Sarah H's exceptional Deadlift alignment
Good luck to all our Warrior Dashers this weekend! Who is competing??
Write a 10-15 minute WOD using the following three movements: Running, box jumps and rope climbs
Established 2007
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Sarah H's exceptional Deadlift alignment
Good luck to all our Warrior Dashers this weekend! Who is competing??
Write a 10-15 minute WOD using the following three movements: Running, box jumps and rope climbs
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3 Attempts at max reps
Rest 3 Minutes between attempts
is a 10 strict push-up "buy-in" to do the dips. Athletes who cannot
perform 10 unbroken push-ups from their toes will perform 3 attempts at
max push-ups at an appropriate scale.
Post reps and Rx to comments.
compare to 9.9.10
"Dissected Fran"
9 Rounds for time of:
5 Thrusters 95/65
5 Pull Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congratulations to Brian Z "BAZ" on his recent wedding! Our condolences to all the single ladies out there..
Happy Birthday Tag G and Becca B!
Our own Matt U has raised an incredible amount of funds (see left) for Fight Gone Bad 5. In fact, if Matt were fund raising all alone he would be in second place for affiliates world wide. Sports Grants has sweetened the FGB pot and offered an amazing prize package for the team captain of the Affiliate who raises the most money between September 14th and October 1st. If CFSBK gets the prize, Matty U is going on a pretty sweet vacation.. Details here
Nutrition: Risky Additions to a Low Carb Diet NY Times
USAW Movement Standards CrossFit
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Two reps, every minute, on the minute for ten minutes.
Athletes may opt to increase 5-10 lbs or 1 rep after the 5th set
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compare to 9.11.10
1500m Pace Row
Pick a split start point and drop :10 every 300m. Try and keep your stroke rating at 20 s/m
A: 2:20 start
B: 2:30 start
C: 2:40 start
Congratulations to team CFSBK for hitting our FGB 2010 goal of 30 THOUSAND DOLLARS raised for charity!
Fight Gone Bad Team 11!
1. Shane W
2.John MCD
3.Caitlin Conn
4.Carlos G
5.Sam M
The following people have yet to raise any funds. 10 days left, people!
Shawn S, Ashley F, Colette K, Ryan P, Sameer P, Alec H, Charles L, Laurel M, Claire M, Josh L, Sam M, Jenn B
Like the previous 2 years, we'll be running heats of two teams working simultaneously. This year, the first heat will be the 2 teams with the lowest total funds raised by Monday the 20th at 12pm.
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Push-Up fault demos.
(enable sound)
Push-Up 101
Christian Fox
The Push-Up is a classic bodyweight exercise, and likely one of the first “non-play” physical activities many of us encountered in grade school PE. The benefits of the push up are many. Obviously, upper body pushing strength is one. There’s also…
– Shoulder girdle strength – a well-performed push-up requires a stable scapula for the “mover” muscles of the shoulder to work off of. The rotator cuff and scapular muscles create force couples to control the scapula and create a stable base, and rotate the scapula to allow the correct amount of room for the humeral head to move. You can think of your shoulder girdle as another “core” in this way. A bench press or any machine press has a very different vibe. The bench or seat is providing an artificial platform for your pressing muscles to work from instead of in tandem with scapular muscles. This makes the push-up is a fantastic exercise for rehabbing a bum shoulder (depending on the issue) because it re-trains the muscles of the shoulder girdle to work together with the bigger “mover” muscles of the shoulder (pecs, lats, delts, biceps, and triceps). My high school PE teacher wouldn’t let anybody touch a weight unless they could perform 10 strict push-ups with good form. I’ve often used this principle with clients.
– Mid-line stability – A well-performed push up has the skeleton in good neutral alignment. The joints at the shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle all line up like ducks, with the spine staying rigid from head to hip. Yes, your abs ARE at work in the push up. Think of it as a moving plank.
