Today's rest day WOD is the Double Under and Deadlift couplet.
Happy Birthday, Charlotte K!
After this cycle's first exposure to dips, what kind of progression are you planning over the next 3 weeks?
Eva T does "Nate" CrossFit
Max goes for Max Clean and Jerk reps at 224 CrossFit
Hoping for:E1: 5×5 ClearedE2: 5x7E3: 5x9E4: 5×10
Would be very happy to get that 5×10
Eva T doing “Nate” is in my top three favorite CrossFit WOD videos I think.
I’m doing the dips strict, no kip. I’m hoping to add 1 rep to each set, each exposure. So,5x85x95x105x11
Eva T is a Badassssss. And the Smithereens ROCK!
Happy Birthday Charlotte!
E1: 5×5 bar dips with white band, clearedE2: 5×6 w/white bandE3: 5×1, no bandE4: 5×2
…we’ll see. If I can’t do the unassisted, I’ll just keep *accumulating* reps with the band.
Logistical Question:
I did the posted WOD yesterday. If I had come this morning, would I not have been able to Squat?
Not trying to be a pest. Just want to make sure I plan ahead to get all exposures to the lifts. So one would have to show up on the stated lift day or otherwise make it up before/after class, correct?
I have a question along Nino’s lines. If I wanted to attend Thurs and Fri night classes, would I be able to do Saturday’s WOD on Friday night? Or should no one every attend Thurs and then Fri? (In my case this week I did Sun-Mon-Tues-Rest-Thurs, so Friday looks like it should be an on day to round out the 3-1-2-1/5 days per week schedule.)
so many questions!
my dip plan
4×5, 1×4 (done)5x55x65x7
Happy Birthday, Charlotte. Nice back, Deb.
Did the DU/DL couplet all by my lonesome with Shane. Thanks, Shane.
DL=160#: I was conservative, since I haven’t deadlifted in a while, but I got most of the sets (I think save the last 2) unbroken, so I’ll go definitely up the ante next time.
Having gotten 27 (PR) unbroken du’s whilst warming up, I was really, really frustrated not to get more than 10 at a time, and many just singles, during this workout.
17:25 grrrr…
I have the same question about Thurs./Friday, especially since I’ll probably be out of town almost every Saturday in this cycle due to weddings/Gabe finally getting sprung from base and meeting me in DC. Is it possible to do the squat, especially if I go at noon?
Yesterday’s workout:I did 20 box jumps instead of DUs since I don’t have those yet, on the next-to-smallest box, and did 70lbs deadlifts in 16:48.
And I have series of bruises from my knees down to my ankles on my right size from my oh-so-graceful fall off the box during the workout. But it was totally worth it.
this is a big birthday month! happy birthday charlotte and happy belated mike v!
deb – hot back!!
yesterday was to and from pittsburgh for time: aprox 14 hours
my dip progression (hopefully)
e1: 5,3,3,3,3 (bar)e2: 5×4 (bar)e3: 5×5 (bar)e4: 5×3 (rings)
coaches – does that sound like a sound progression? mostly questioning the e3 to e4 jump.
Oh yeah, dip progression– on Wednesday, I did 5×5 with the white band. It didn’t feel that terribly difficult; but I’ll be thrilled if I can do them unassisted by the end. We’ll see how that goes. Might be a bit too ambitious!
I hit 5×4 across the other day, so I’m shooting to add 1 rep per exposure while keeping my form.
Ugh. 35 ring dips.
I want to be Deb when I grow up.
I just went through the archives and realized that this Monday will be my 1-year anniversary with CrossFit. Y’all did Fran; I did tabata air squats with Foundations. I have loved being part of this community–the support and encouragement I’ve gotten from everyone through my pregnancy and now Linus’s early months has been phenomenal. What other place can I show up to workout and someone else will hold my baby? Thank you all.
Also thank you coaches. All of you have such a love of teaching, and give so freely of your phenomenal knowledge, it is a privilege to work out with you.
Especially thanks to David, who never blinked at the idea that a pregnant woman might want to do this craziness, and worked with me to find modifications that were safe while keeping some intensity–but not too much intensity!
OK, enough sappy stuff. This old lady needs to get to work.
My dip plan:
3×2/3×3 (cleared)5x35x45x5A single ring dip
I did 5×5 bar dips on Wednesday. I failed on the the last one in the fourth set. So maybe…
Then maybe ring dips?? I’m not sure at what point it’s prudent to switch over.
I’m on bar dips, started out at 5×3, want to add one rep every week.
Went to my first bikram yoga class in a couple years yesterday. I think I’m going to do 1-2 classes a week to help with my flexibility and flush toxins out of my system.
p.s. That picture of Deb is HAWT.
Deb, I so envy you.
Dip progression: (bar dips)E1: 5×4 white band-clearedE2: 5×6 white bandE3: 5×8 white bandE4: 5×1 no band?
