Attention SBK early birds, due to a DOB re-inspection tomorrow, the 6am and 7am classes will be consolidated to a single 6:30am class. All other classes are on as usual.
Willie assesses the pull-up bar components.
"The A Team", Anastacio and Armando recycled our old pull-up bar to make this custom system. It will be installed this week.
CrossFit South Brooklyn has reserved a spot for 3 men and 3 women for the 2010 North East Regional Qualifiers. A meeting for interested participants will be announced shortly.
We will be unfreezing contract suspensions today. If you don't receive an email regarding your account by 10pm please contact David(AT) In related news, we're currently registering to move OFF Mind Body Online and onto Volusion. We have been very disappointed with MBO's software and are excited to move to a more user-friendly platform. It may take a week or two before everything is settled with Volusion. Stay tuned.
Running Barefoot is Better Scientific American
I have a question on programming going forward. I apologize in advance if this was already discussed…
Now that we are open 7 glorious days a week are Tuesdays and Fridays still going to be “rest days” where it is up to us to make up a workout we missed, actually rest, or do a WOD that you come up with?
There may be the tendency to want to come all the time now with the new schedule, but there is also a high likelihood that not everyone is going to have Tuesdays and Fridays as their day o’ rest.
Just wondering! Thanks!
From yesterday’s post,
“Although CFSBK is now open 7 days a week, we’re still going to follow our 2 on, 1 off, 3 on, 1 off programming template. Tuesdays and Fridays will still be posted Rest Days and programming will follow the previous or upcoming days workout.Our “Unlimited Membership” is now a “5 classes per week” membership. We don’t want to see anyone overtraining 6 or 7 days per week.”
In the evenings, Tuesdays will probably follow Wed workout and Friday will do Thursdays.
Often in the morning on Tuesdays if it’s really small I can swing two different Wods at the same time but it would be a logistic nightmare to do that with a big class.
i read yesterday’s post too!! whoops. sorry about that david.
As a long-time runner and lifelong shoe wearer, I’ll admit barefoot running has been something I’m very skeptical about. And while I enjoyed the Scientific American article, some of the claims–e.g., you’re better off running in high heels than tennis shoes–seem a bit far-fetched.
Thought I’d share this article from Runner’s World, which took a more balanced look at the debate:,7120,s6-238-267–13401-1-1X2-3,00.html
Kirby raises a lot of good points; barefoot running has its own dangers, and isn’t always practical. Like in New York City in February!
I’d also be curious to know how barefoot running works for people who are overpronators (like me). I’ve been wearing special shoe inserts for a year now, which goes against this minimalist approach, and I feel 10x better with them.
Anyway, I’m going to give barefoot running a try once it gets warmer. But I’m not tossing my sneakers just yet.
Amazing, amazing story.
Maybe it’s a Steph thing…
Charlotte already linked the WSJ on the previous post; totally missed it.
My assessment:
I am happier with the pullup bar on the floor.
I’m glad to hear about the move away from MBO, not being able to cancel was pretty horrendous.
i prefer heal striking because that way my injuries heal faster.
Killer this AM. I mean, like I felt like dying. New box = New era of pain.
After Powersnatch training, we did some urg sprints.
3 rounds (with rest)500m25 pushups
I neglected to log times, thinking I would remember. I did not. I actually don’t want to remember this WOD. But it was in the range of: sub-3 min. 3 min. 5:30.
Very challenging to get back on the horse for round 3. Ash was a champ for getting me there. “Just a row on the river” I believe is what he said. Ash is the best.
Urg sprints are fun.
Powersnatch: The name of my new favorite Nu-Metal band
Fox, LOL.
WOD: 21.40 with Nick…? (I can’t believe I’m forgetting names already.)3 rounds of 500m+15 pushups (un-modified)Honestly, to be able to eke out 45 pushups from toes (albeit with some janky form at the end), was the best feeling ever.
Accesory: Bar Dips.Was really pleasantly surprised to discover I had not 0, not 1, not 2, but 3 full bar-dips.3 sets of 2 dips.3 sets of 3 dips.