There are lots of variations; from the toes, from the knees, hands elevated, feet elevated, handstand, band-resisted, with chains, with plates or small humans on your back, clapping, traveling…the list can go on. There are however a few universals that apply to any well performed push up. Here’s what to keep in mind.
+ Keep your chest and collar bone buoyant in the movement. Don’t cave in and let them drop between your shoulders. Let your elbows start the movement, and think of keeping your shoulder blades glued to the ribs.
+ Keep an arm angle at the shoulder that has your elbows pointing somewhat back and out, not straight out to the sides or straight back toward your feet.
+ Keep the back of your head up and chin slightly tucked. Don’t drop your chin out and make like a goose’s neck.
+ Keep your abdominal muscles and glutes on. The chest should be the first and only thing to touch the floor. No sagging hips or belly.
+ Keep your knees back. One of your quadriceps works at the hip also (see above tip). Activating the quads in tandem with your glutes will help keep your mid-line stable. Think of pulling the kneecap into the thigh.
If you’re strong enough for push-ups from the toes but your belly gets in the way (thanks, GOMAD) consider elevating the whole thing. Feet on a small box and hands on parallettes or some plates. Come on, tough guy.
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(E3/4) Heavy Double
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compare to 9.6.10
2 rounds of:
400m Farmer's walk
There is a 10 Burpee penalty every time you put your dumbbells down. People may also opt for either a zercher or bear hug keg carry. 400m is a relatively long farmer's walk that will test your grip strength and endurance. Check out this very short, VERY heavy Farmer's Walk
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Whitney H works "skin the cats" at Active Recovery Class
Congratulations to Jesse Q on his new teaching job in the Bronx! While this is great news for him, we're bummed that we won't get to see him as often at SBK.
Three cheers for Jesse and his continued work with NYC Teaching Fellows!
One of our models of Fitness is known as the "Hopper Model". Watch this video from 2007 of Greg Glassman explaining it.
Robb Wolf Nutrition Seminar Group Shot from SBK and… Robb and Nicki visit "one of the best restaurants in the world" in Brooklyn, NY. If you could eat for FREE at any restaurant in New York for the rest of your life, which would you pick?
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"Fight Gone Not As Bad"
3 Rounds of:
30 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls 75/55
30 Box Jumps 20"
30 Push Presses 75/55
Rest 1 exactly minute between rounds.
Post total time minus 2 rest intervals to comments.
Cool down with a 10 Minute MobilityWOD of your choice
Robb's takes some questions from the audience
Have you ordered your team shirts yet?
Paulie and Becca at Quist have generously offered to donate 100% of the proceeds from the FGB5 shirt orders. So by ordering you not only get a one of a kind badd-ass shirt, you also donate to charity AND raise our affiliate team total. Did your mom throw you 100 bones? Thank her by printing her and extra shirt too!
Team captains can Email PS(AT) to place an order
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3-3-Rep Out
Perform a heavy triple or max effort triple for the first two work sets then drop to 85% of your heaviest weight and rep out. (perform max unbroken reps)
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compare to 9.8.10
10 x 100 yd shuttle runs (50 out – 50 back)
Rest 30 seconds between runs
Score is total time taken to complete all 10 sprints
Post total time to comments.
Dogtown CrossFit is currently in first place for Fight Gone Bad fund raising with $26,773 currently raised. South Brooklyn is a close second with $25,652. Here is an excerpt from their September 8th blog post,
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David and Fox use their exceptional ankle mobility to compete in a inebriated 'pistol-off"
Ankle Mobility
Christian Fox
When a joint lacks range of motion, whether due to injury or inflexibility, another joint above or below it will attempt to make up for the range of motion deficit. In referring to the ankle we see this commonly in all the squat variants, and particularly in the Front Squat and Overhead Squat, whether as their own movements or as the receiving position for the Clean and the Snatch. Most of you should know that limited hip flexion ROM (tight hamstrings and adductors, perhaps) would cause undesirable movement in another joint(s), your lumbar spine. As you move deeper into the squat and hit the end of your hip flexion ROM, your back begins to flex in an attempt to get lower. This isn’t good, right? Right! Let’s take a look at limited dorsi-flexion (toes toward the shin) ROM at the ankle. It could start to be made up for at the knee, but then the bar starts to travel back too far. Think squatting with perfectly vertical shins and an upright torso. You’d fall backwards, right?. So what happens next is the hip starts to flex (fold forward) in an attempt to keep the bar balanced over mid-foot. What happens here? In a Front Squat you probably lose the bar forward. In an Overhead Squat you’d probably lose the bar forward or compensate even further up at the shoulder and have the bar way back behind you, over the mid to low back instead of over the scapulae. To pull off this circus stunt of a squat would require sick shoulder strength, stability, and ROM at the shoulder. More than likely it’d be a missed lift.
