Snatch: 47, 47, 52, 52,57, 57, 62, 62
I snatched 63# one time last cycle and it's the weight I grappled with for 15 minutes at subway series. Today, I power snatched it one time after really helpful advice from Ro. Gotta bring my hips through, be confident to drop under, and work on using my legs, not my arms.
Wod: 4 rounds +30 lunges + 40 sit-ups. 25# dumbbell, 20 DU attempts (single/single/double)
I would have never started off as fast as I did if I was not across from Kayleigh. Man, my legs were on fire but I kept the pace she set. Thanks 🙂
Oh!!! Good luck (congrats?) to all the lifters at the meet today!
I saw a grey hoodie in 608, I'll put it in the L&F, perhaps it's yours?
Also I met the guy who makes those expensive foam rollers a few years ago when he was prototyping them. Complete snake oil salesman, knew nothing about soft tissue and the foam roller has arbitrary bubbles on it. I'm shocked he found a market for it.. sort of.
Performance snatch work started at 63# and ended with a few sets at 86#. All felt good – probably should have tried a little heavier. Trying to focus on form, but I feel like once I fix one moving part another one goes (need to not lead with my butt and push my hips through after passing my knees – not just one or the other).
WOD: 4 round + 15 sit-ups with 16 kg KB. I was just trying to keep up with Allie from the beginning – glad we were across from each other so I could keep trying to catch her.
@DO. The line about doubling the price to create a market confirmed that he was a real d bag in my mind. Haha
Lots of fun with all the lifters at CrossFit Gantry this morning. Special shoutouts to Charlie, who WON the women's event! And to Rob U who is lifting now representing CFSBK all by himself in the afternoon session. Great times!
410 (PR tie)
165 (PR tie)
425 (PR)
Psyched to have finally cleared a 1000lb CFTotal. Time to set some new goals. But first, brisket and eggs at Morgan's.
Snatch: 60, 60, 70, 70, 80, 90, 100, 105kg
Conditioning: 4 rounds plus 18 lunges
If anyone knows of someone in need of a roommate, I am still looking for a more permanent home for my puppy and I. Let me know if you know of a place needing some company!
Fitness Snatch: 53-58-58-63-63-68-73-73
Did 4 reps on the first set of 58 and failed two of them because my weight was on my toes. Focused on keeping my weight in my heels for the rest of the lifts.
WOD with a 16kg KB and 25 DUs (didn't count attempts). 4 rounds + 62. Should've counted DU attempts because was not able to string that many together today which really slowed me down!
Went to brunch in LIC today and happened to walk by CF Gantry on my way back to the train. Stopped in and saw Coach Jeremy who gave me an update on everyone. Congrats to all- sounds like everyone killed it!
JK….3 rounds + 62. I spent about 2 min each round doing those double unders!
12pm class:
Performance snatch complex:
-worked up to 44kg (96#). No fails today. Tried to be faster today after watching Brian be so fast on his snatches!
4 rounds plus 8 lunges at 16kg (35#)
-pretty sure I'm going to be sore as shit after all those lunges. Great workout though!