Every Minute, On the Minute, for 12 Minutes
Pulls will take place from the Hang and Deck
Demo Video
Snatch Balance
Heavier and Faster than Last week
Demo Video
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(e2/4) compare to 2.14.1
CRASH B Results!
Congrats to our SBK "lambs" that went to Boston this weekend and competed in the C.R.A.S.H.-B Indoor Rowing Championships. Here's how they did!
Dan R: 07:35.7 (:15 PR)
Colette K: 08:49.0
Charmel R: 07:24.9 (:14 PR)
Also special thanks to Coach Nick for using his "soviet coaching voice" and coaching team SBK as well as Asta F for being our photographer and cheering squad!
Paulie S and the South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club will be hosting Mark Rippetoe for the Starting Strength Seminar Check it out!
Our own Jon Gabrus gets ready for Rugby Season
The Home Gym with Josh Rowe, Scott Hoover and Fred Gillenwater CrossFit
"Universal Participation" of the 2011 CrossFit Open with Greg Glassman CrossFit
5 Fun Inverted Row Variations EliteFTS
Yo Gabrus!Where are the pink chucks?
Rooney threw down the gauntlet and hit 43 pull-ups this morning. (after Snatch balancing 230 and doing the OTM WOD)
I thought I could regain top pull-up with an attempt at 44 but I slipped off the bar after the 43rd pull-up. Damn it!
2 pos snatch at 85#
Snatch balance. After doing poorly with 115# did doubles at 105.
I need to show up early on snatch days and prep. My body is not interested in hitting the bottom position without a lot of persuasion.
On my own:3 rnds nft 20 pull ups 20 push ups. Did these unbroken except last set of push ups.
Snatch balanceBest – 136
Felt pretty good overall.
Who is this Radhika person and where did she learn such good alignment! see you guys in a bit!
Fun work with David today.
WU: PVC Press/PP/PJ review, rope climb
FSQ 3-3-3: (45×5,65×3,75x1x2) 85x3x3 Felt good. Was able to dial in the technique more. No neck pain! Starting to actually like the front squat.
10 min. cap: 3 Rounds of 1 rope climb to 15′ + 10 burpees=4:24, remaining time spent finding max split jerk: 65,75,80,85 then time ran out. Loved this WOD!
Awesome job crash-(s)B(k)ers!
I always love monday’s off. Good to assist coach fox with the big noon class. Although only 3 of you wrote your numbers on the whiteboard, you slackers! 😉
Snatch complex:-muscle snatch/btn push press/ohs/snatch balance/hang snatch @ 33×2, 43×2, 53×2, 63×2-2 postition snatch (hang/deck) OTM for 12 mins @ 73#.-whew this got hard and felt like there was little time to rest. Really enjoyed it though.
Snatch balance:(53×2, 63×2, 73×1)work: 78, 83, 88, 88f-need to drop much faster and lower. I also tend to get soft and sway a little in that bottom position so I need to work on that.
Overall though, today’s snatches and balances felt much better than last week.
Oh, also tested my max Kipping pullups and got 21. Want to test max pushups soon.
My shoulder’s still a little funny after that push press/jerk day last week so kept today light. 2 snatches OTM, stayed at 83#. Tried to work on dropping down faster.
Snatch balance, 1-1-1-1-1 = 83, 93, 103, 113, 123, 133
Can I get a redo on this last Friday Night Rest Day Dinner?
sure 🙂
Snatch Monday.
WU: barbell drills with David.
12-minute WOD at 85#
Snatch balances: 95, 100, 105, 110, 115