Book Club Superstar Shaye L Gets Her Bounce On
Happy Belated Birthday, Dave E!
Check out recent pics from the CFSBK Paleo Potluck, Open WOD 12.2 and the most recent CrossFit Total at our Flickr Page!
Congratulations to the Following SBKers
Jess B: 600lb CFT, 105lb Bench Press
Charlotte K: 10 Unbroken Kipping Pull-Ups
Katie M: Reclaimed her Chin Up
Bev W: 7 Double Unders, Bench 80x5x3, BSQ 132.5x5x3, Deadlift 145×5, Clean 80x3x3
Tom S: 44 Double Unders
Josh M: 6:48.6 2000m Row
John MC: 215 Bench Press
Steph P: 100lb Snatch, 500lb CFT
Jeremy F: 220 Press, 325 Bench Press
Kiki: 1RM Chin-Up, bodyweight + 45lbs
Dan B: 1RM Chin-Up, bodyweight + 140lbs
Laurel: 1RM Chin-Up, bodyweight + 54lbs
Dan E: 1190 CFT
“Worm”: 1RM Chin-Up, bodyweight + 30lbs
The CFSBK Book Club, Round 2
- The Marriage Plot by J. Eugenides
- The Sense of Ending by J. Barnes
- Kafka on the Shore by H. Murakami
- Visit from the Goon Squad – Jennifer Egan
If you’d like to join the book club, please email pjeanlouis1(AT) to get more info!
“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” The Atlantic
American Meat Film Trailer
How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy The Atlantic
The Maasai Cricket Warriors The Atlantic In Focus
Jeffrey Euginedes is awesome and I haven't read The Marriage Plot – I like that.
the marriage plot has been on my "to read" list for a bit. As has Visit from the Goon Squad.
Kafka on the Shore is an EXCELLENT book.
Make up post from yesterday:
Nice to be back at SBK, with gates up.
6min med ball run warm up
Power cleans-touch and go.. Got through a few rounds with Alex, worked up to 165llbs. failed at 185.
WOD RX'd at 6:57
Attention CFSBK artistes: anyone with some cartooning skills available to help me on a little project? Email me at noah(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com
Wow, that "Is your cat making your crazy" article was one of the most interesting articles I've ever read. Makes you question your existence and free-will quite a bit.Thanks to whoever linked it. CRAZYYYYYYY!!!!
The Marriage Plot is gaining traction…and we'd love to have some more members so consider joining us for April!
I took and unplanned week off from the gym and I feel it…looking forward to getting myself back in gear this week.
MGMT: is it ok if I come at 7 PM to do yesterday's workout?
i think kafka on the shore is the worst book i've ever read.
I'm glad to know that it's my cat and Google making me crazy and not my age.
Speaking of which. I'm 44 today. It's my partner Jim's birthday, too. I know, that's just cute as kittens. Anyway, we're drinking beer at Mission Dolores from 8 on. It's likely my last beer until after strength cycle. Come raise a glass with us. The more the merrier.
Oh and book club sounds fun. All of those titles are on my list. I have to say, the internets have really destroyed my concentration, too.
Corbett, I need to know your beauty secrets, because you do NOT look 44. Happy happy to both of you!
Beer and Crossfit, Stella. Of course.
happy birthday, corbett! if the board meeting i'm in from 6pm until whenever they decide to stop talking ends somewhat earlyish, then I will try and stop by.
6am with coach lady fox
pre wu
foam roll
hip openers
calf marches
clean prep
(75 95)
135 165 185 205×2
subbed DU's for 15 30lb slam balls.
thank you coach josh for calling out my shitty first rnd of slam balls.
as sameer would say, this was a "gaaasser"
another one of those studies bashing "red meat eating"
Update on the book club: Despite an early lead for The Marriage Plot, The Sense of Ending was overwhelmingly chosen as April's book…so feel free to start reading and join us on April 29 to discuss.
@Deepak I read that on bloomberg, interesting. They talk about primarily processed meats, which I think that most people, at least here, know. It's interesting that they still show statistics for unprocessed meats as being high as well.
I haven't 100% ruled out that tons of red meat might be bad for you, personally, I eat it, that's for sure, but I've tried to mix it up a bit. I have to think that grass finished is going to be the best option.
The other big story out there today is on soda. Soda taxes, soda lobbies, etc. etc. Missouri has the highest rate of obesity in the country. That's the last straw, I won't have them going past the sweet 16!
Is anyone coming to 6 o'clock CF looking to do Sunday's partner WOD?
See chris kresser's facebook page for a discussion of that red meat "study."
Another response:
Just wanted to clarify that tonight's class run on either Monday or Wednesday's programming rather than an open gym format. Also, there are no 7pm classes on Tuesday nights.
Now that the paleo challenge is over:
Eat Burgers?
First workout at WFAC
Thought about 12, but wasn't pulling enough air take it down
Dbl Press
245×5, 285×5, 315×10
135×5, 145×5, 160×10
Chins throughout press
100m 'sprint' x6
12.3 belated
Hoping for 6 and change. Got 6 and change. Feel great.
15 Box jumps at 20"
12 presses @ 75 lbs.
18 situps subbed for 9 TTB
6 rounds + BJs + PPs… another 20 seconds and I coulda got 7. (My arms were cashed on those last push presses.)
Kudos to Chris J for helping me count. And mega-kudos to Melissa for telling Chris as he was working on his first set of box jumps, "Great work! Only 17:30 to go!"
I love my Cult!
recovery squat 140x3x5
press 63 sigh 3,2,2,1
wtf is happening to my press.
Bummed I missed both the Paleo potluck (daughter's dance concert) and the book club (exhausted from taking son to the airport at 6 am for a out of town school trip). But I look forward to reading The Sense Of An Ending. Hope we can get some books by some non-best selling authors as the club goes along–we appreciate it! Why should Jeff Eugenides get all the fun 🙂
I subbed in wendler squats today, so that I can have a rest day and then do 12.4 on Thursday. Using 1rpm=270@0.90=243
wu: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5
165×5 (I went over by 5# by accident)
These felt really solid, on the last set the last two I lost a bit of the knee control. I'm really working on making sure that I'm tight in the bottom of the squat and shoving the knees out. I think the lifting shoes really help me achieve keeping the knee pushed into the right place.
Only managed 4 rounds NFT 20 kb (20kg) + 15 pvc situps + 10 dislocate lunges
Man, those pvc situps are mean.
Launched into AR w/the Fox. I want to start focusing on mobilizing my ankles, hips and working around that left knee some more this week. I think my ankles' ROM is not great.
Finished w/10 minute row. Took it slow and focused on my form, but also trying to get that split time low, through hard, strong pulls. Refocusing on putting more rowing and ring rows back into my accessory work, all the snatches/pullup stuff has been pulling my shoulders too far forward.