Training with a Torn ACL Talk to Me Johnny
Are Carbs More Addictive Than Cocaine? Details
Death by Chair. How Much Do You Actually Sit? Mobility WOD
Movements Page CrossFit Gymnastics
Should I Buy Milk in Glass, Plastic or Cardboard Containers? Slate
FSQ today at 6am. Slept like crap so was apprehensive about this lift. I’d done 160 for 2 last Friday but 165 didn’t come up. I was hoping to beat that today.
(45×5, 115×3, 140×2, 155×1)160, 165 (PR), 170F, 170 (PR).
Yay! Thanks Isaac and David and Chris F. for the coaching and hollering. I feel like I have a lot more in me if I could learn how to apply power efficiently…but I’m also just psyched for this especially after essentially taking January off.
Speaking of which: I am really honored to have come in 3rd in the paleo challenge, and I am particularly proud to be part of a gym that recognizes and applauds athletes for training smart around an injury. CFSBK is a safe, supportive, challenging place to work out, and that is no small thing. Thanks, y’all.
Charlotte, I didn’t get to tell you Sat., but congrats on the paleo-win! And nice work on the PR! That’s a kick-ass FSQ!
Hope your shoulder is coming along nicely.
Does anyone at the gym have a reflective running vest they can loan to the Ragnar team in May? Contact me at sarah at frenchfrieswithpepper dot com Thanks!
Strict muscle up, then lower yourself through an excruciatingly slow reverse muscle up (it has a name but I have forgotten.)
this went extremely well and I did 6-8 of these without a fail. I got my first MU pretty recently and have only been able to do 2 or 3 a day previously.
Wod:AMRAP 10min.20 DL 135#3 MUs
4 rnds +20DLs scaled to 2 MUs assisted after 1st rnd
Isn’t it crazy/awesome that we belong to a gym that actually cares about the members! I love that video. I honestly get emotional watching…I know, I’m pathetic.
As for tonight:*6pm Active Recovery. This is always a delight and tonight I feel like we got some good laughs in too. Awesome time!*7pm class-Muscle-up practice-10 min AMRAP of:20 deadlifts 135/9514 pullups-Completed 5 rounds plus 20 deadlifts.This was one of the wods from the Hoboken challenge in December where I got 4 rounds plus 12 pullups. Definitely happy to have gained a round+.-Cooled down with some hollow rock work and samson stretch.