overhand grip only
Post loads to comments.
compare to (5×5) 7.12.09 and (5×3) 5.23.09
Accessory Work
Partner workout
5 Rounds for time of:
15 Rotational Medball Sit-ups, with toss
100 Double Unders
Each team gets one medicine ball and one Jump Rope
Happy Birthdays!!
Sarah, Yesterday!
Brian, Tomorrow!
AJ, Tuesday!
Deb and Alec's Shoulder Seminar is back on!
When: Sunday, August 2nd from 1:30-4pm.
What: Basic anatomy, normal mechanics, impingement and restorative/protective exercises will all be covered.
Who: Alec and Deb run a practice in NYC where they use various methods of manual therapies and neuromuscular re-education to restore balance, freedom of movement and comfort in posture to the body.
Cost: 30$, Space is limited, please RSVP through David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com
Several of our members have worked with Alec and Deb. Please post experiences to comments.
The World is Flat Academic Earth