Bench Press
Partner WOD
AMRAP 15 minutes
5 Ring Push Ups*
10 KB Swings
15 Box Jumps
One partner working at a time, one round at a time.
*Ring Push Ups – Standard or knee or elevated (as available space-wise) Push Ups
For the KB Swings and the Box Jumps, choose a scale that keeps both you and your partner moving
Post loads and rounds to comments.
Coach Fox going for a HEAVY Zercher
Help Shanna H. isn’t just running a Marathon she’s helping NYC Schools!
Shanna H. has been training her face off for the upcoming NYC Marathon and she’s hoping that her efforts will benefit NYC schools as well. She is working to raise funds to benefit local schools:
Now, more than ever the New York City Public Schools need money to help make up for the budget shortfalls. I pledge to run, sweat, ache, pant, run some more, and do whatever it takes to beat my previous marathon time of 4:43 in this year’s marathon. In return I ask that you donate whatever you can to help out the schools. Even $1 would help. Thanks so much for your support!
If you’d like to support the cause please check out the link here. Shanna also has a Facebook page dedicated to the cause here.
One Slot Left in October AM Foundations
Foundations have been selling like hotcakes and there is one slot left in the October Morning cycle. If you’re interested in joining this cycle you can contact us at info(AT) The cycle starts 10/11/11 and meets Tue/Thu at 7am until 11/3/11.