Mid Hang Power Snatches and Full Squat Snatches
Accessory Work
7 Rounds For time of
10 Push-Ups
5 DB Squat Cleans
Nicole works her pressing strength and balance
Brooklyn's New Culinary Movement NY Times
Check us Out on the Affiliate Blog today!
Established 2007
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Mid Hang Power Snatches and Full Squat Snatches
Accessory Work
7 Rounds For time of
10 Push-Ups
5 DB Squat Cleans
Nicole works her pressing strength and balance
Brooklyn's New Culinary Movement NY Times
Check us Out on the Affiliate Blog today!
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Foundations Info
Interested in training with us or know someone who might be? Check out the next Foundations cycle information under the "Getting Started" tab to the left.
Sign up with a friend and you both receive $20 off the posted price.
If you're a current member and you refer a friend you can take %20 off your next package while your friend also gets the $20 discount on registration.
Burpee Challenge Madness
We've got two concurrent Burpee Challenges going on, Steph's Challenge and Bjorn's Challenge. Who's in and which team and how far along are you? Lets see who makes it out the other end this time!
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compare to 1.1.09
Accessory Work
Strict Pull-Ups or Ring Rows 3×12
Rowing Practice
Kadijah keeps a close eye on Melissa
Thousands of free video lectures from the world's top scholars. DOPE!!!
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A PVC and barbell are your best friends today.
Accessory Work
30-20-10 reps of
Box Jumps
Kee To Elbows
300 pounds, OWNED. Great work, Sameer!
Register for the CrossFit South Brooklyn Gymnastics Certification before it goes on the main site!
"The point of this seminar is to educate you in basic gymnastic movements which in turn will allow you to progress in your CrossFit workouts. Such skills and drills, basic or otherwise, will allow you to develop strength moves and variations in your personal training. All of these movements are based on form and the progression toward form with strength. Small moves will bring great rewards – you don’t rush these movements, you LEARN them!"
What happens at a CrossFit Gymastics Cert? CrossFit.com
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Accessory Work
Four rounds for time of:
95 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 12 reps
12 Ring dips
NYC area CrossFit Affiliates
CrossFit Queens Brandy and Paul's new Affiliate!
The City CrossFit
CrossFit Gotham
CrossFit NYC
CrossFit Brooklyn
CrossFit Virtuosity