Hard to plan this out. I went conservative on the first exposure because I’d never really worked dips. I didn’t try any unassisted, but will at the 2nd exposure to see if I can get one.
Ooh, I just found this thanks to Keith. Looks pretty tough…
Anyone interested?
I like that all Jess’s events seem to involve free beer. And this time, free tattoos, apparently:
What is included in the entry fee?
In addition to participation in the race itself, you also get an official Tough Mudder T-shirt and dog tags, as well as entry to the post-party. If you finish the race, you also get to enjoy a free beer and – if you dare – a free Tough Mudder tattoo.
Happy Birthday Charlotte! Old lady… I don’t know exactly how many b-days you have under your belt but old lady you are not!
that race seems pretty damn cool and…
If you enter as part of a team with between
6 to 10 members you each get $5 off the cost of entry11+ you each get $10 off the cost of entry
Team SBK anyone?
Happiest of happy days my dear Charlotte. I think we all feel lucky that the pregnant lady adopted us too!
“Make sure you train in a variety of extreme environments and get used to running cold and wet. Also, get used to heights and small, cramped spaces as well as crawling on both your knees and your stomach.”
Extreme conditions, cold, wet? Fine.Heights? Not my favorite, but…Small, cramped spaces? No freaking way.
But I’ll wait for you all at the finish with some dogfish head beer;)
Stephanie if you come up with a team for the toughmudder count me in.
hoping for, strict dips
5×4 check5x55x65x8
did the DU/DL WOD today.
18:04 Rx’d
didn’t have the intensity today, but i really liked this one. funny, this always happens with my DU’s, the more fatigued i get, the more i can do.
Mr Fox, kudos to you sir. fast frikkin time!
thanks to shane for running the show today.
mat based mobility work was great.
hey –
has anyone ever started getting pins and needles in their hand(s) while doing an overhead strength cycle?it’s annoying but i dont think it warrants a visit to any doctor.
any suggestions on stretches or muscles that might need massaged to make it stop?
First time sitting down to a computer today..
to answer your questions, it somewhat depends. if someone wanted to do their back squats on friday night, i would be okay with it. if someone wanted to make up snatches on tuesday, it would be much more difficult because without coaching the movement easily goes to shit. let me think about this some more and confer with the other coaches.
if you come tonight you can do backsquats or the dl/du couplet. im coaching this evening.
Thanks, David!
Maybe you could have the rest days “programmed” to be the lifting that occurs on the day that follows?
Example: Tuesday’s program would be the Wednesday lift, Friday’s program would be the Saturday lift.
that way making up the strength work would take priority over any metcon…
I’m in for “Tough Mudder.”
Steph P and Tam – Your goals sound a bit aggressive.
Paddock – You should be sure to do some ring support work after wards on dip days, maybe a few negatives.
Tamson – That’d be a pretty large (albeit, impressive) increase in volume. Really your goal should be to add 1, maybe 2, reps per round per week.
Once you have 5 bar dips and some semblance of control for at least :10 on the rings you should be able to get a ring dip or two. At that point I would still continue to work bar dips for strength, and throw in ring work (dips & push ups) to supplement. Ring push ups are fantastick for developing control of the rings while moving through ROM.
Rock on.
Rule #1 – follow the rules
Dip goal – to get on the rings!
I think I am ready, just not for high volume.
Power snatch62x572x582x5x2 (PR)
Tall snatch42x3x5
Thanks David and Laurel for the pointers.
/snatch joke
CRASH-B WOD: 12x250m/90sec rest:1:44; 1:44; 1:44.2; 1:43.2; 1:43.6; 1:41.6; 1:41.2; 1:40.6; 1:39.8; 1:39; 1:38.8; 1:38.4
This was a lot better than I though it was going to be. Started with trying to keep it at 1:45 but I probably should have gone for 1:40 across.Made up ring dips: 5×4
Starting Strength Day 9.
Starting to be really ready for this to be over. Week one was easy, week two was fun, week three was hard. I suspect week 4 will be hell.
Squat 255x5x3 (PR)Press 107.5x5x3Deadlift 265x5x1
Did weighted supermans as accessory. These sucked.
Starting Strength Day 9:
Backsquat: (45×5, 95×5, 125×5) 165x5x3
Press: (22×5, 45×5, 65×3) 80x5x3
Deadlift: (65×5,95×5,135×3) 185×5
Accessory: Ring dips 3×5, depth lunges with 10lb dumbells in each hand, 3×5.
Very heavy. I feel like my glutes/hams suddenly turned on in a new way today. Something about the low bar backsquat is finally clicking. I hope it sticks. Press was super heavy, but it went up… we’ll see how it goes next Wed.
crash b wodall 12 were between 54 and 58 seconds (with one @ 60 bc i started late)
didn’t hurt so bad, felt ok. i prefer sprinting to longer pieces ANY DAY!