Snatch Balance
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(E 3/4) Compare to 2.21.11 and 2.14.11
Paleo Challenge Finale!
Tomorrow is the last official day of the Paleo Challenge. Tremendous work by all involved. We've heard amazing tales of increased performance, weight lost, pants thrown out, and better energy levels. For those of you who have made it all the way to the end your write-up and "after" photos are due in by the end of tomorrow March 1st. In your end-of-Challenge wrap-up please include a through rundown of your experience, results and your adherence to your initial Plan of Attack. As best as possible please try and replicate the angles from your "before" pictures.
Please send your photos and write-up to info(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com with the subject line "Paleo Results." Winners will be announced at the Paleo Potluck and Post-Challenge party this Saturday, March 5!
Remember here's what's at stake!
Top Male and Female each receive:
1) 2 months of 5x/week membership
2) A Lululemon "Fit and Function Session" valued at $100
3) A steak from Grazin' Angus Acres valued at $40
2nd place Male and Female:
1) $300 cash
2) $50 gift certificate to Bierkraft
3) A steak from Grazin' Angus Acres valued at $40
3rd place Male and Female:
1) $150 cash
2) A steak from Grazin' Angus Acres valued at $40
Best of luck to everyone!
Paleo Potluck and Post-Challenge Party
This shinding is to celebrate the end of the Paleo Challenge and to commemorate CFSBK's first year on Degraw St! After the great turnout and excellent meals prepared for the first potluck we're very excited to have another event at SBK for you all to show of your skills. Festivities will start at 6pm and all are welcome to attend whether you were involved in the Challenge or not! All dishes should be Paleo (Don't be the guy/gal that brings Papa John's) and if you need suggestions or ideas check here for some suggestions.
Please RSVP to info(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com and include your number of guests what you're bringing for a dish. We look forward to seeing you all there.
For those of you finishing up the Paleo Challenge today where to next? Are going to stick with it? Make any adjustments? Go back to the modern ways or maybe give the twinkie diet a try?
Paleolilith Tries to Cheat on Mr. Paleo Diet But Can't… Paleolilith
Captive Gorillas Succumbing to Human Disease Environmental News Network