21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Deadlift 225/155
Handstand Push-Ups
If you don't have handstand push-ups, you can either scale to partial range of motion or Dumbbell Press using 40% of your bodyweight. Our upcoming cycle will feature handstand push-ups as the upper body movement. Today's WOD is a pretest.
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 8.17.08
"Diane" with Annie and Pat
"Dizzy Diane" with Gillian Mounsey at CrossFit South Brooklyn
Claire M, Jess F and Jenn B, our FGB Female Champs
This weekend our good friend, Chip Conrad comes to CFSBK for his Brutal Recess seminar. There's still time to sign up if you're interested. In the meanwhile, you can also read this article by Chip on the Definition of Strength
Sign up for Brutal Recess at CFSBK here!
Don't forget that we're having a kipping pull-up tutorial tonight! Still time to RSVP
Kipping Pull-up Tutorial
Are you struggling with kipping pull-ups? Want to break the movment down into its component parts and rebuild it from scratch? We're offering a free kipping pull-up 101 class next Monday. This is for folks who have a few strict overhand pull-ups but can't seem to get their kipping pull-ups dialed in.
Requirements: 3 Overhand strict pull-ups
Slots available: 6 (first come first serve)
Cost: Free
When: Monday, Sept 27th 8pm-8:30pm
Only available to SBK members