Of course in both of these situations, when you run out of hip flexion ROM due to the increased demand caused by limited ankle ROM, you could still make up for it at the lumbar spine…Still not good.
So, how can you get more ROM at the ankle? Glad you asked. Here’s one way. Get in front of a wall (a wall with a ledge like at SBK or a doorway works well), place your heel close to the edge and the ball of your foot on the wall. You may need to lean back significantly to achieve this position. Use your arms to pull you in, leading your hips into the wall. Attempt to be as tall as possible and not bend over at the hip. Use leverage to create an acute angle at the ankle. You can use PNF for this stretch (contract 5 seconds, relax and pull into stretch 15 seconds) and you can rotate your shin over the ankle to hit different areas. Try this stretch both with a straight knee and with a slightly bent knee. Spend 2-4 minutes each leg. Your squat is worth it. Cheers to good squatting!
Some of you are in various stages of a "Mobility Challenge". How's it going so far? Why does good mobility seem to be the last thing on so many athletes's lists?
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3 Attempts at max reps
Rest 3 Minutes between attempts
There is a 10 strict push-up "buy-in" to do the dips. Athletes who cannot perform 10 unbroken push-ups from their toes will perform 3 attempts at max push-ups at an appropriate scale.
Post reps to comments.
compare to 9.2.10
5 Rounds NFT of:
5 Turkish Get-Ups, each arm
5 Unilteral Romanian Deadlifts
10 Prone Grip Ring Rows
Post Rx to comments.
Jess F sets up for a split jerk
Attention Fight Gone Bad captains, the limit to put in your t-shirt order to Paulie is this Sunday. Please make sure you've got your team's name and colors ready asap!
Check out the CFSBK FGB5 widget on the left column of our site to stay updated on our team total and top 5 fundraisers.
Every year we give away some prizes to top fund raisers and competitors. If you think you've got something you could donate (however small), please email david(AT) In the past we've given away shirts, DVD's, wine, theater tickets and other goodies.
Did you know CFSBK's Birthday is right around the corner? We'll be three years old on September 19th. When did you start training with us?
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(E3/8) 3-3-3-1 Tempo Squats
tempo simply means that the amount of time you spend in certain
positions of an exercise are controlled. This is a great way to develop
position-specific strength and stability. Today's tempo will work like
:03 Hold at the top
:03 Hold at 1/4 depth
:03 Hold at full depth
:01 Ascent back to top
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compare to 9.1.10
For time:
Row 1000m
Then 5 Rounds of:
10 Kettlebell Swings 32kg/24kg
10 Goblet Squats 32kg/24kg
Run 800m
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congratulations Malcolm and Laurel
photo by Dan R
Happy Belated Birthday, Alec H!
CFSBK is less than $700 away from breaking $20,000 in funds raised for Fight Gone Bad 5. 16 days left…
Upcoming Foundations Cycle Dates:
September Evening Foundations
9/21/10 – 10/14/10
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00pm-9:15pm
Register Here! SOLD OUT!
October Morning Foundations
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00am-8:00am
Register Here!
October Evening Foundations
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00pm-9:15pm
Register Here!
Please watch this Mobility WOD before coming to class
Kendrick Farris Clean and Squat Jerks 211kgs (464.2lbs)