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Note: These will be done exclusively with the overhand grip. No weighted chin-ups this cycle.
Accessory Work:
21-15-9 reps for time of:
DB Snatch Right Arm
DB Snatch Left Arm
Split Jumps
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sarah says
5 x 5 pull-ups all with white band. needed a little assist for the 5th rep of each set.
13:51 for the mini metcon. used 20lb db and the snatches were fine, but those dang split jumps were killer.
Does anyone know who I’m supposed to email if I’m interested in the farm/camping trip?
Charlotte says
Fun early morning crowd…great working with Asta!
5×5 pullups with white band22-16-10 DB snatches, split jumps, 30# – 11:19
5′ erg cooldown1 unassisted pullup!!! might try to go unassisted for 5×3 next week…
Shane, thanks for holding down the fort this weekend–it was great having you coach us.
Joe says
5×5 pullups:BlueWhiteWhiteWhiteNo band (Thanks Bjorn for some assistance towards the end)
Metcon:22-16-10Db snatches R (#25)/Db snatches L(#25)/split jumps9:21
1000m row 3:54.7
Thanks Shane for a good workout and for talking deadlifts with me afterwards.
David McG says
WOD – weighted pu 5x5BW 10lb 26.4lbKB 35lbKB 40lbvestx3
ACC WOD another great one.8:50 (40lb DB)should have gone heavier on the DB snatch. sorry shane.
HUGE thanks to Shane for guiding us this weekend. Shane, we love you.
paul says
pullups: 20, 30, 40, 45, 45×3
this felt good as 45 was right at my limit on these, I usually don’t feel too bad going heavy enough to fail one or two on the last set. not sure if this is desirable/ok?
mini metcon: 6:20 @ 40lbs.
shane, great job running things this weekend. yesterday’s early class reminded me of the old days, with only 5 ppl!
Malcolm says
Pullups: 10,17,26,35,45(1).
Second wod @ 25lbs – 9:54.
Charlotte you are my hero.
Laurel says
WOD #1: 5×5 pull-ups5lb,10lb,15lb,20lbx4.5,20lbx3.5
Cheyne is Strong. Fantastic to watch her getting her chin so far above the bar despite the added weight.
WOD #2: 20lb db, 22,16,10 snatch each side, split jump-misery thing. 9:50. I went lighter on the weight because the movement was relatively new and because my shoulders have been giving me trouble. I think I can go heavier next time.
It has been said many times before, but I can’t help but mention that: Charlotte is a badass.
Malcolm says
Oops. My second wod time was 8:54 not 9:54. Damn clumsy fingers.
ShawnS says
Pullups:5lbs12lb kb,18lb kb x318lb kb x5 (5th one with a kip)12lb kb x4 wih a 20 second or so negative hold.
9:25 on the metcon (it wasnt mini at all) or something close. Cant remember.
I did the 1st 2 sets of snatches at 25lbs and moved up 30lbs for the 3rd set.
Bjorn says
Pullups, weighted by my gut, assisted by bands: 5 blue band, 5 blue band, 5 white band, 4 white band, 3 white band. Progress still slow on these.
Acc wod: 7:22 with 40 lbs. Snatches were fun, after watching Sarah touch the ground with her knees on every rep I felt a bit poorly about my split jumps though.
1000m row for cooldown with guidance from Nick. Thanks!
And Shane, thanks for taking good care of us this weekend, even though we gave you a hard time.
Erik K. says
I did Tabata Something Else at Prospect Park (fyi, St. Mary’s is closed due to falling debris).Pull-ups: 61Push-ups: 63Sit-ups: 114Squats: 98Total: 334
Later I went to the Y and did another 8 miles on the stationary bike, this time on level 1228:01
Ben W says
Weighted pull-ups: 10, 20, 10, 17×3, 17×3
db snatch 40#/split jumps 22 16 10: 8:46
I am very, very sore from the last two wods.
Charlotte says
Erik, where in Prospect Park do you do pullups?
Erik K. says
If you go in from the 9th street entrance and veer to the right, just before the kids playground, there is a little area with a few workout stations, including pull-up bars.
Scott says
Pull-ups 5x510lb20lb35lb55lb72lb(x4)
DB Snatch WOD with 45lbs: 6:49
Ariel says
PullupsGreen bandBlue band w/ assistanceBlue & white bandBlue & white bandBlue band w/ assistant (thanks Tamar!)
WOD: 15# DB Snatch8:06 – that is w/ not very deep split jumps. Definitely need to push myself to go lower on them.
gabrus says
made this up on tues AM.
bodyweight x5 (never did 5 strict pullups before)5lbs x57.5×37.5x35x4