Split Jerk
Barbell comes from a rack. Build to a medium-heavy triple. The need to lower the barbell to the rack position for multiple reps will keep the load on the moderate side today. Use this as an opportunity to work on perfecting your dip/drive mechanics by focusing on a braced and upright torso with your weight balanced over the foot.
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21 Minutes Not for Rounds:
18 Unbroken Russian Kettlebell Swings, as heavy as possible
6e Weighted Pistols (or unilateral strength work)
3-6 Bar Muscle-Ups (or straight bar strength work)
Choose options on the gymnastics work that challenge you and works your weakness.
Pistol Work
Flexibility/Skill Scale: Foot on Box Pistols
Strength Scale: Deficit Reverse Lunges (weighted if able)
Bar Muscle-Up Work
Strength: Front Lever Progressions / Straight Bar Dips or Dumbbell Lat Pull-Overs
Skill: Attempts, Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups, Kip Swings and Bar Dips
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Make an appointment with Leah, CFSBK’s on-site massage therapist, today. You’ve earned it!
Labor Day Schedule
We’ll be running on a modified schedule this Monday for Labor Day, but there will still be plenty of chances to get your fitness on! Here’s what you can expect:
10am CrossFit
11am CrossFit
12pm CrossFit
Yesterday’s Results Board: Partner AMRAP
Rewired by the WOD? CrossFit Journal
The Crucial American Warehouse JSTOR Daily