Post loads to comments.
compare to 5.17.09
Accessory Work
3 Rounds NFT of
10 Toes to Bars
1 Farmers Walk around the Lyceum
What was your favorite part of the Games this year?
Jacinto Bonilla, Part 2 CF Journal Preview
Quest For the Affiliate Cup Free CF Journal Article
seeing margie! come home!
Clean: (42×5, 42×5)62×3, 82×4,102×5,112×4,122x3This was my second time working with a full barbell squat clean, so I didn’t want to try for a one rep max. Intended to do 5×3, but ended up throwing in extra reps when I needed to work my form.
Accessory: 3 rounds: 10 toes to bars with a slight knee bend – my quads can’t quite do a nice pike. 2 rounds farmer’s walk with 30lb dumbells – decided to stay with this weight so I could get around without putting them down.
For some reason I felt incredibly sluggish today. Not sore at all really, just slow and low energy. Might be my body telling me I need a rest day or more sleep. It took me forever to ride my bike to the Lyceum and ride home.
Tushar and I played around with 65,75, 95 lbs and tried to dial in on our form. Still having trouble putting everything together, but getting little thing here and there.
4 sets of 10 knees to toesand 3 sets of farmers walks.
Oh and I was reading the post from last year when you guys did these cleans. Funny stuff. Seems like nobody was really drinking milk or just starting to get that milk addiction.
What a difference a year makes!
Lots of practice and warmup with the cleans. Great working with Alec as he really helped keep me honest with form and gave me a great cue – collar bone up. Which sets me up in a much better position. I think this will also really help with my deadlifts.
Warmed up with 45,95,115. Then 135 155, 165 for one and failed at 175 and decided to call it a day. I really like these and feel like the athleticism required will have lots of transfer as I get better at them.
3 sets of 10 toes to bar and 53lb farmers walks. First two toes to bar were unbroken and the first trip around the Lyceum was unbroken.
Shawn I am terrified of what you are doing to achieve knees to toes…
Glad to be getting everyone back from California. Next summer I will definitely be there.
hah good catch Malcolm, shows you how tired I am. I was reading “knees to toes” over and over again trying to figure out what you were referring to “Did Malcolm see something wrong with my form?” “what was I doing wrong?”
On a side note I know you’d appreciate this: had a nice beef round steak (sale $9/lb last Sat at Grand Army Plaza) for dinner with some more roasted Kale, and sauteed mushroom, peas, tomatoes! Awesome.
Front Squats225x2x6
Power Cleans185x2x6
Moderately heavy but enough volume to feel like a workout.
Metcon3 Rounds of10 Pull-ups10 Burpees1:49
Fun, quick and intense
Shawn if you look at that post you will notice my stance on milk has never wavered. If anything my allegiance has only grown stronger.
Wasn’t really my day with these. I kept failing at 155. Getting under the weight wasn’t a problem, but I kept ending up a bit off balance and unable to come up out of it. I did manage my last attempt at 155, but I should have been able to have gone heavier.
Carried the 2 pood kb’s on the farmers walk. Really tough on the forearms and grip.
So glad to be back with everyone! Thanks again for the great vibes and support, it really means alot. Maybe Saturday we can do a big brunch thing and talk about Cali, then top it off with a trip to the Chocolate Room 🙂
Focused on form with the cleans, technique is where it’s at. Worked up to 140 lbs.
Accessory work was cool. 2 pood was pretty darn heavy.
CFE (modified)= 5min work, 2min rest 5 min work on the C2. Thanks for the pointers Nick.
Still in Cali, enjoying the 99 degree heat…
Decided to hit CrossFit East Sacramento (crossfiteastsac.com) while I was out here.
The bus let me off a mile away, they require penalty burpees if you’re late. So instead of waiting on the bus, just ran the last mile. Drivers in this area are insane, dodging traffic was no joke. Hopped a barrier, and then scaled the fence between the highway and the CrossFit.
Then it was on to the warm up:500m Row (pulled it in 1:37 very easy)then 3x:15 squats15 GHD situps (I need to work on these)15 Pullups
Then WOD:21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 ofKB Swings24 inch box jumpsPushups
They didn’t have enough equipment, so I subbed a 1 pood kettle bell for a 1.5pood. Shoulder’s still an unhappy boy.
Pushups killed meKB swing weren’t bad.Box Jumps were easy.
Took a little over 14 minutes. Not a great performance, but felt good to get some blood flow to my shoulder.
Miss everyone horribly, can’t wait to be back.
Ok Nicole, maybe you aren’t so mean… ; )
Back in Brooklyn and looking forward to catching up with everyone on Wednesday!
No, she’s still mean. But that’s why we love her!
Clean:(42×5,42x5ish)52×5,62×3,62×3,62×5,52x5Was determined to end on a good note with these. Hard to turn off the chatter in my brain. Thanks for the help Laurel and Shane. Especially the back cue Laurel. Explained a lot! Man, that breath work is a HUGE component for me.10×3 reps toes to bar. Ran out of time for farmer’s walks.
Hello everyone. Wonderful time at the games, awesome performance by our team.
This morning I slept through my alarm so I did a tabata KB swing in my room.
1 pood, 72 total reps.
Push jerks and Margie on Wednesday – I’m excited.
here’s a pretty decent power clean/push jerk video brought to you by Crossfit Boston.
Clean155, 165, 175, 185, 185, 195, 205(pr)
Today was the first time I went for a max effort on the clean. I need to continue to work on completely opening my hip and really shrugging.