(E2/4) L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
Technique emphasis: 3rd Pull
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Assistance Work
5 Rounds NFT of:
5 Strict Pull-Ups
5 Hip Extensions
5 Weighted Lunges, Each Leg
6 x 250m / 3 min. @ max pace. No rating cap
Anne I locks out on our DIY Dip Bars
Happy Birthday, Luisa P!
We installed some storage shelves and a coat rack in the room by the espresso machine. When you get in, please put your stuff in that room instead of on the benches. Does anyone have any extra coat hangers they're willing to part with? Please post to comments if you do, we only need like 5-8 more.
Lost Ünd Found
We have a very large container full of clothing, ice skates, glasses and more water bottles than we know what to do with. The LÜF will be out by the small desk all week, please go through it before you leave and see if anything is yours. Most of the items have been there for more than 3 months, whatever we don't clear out by next Monday will be donated to charity. Get it!
David says
Just FYI, last week we had 6 people at 5pm, 8 people at 6pm and 14 people at 7pm.
.DMG says
great class this am
WUrow 600mdroms
snatch prep with pvctall muscle snatch x5oh landing x3high hang power snatch x3
WOD – power snatch45x3x345x5x265x3x395x3x5
felt good. got to concentrate on a couple of things. high elbows and full hip extension.
ASS WK5 rnds NFT5x strict pull ups – felt good on the new bar5x hip extensions5x kb swings 2pd
CDfoam roll
Chris J. says
Nice working on the power snatch. A complicated movement with a long way to go…
Thanks for the video coaching David.
ASS WK (if DMG calls it that, why not?)
5x strict pull ups – blue band5x hip extensions – first time4x lunges with 30lbs, 1x 40lbs’
Thanks for the band help Richie, DMG and Steph.
Vincent Dugan says
Movement is feeling better but still have a long way to go.
Jess says
Did today’s workout at a local globo gym by myself.
Accessory work–5 rounds NFT of:5 strict pullups (rigged bands to be between blue and white band)5 hip extensions5 weighted lunges each leg with 25lb db’s
Snatch work:Lots of warmup sets at 22/25lbs (noone at the gym know how much the little bar weighs!)45x5x355x5x5
Really missed the coaching on this lift but did my best to channel it…keep the bar close, big chest, agressive jump and shrug, full extension, etc.
I did the accessory work before the snatches because some guy was curling with the little barbell. Feel like I could have given a little more if the order was flipped.
Snip says
POWER SNATCH!Did lots of practice @ 35 lbsFell on my butt onceHoping to improve in both these areas next week.
ASS Work: Completed. Managed 2 strict pullups with the white band (yeah!), the rest I used blue.
Afterward, played around with swinging the one pood kettlebell, 3 sets of 10 swings. Felt heavy but manageable.
Chris A. says
work:65x375x385x385x385x3Watched the video demo posted last week many times pre workout. very helpful! need to work on the mechanics of this, particularly the landing. thinking of practicing with pvc or light bar. anyone think that’s NOT a good idea or have thoughts on other ways to practice?
Assisted5 rounds not for time:5 hip extensions (Fox, thx for working with me on those).5 walking lunges using 20lb dumbbells5 strict pull ups. All rounds unbroken except the last (4 and 1). Damn!Shane, thx for the hamstring stretch suggestion.
David Mak says
CRASH-B WOD:8x500m max across sets.1:46.3; 1:47; 1:47.5; 1:48; 1:48; 1:44.8; 1:45.6; 1:48.4 Average 25s/m
Wanted to keep my time just a couple of seconds above my goal of 1:45 until the last three sets where I tried to kick it. Legs were shot. Last round was a little faster (probably around 1:45ish) but there was a glitch with the timer.
Fox says
Power Snatch105x3x3110x3x2Still feeling this out. Felt better tonight.
PJ (135)/Burpee WOD8 Rounds + 2 PJThat was harder than I thought it would be.
Malcolm says
Starting Strength Day 10:
For the past week I have had a bit of a stomach bug and couldn’t really eat much. Normal person size lunch and dinner, no breakfast no milk. My weight responded to this assault by plummeting 7 lbs.
Today was the first day I paid for it in my lifting.
Squat: 260×5 (Form was ugly with knees caving and a lot of twisting, got all reps but ugly). Second set I did the first one and felt the same knee dive/hip twist combo and stopped after that. Pissed.
Bench: 155x5x3. Felt okay.
Clean: 160x3x5. Felt pretty good, but exhausted.
Stomach is feeling a lot better tonight. I actually had a little milk so maybe I will be back in line by Wednesday.
