Coach Shane (Currently In Barbados) Reviews Dumbbell Benching
Congratulations to Jon F, Dave Mak, Rahsaan C, and Ron W on their first Muscle Ups at Coach Noah’s Muscle Up Skill Class last night!
Due due some logistic limitations, this weekend’s Open workout will be taking place at CrossFit Virtuosity instead of CrossFit Metropolis
There will be no Chiropractic and ART treatment by Dr. Fiddler the following two Saturdays as he will be working the Open Events
New Equipment!
We made some new purchases for the gym. Get stoked on the following equipment:
- 1 Lightly Used Concept 2 Rower
- 2 Full Sets of Fractional Plates in lbs
- 2 Burgener and Rippetoe Barbells (specs)
- 24 New Jump Stretch Bands
The Proactive Patient:7 Tips for Your Physical Therapist Visit by Eric Cressey T-Nation (WFS)
Before and After: Jenn S CrossFit New England
Changing the Momentum TedXBerlin
Stay Off Your Traps!
Coming up for air..AGAIN. this week was strep throat. I'm an atrophied mouse of a man. I can't wait to get back in there.
Anybody going out for a guinness or two on Saturday? The Ryans will be! What's the spot..Farrell's? swing by O'Connor's? any ideas out there?
I won't even say I did 12.4 scaled because I didn't — I pretty much had to do a totally different workout because I did something funny to my right shoulder/upper pec area while doing L-sits on Wednesday. It definitely felt not right when I warmed up wall balls at 8#, so I figured attempting 150 reps at nearly twice the weight would be a terrible idea.
Hence, 150 KB swings w/12kg bell, 90 doubles, and then some pushups and assisted chins. I wish I'd planned better for what to do after the doubles and/or chosen a heavier KB, because I definitely went from "this feels funny" to "this hurts" during the last couple of pushups.
But, on a very positive note…I've started stringing together double-unders in fives and sixes, far more consistently than I used to. Woo!
And on another positive note: GO 7 AM! There were some beasts this morning!
Yeah muscle-uppers! Well done.
I wrote this post on my blog yesterday and since it references Crossfit, thought I'd post a link here:
Anyone want to start jogging with me on a weekly basis? Working from a 3mi/5k distance up to a 10k and beyond distance (max is maybe 9 miles). I'm running Ragnar in may and just realized I haven't run distance in oh… 9 months.
I'm slow (9-10min range).
Get at me if interested. Morning runs before work (like EARLY 5:30am style) 1-2x a week and weekends.
astafivgas (at)
Had a crack at 12.4 yesterday. I ended up getting 240 reps โ finished my wall balls at about 8 mins in and was completely gassed for the double unders, so those took a while. I got to the muscle ups with a minute to go and failed on them, four times.
It would have been nice to get a muscle up or two, but my form was completely gone at that point. I did a few after the workout was done and I have recovered a bit just to remind myself that I can.
For everyone doing this over the weekend, here's what I wish I did differently:
– Not swapped shoes – I did the wall balls using lifting shoes, then switched over to regular shoes for the double unders. That transition time was too long, and the lifting shoes helped a bit on the wall balls, but not too much.
– Rested less — Obvious here, but I have a tendency to walk away from the wall when resting. If Sarah LR taught me anything, it's stay there and stare at that ball โ you'll want to pick it up all that much more.
– Use your hips on the wall balls as much as you can โ you really feel shoulder exhaustion when you pick up that jump rope/grab those rings, so save your shoulders.
Thanks again to Sarah for judging me and for smoking the workout herself. Good luck to everyone this weekend โ I'll be hanging out with geriatrics in sunny old Florida.
Hmph. Why did the blog eat my second post? Maybe it's a phone thing…
Anyway, I am shamelessly asking you all to wish me luck as I switch to an entirely different kind of competition. This weekend is the crossword tournament! PUZZLES FOR TIME.
I had a disaster of a 31st-place finish last year and I NEED to get back in the top 10, or at least the top 20. Wish me luck and mistakelessness!
noah's mu class was great. it was amazing how everyone improved in just 60 mins. and incredible to see once the guys got one mu, the 2nd and 3rd were much easier. highly recommended.
congrats to dmak, jon, rahsaan, and ron on their muscle ups. almost got a mu a couple of times, but not quite. soon though, it's almost there. so close.
