Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on our normal schedule. In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
Handstand & Muscle-Up Workshop with Coach Ken
Want to get more comfortable in a Handstand? Need to work on your Muscle-Up? This class offers 4 weeks of focused Handstand and Muscle-Up training with Coach Ken Haller. Classes will consist of Handstand and Muscle-Up technical progressions, plus related strength, mobility, and flexibility work. There is no buy-in for this class. All ability levels are welcome!
Dates: January 24th to February 14th.
Day & Time: Thursdays from 7:30-8:30pm
Cost: $80 for 4 classes
Cap: 12 participants
About the Coach
Ken Haller was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
News and Notes
- Are you a CFSBK member and federal employee who is not getting paid due to the shutdown? We want to help! Please contact Coach Jess at info [at]
- Coach KHarpz is in Miami today to compete in Wodapalooza 2019. Click here to see where and when she’ll be competing. Let’s show her some love in the comments!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Power Snatch | Double-Unders, Power Snatches
Greg Glassman Opens Up About New CrossFit Website Morning Chalk Up
The Best Recovery Modality You’re Not Using Breaking Muscle
Saturday’s Programming
Handstand Walking
Choose one of the following scaling options and spend 12 minutes developing your hand balancing:
A) Hand Walking (free or 2+ feet from a wall)
B) Wall Inverted Hip Shifts with Hand Release (from a wall walk)
C) Box Pikes Hip Shifts with Hand Release
D) Floor Piked Hip Shifts with Hand Release
Post work to comments.
Partner Workout
AMRAP 25 Minutes:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats
Partners alternate complete rounds. Scale to Ring Rows as needed for Pull-Ups, and to Knee or Elevated Push-Ups. Aim to have fast transitions.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
Power snatch: Up to 103. Biggest struggle is just looking out my right arm.
WOD: Through the 60 DUs and 6 of the 12 PS, Rx.
Snatches got better as I kept going – was able to focus in on areas of difficulty. Mainly doubles and triples. DUs were purposefully broken up into two sets for 40 and 50, three sets for 60s.
Off to Miami tonight to cheer on the great, glorious KHarpz and could not be more excited!
Love the photo!
8 AM doing Saturday’s work w/Cid. (Cindy with Cidney!) We got 22 rounds + 23 reps (the extra 23 reps were all Cid).
I can’t believe I just did 55 kipping pullups not having to break up any of the 5s, and 110 pushups (those WERE broken up, let’s be real). I guess bodyweight work is a lot easier when my bodyweight is 143 instead of 158 😛
Also, call me out if I try to skip out on Murph this year.
Also also: GOOD LUCK KHARPZ! You’re gonna kill it!
Thursday’s work-
Kiiiiiind of got carried away just catching up with JB during the 10 mins of snatches so I only get a few attempts in. BUT I matched my power snatch PR at 83# so I hope to test this sometime soon! Worth it, though – I haven’t even seen JB in what feels like a few months and I’m so excited for her!
Metcon: got through 12 rounds of power snatches at 63#. All snatches unbroken until the round of 10. Really happy with how great these felt, and will go heavier next time.
Did the alternating leg jump roping – I definitely felt like a toddler trying to walk for the first time, but after the 3rd round I got used to it and got 40 of them unbroken!
Thanks guys!!!
5th on run/swim: so insane. The swims were more like water aerobics because of how shallow it was. It was pretty much dark out still cause we were first heat. GLORIOUS SUNRISE. Think I played this one well I’m pumped about it.
10th on WOD 3. Also chaos. Came late went in cold. Missed a carry cause I’m a dingus. So happy with this given how unprepared I was. Will reply to comments wih more info late. One more left!
Katie! Great job so far!!!!! YOU’RE GOING TO CRUSH IT! So inspired by hard you’ve worked, your grit & determination, and how much you’ve improved over the years. SO glad to be able to call someone like you “Coach”!!
Can’t wait to hear more! HAVE FUN!!!! 😛
Everything Allie said! So so proud to have you representing us! 😀
Keep up the updates!
Woohoo, go Kharpz!!
12pm group class today with Brett
Handstand Walking was fun! Did a few sets of 20 wall facing hip shifts/hand lifts, then out to the floor. After a few passes (20-30′ mostly?), I decided to play around a bit. Put two 45# plates down to walk to – up – and over to the other side. Never done that before… it was scary and fun! Had a few fails and a couple successes!
Partner WOD with Eduardo!! Such a fun workout to do with him. He is a bodyweight gymnastic aficionado!
We were 3 reps shy of 33 rounds. 16 rds each, plus Eduardo did the extra work.
I did this with 3 strict pull-ups throughout, push-ups as 6-4 felt surprisingly good! Last couple rounds 6-2-2.
First 10 rounds I did 10 alt pistols (sub for the air squats because I need to get my single leg work in). Last 6 rounds I switched to air squats. I think that increased our overall split/pace, so we did more work in the back half of our time than the front. Rad.
Stoked to have done 45 strict pull-ups and was able to keep triples throughout.
20 min cooldown on the assault bike afterward because my legs and arms were pumped like crazy.
Friday Night Open Gym
Thursday’s workout with Johnny W
Worked up to 155 on the power snatch. Just wanted to taste above work
AMRAP 10:00
10,20,30… Double Unders
2,4,6… Power Snatches 135
Got 50 Doubles + 8 Power Snatches
Afterwards did a quick chiller EMOM of :03 pause High Bar Squats at 175 to get some blood in the legs and then 20×4 Reverse Hypers + 110lbs
Good luck everyone at WDPLZA