Laurel says
Starting Strength Day 10:
Backsquat: (45×5, 95×5, 135×5) 170x5x3
Break for Foundations class – Great group of people today. I’m excited… and glad that I didn’t have to run. I think I’m going to have a rather nasty time of it the first week out of SS.
Bench Press: (45×5, 65×5, 85×5) 110x5x3
Power Clean: (53×3, 83×3, 103×3) 128x3x5
No accessory work:
Three Thank Yous!
1. Fox – your cue to spread the floor with my feet in the squat has helped immensely.
2. Deb and Alec for some quick and dirty hip work.
3. Malcolm for bringing me dinner and helping me get my lifts in post Foundations.
Now. Bed.
stephaniep says
snatches this morning
i wouldn’t really say that i cleared 80×3, but i did 3 (ugly) attempts at 80. did a bunch of reps at 72 and 77 – i need to work on getting under the bar faster.
then did modified crash b wod4x250 w/ 2 min rest
52.6, 52.7, 53.1, 52.0all around 30-32 s/m
tomorrow = rest day = glorious
David Osorio says
Snatch45x3x3, 75×3, 95×3, 105x1115x3x5
5 Rounds of Assistance work with a 75lb barbell for the lunges. Did it in a hurry to fit it in before classes.
today was a great day at CrossFit!
Dan Rx'd says
Good to be back at CFSBK, home sweet home.
Movement Prepwork
Warmup – 10 strict pullups, 20 push-presses@45lbs, 10 K2E, 10 wallball 20lbs@14′, 10 walking lunges@45lbs, 20 squats, 10 OHS.
Workout: Power Snatchwarm up: 45x3x2pulls, 45x2x2, 65×3, 95x3work sets: 115x3x5
5 Rounds of accessory work with a 55lbs plate for the lunges.
David Turnbull says
WODRun to 4th Ave15-12-9Squatspush-upsSit-upsRun to 4th Ave8:16
Sameer says
snatches today, sets across at 95 pounds. some improvements, although not huge ones. felt good to stay at the same weight. I figure, like with the clean, it is best to stay at the same weight until it gets dialed in at that weight, and then move up a bit, and get dialed in at a higher weight, etc.
Anne Ishii says
Power Snatches!I was bummed at how “little” weight I was throwing in the air but realize now that I feel my hip flexors that it was probably just the right amount.
I did some combination of sets of 3 of:425257
Thanks for the attentive coaching David, Fox. Once my heels stop throbbing I’ll go crazy again.
Speaking of which, I discovered a hilarious bruise on my right thigh: four irregular short stripes. I had punched myself in the thigh really hard after the jerkpress-burpee wod on Sunday because I kept gassing. Ha.
tam says
warm-up: 42x3x2 snatch pulls & snatches
57x3x3(or 4, actually)
It was fun this time! Not so demoralizing or klutzy feeling.
assessory work:
pull-ups all unassisted! Yay! I can only do 3 at the most unbroken, but still…it feels good!
lunges w/20# db first set, 25# remaining sets.
My hammies are barking from the ghd. I guess I did it right.
whit says
From our team lululemon session with David on Monday morning:
Warm UP:row 500m @ 20 s/mmnt climbcompass plank
5 Rounds NFT:5 pull ups (with assistance, white band, blue band)8 push ups10 walking lunges each leg (10lb weights)
Strength:BSQ (45x5x2, 55×3, 65×3) 70x5x5
Skillz:Free Standing HandstandPanel Mat Kick-Ups, 3 each x2kick up to partner x2forward roll…
Learning of the day? It might take me a VERY long time to be able to do a real-life unassisted pull-up. Hot damn, those kill me.
Arlene Kriv says
WOD for the newbies, scaled down for me:
Run to 4th ave. and back.10-7-5Squatspush-uups (modified)sit-upsRun to 4th Ave. and back.
Time: 10:10
Joe M. says
WODfoundationsrun to 4th and back10-7-5 scaled downsquatspush upssitupsrun to 4th and back10:14
Dennis Portello says
WODfoundationsrun to 4th and back10-7-5 scaled downsquatspush ups (modified)situpsrun to 4th and back10:08
Sarah D says
foundations run to 4th ave and back15-12-9 squats, pushups, situpsrun to 4th ave and back8:16 and i modified the last few pushups
Jennifer Jankowski says
Foundations 1st classRun to 4th Ave15-12-9Squatspush-upsSit-upsRun to 4th AveTime 10:09… but I have a upper respiratory infection… 🙂
Eric Kim says
WOD (from 2/8/10 – sorry it’s so late)FoundationsRun to 4th ave and back15-12-9squats – pushups (modified on bar) – situps (modified with arm throw)Run to 4h ave and back9:14