Mishik good ish on 12.4
11 muscle ups. BOOM
Good luck Stella!
7am with Coach Nick – everyone ruled x100. I feel like I have weird tyrannosaur arms right now.. anything above the elbow isn't moving very well.
Stella! You will dominate!
Joy! The golden lasso will take good care of you tomorrow – crush those DU's.
If you've been in strength cycle and want a hoodie, please email me.
mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
I'll be at the gym tonight, tomorrow morning, and Sunday morning (cat's away, etc) so you can also snag me in person with any questions.
I hope my wife watched "Stay off you traps!"
I can't pick up my arms to put on my coat as I sit here at my desk before I get lunch.
I failed to get to even the 150 RXed wall balls but did get to it in 13 minutes and change. I might try again on sunday.
What? Why? I had a terrible night of sleep and nothing to eat prior to working out. I think I might do better on Sunday if my muscles recover fast enough.
Good luck Stella!
7am had some serious wall balling going on. Kristin is certainly owning her paleo challenge trophy!. Tracy clobbered it next to me and Julie busted out all her WBs and 22 DUs. Way to go.
12.4 today with Coach Nick's Super Awesome 7 am Class. Pretty stoked I was able to finish all the wall balls and was even able to do some DU attempts. Thanks to my partner Michelle who made it all look so easy. I broke it up into sets of 20 (at first), then 10's, and finally 5's and that seemed to help. I seriously thought my legs were going to collapse under me when I attempted my first double-under, lol. Kristin is a rock star and Keith is a beast.
Good Luck Stella Z!!!!!!!!!!!
also: ohmygod my thighs are killing me today. I forgot how sore Karen makes you.
Good Luck Stella!
Also Sameer how does Tenduklar's 100th century compare with other major sports records? Is it like DiMaggio's streak or Wilt scoring 100?
23 Keith 23! ๐ That last one was hard earned, shoelaces untied and all.
@Dan: I presume you mean me, and not Sameer (who I don't think cares that much about cricket!). You're the second Crossfitting Dan to bring this up today! (The other being DH3 on Twitter)
Tendulkar's 100th century is a bit more like Rose's career hits record or Ty Cobb's various longevity-based batting records. It's more of a career mark than anything else, something that captures his incredible sustained skill, fitness, and dedication. Since it spans two different formats of cricket, (the long and short forms), it acquires even greater luster. Very few batsmen can do well in both formats, and Tendulkar has done it for over twenty years. Hats off.
Since Dan asked:
All other dan's are 2nd to me. Except DH1, and DH2. However where are "those Dh's" I have now claimed DH1, although Im having quite the identity crisis.
Good luck, Stella! I hope you beat Dr. Fill and push back the computer overlord takeover a few years.
I miss CFSBK! Two weeks of work travel, boo. Checked out Dupont CrossFit yesterday morning and had a nice time with coach Jim in their strength class. Today's post just reminded me, though, how freakingly well-equipped our gym was. Wimpy me doing my Wendler presses wanted fractionals so I could lift 89# as my app instructed, not 90#. Dupont CrossFit does not have fractionals. They have approximately 10 45# bumpers. I am spoiled.
@Noah, when is your next MU workshop, approximately? My goal is to be able to make the buy-in (which is what, remind me?)
Thanks noah! didn't think i could pull it off without dislocating something but feeling pretty grand about getting a couple done!
Press 110 3×5.
15 snarches and 20 clean and jerks, 1 on the minute. Couldnt get ynder the bar when i got tired. B/c Quads are still hurting from wendler squats this week. Those rep out are sick. I burst a whole bunch of blood vessels under my chin, too. Now for two whole days OFF!
I am stoked for the new bars…
I've been sick since the paleo potluck– the cold that's been circulating at work finally got me. Been missing the gym. Basically had to redo last Friday tonight…
TM Volume Day:
Squat: 265x5x4
Glad this was only 4 sets. It wasn't really easy.
182.5 x5x3 and 140×12
Chins: 4×6 with thin blue band. 2 sets as warm-up and 2 sets super-set with the bench.
Nice to see TWO folks get a muscle up tonight.
Nice Friday night with a bunch of spontaneous strength cycling going on.
Thanks to Rob for "watching me" squat.
Many thanks to Noah for a great muscle up class. He did a terrific job breaking down a complex movement and making it seem almost intuitive. And congrats to everyone who got their first muscle up on Thursday.