Post RX and reps to comments.
Compare to 2.9.12 and 1.18.12
*We will be scrapping Standard Warm-ups for WOD 12.3 Prep tonight
Work up to a 1RM Weighted Chin Up
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 6.12.11
Congratulations to Bob S. who at the end of Week 2 was ranked 48th in Open Sectionals Masters Division 50-54 Division. Go Bob!
That’s A Spicy Meatball! WOD 12.3 Announced!
You asked for more than movement per WOD. And you damn sure got it. WOD 12.3 was announced last night at 8pm and it’s a doozy!:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps (M 24″ box / F 20″ box)
12 Push press (M 115 lb / F 75 lb)
9 Toes-to-bar
You can view the full workout description and the video breakdown of this WOD HERE!
It’s Not Too Late to RSVP for the Party of the Century!
If you like hanging with the coolest crowd, if you like free-flowing drinks and if you like delicious food…but hate gluten and processed sugars join us this Saturday starting at 6pm for the Post Paleo Challenge potluck. Doesn’t matter if you did the challenge, doesn’t matter if the last vegetable you ate came in a Hot Pocket and it doesn’t matter if you can cook or even know anyone else in the gym. All that matters is you wanna have a damn good time.
RSVP to the event page with the number of folks in your crew and what you’re bringing (if you can’t cook bring drank)
Want Muscle-Ups? Want Kipping Pill-ups? Join Coach Noah’s Upcoming Workshops
Coach Noah will be holding both Muscle-up and Kipping Pull-up workshops over the next two weeks.
The Muscle-up workshop is set for Thursday, March 15th at 8pm:
This session will be devoted to learning, practicing, and developing the Muscle Up. Space is limited to 8 participants, and those interested should email Noah(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com. There is a $10 fee for the class and a strict buy in of 3 Unbroken Chest To Bar Pullups and 3 Ring Dips.
The Kipping Pull-up workshop will be Sunday, March 18th at 1pm
Kipping pull-up require a significant amount of integrity in the shoulder girdle and as such this class requires a buy in of 1+ Strict Pull-Up (women) or 3 Strict Pull-Ups (men). The class will be a $10 drop-in and space is limited to 8 participants. Email Noah(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com to sign up, make sure to mention your max number of dead hang pull-up and issues you’ve had learning/perfecting the kip so he can better prepare to get you swinging smoothly.
What’s your strategy for long, grueling workouts like WOD 12.3?
Approaching WOD 12.3 Like an Outlaw The Outlaw Way
The CrossFit Games Open: Week 2 CrossFit
Perfecting the Box Jump w/ Kelly Starret and Carl Paoli: A Free CFJ Video CrossFit
Efficiency Tips: The Box Jump w/ Matt Chan CrossFit
How Exercise Can Change Your DNA Time
AHHHHHH Noah! Still can't make it to the kipping pullup workshop, as that's the weekend of the crossword tournament. (I hope and pray the next one isn't going to be the weekend of Ragnar!)
I'm feeling totally vindicated for opting out of competing in the Open right about now, because I'd get a score of somewhere between 15 and 27 without scaling (and then spend the rest of the 18 minutes staring at my toes, wishing I could make them touch the bar). I'm looking forward to doing a version of this WOD where I can actually be working the whole time.
Strength Cycle "ramp up"… Recovery Day
Squat: 225x3x3
Did a light recovery squat to get the blood moving. Helps me to ease back into more volume when I do it in a few steps.
Press: 130×8
Started pressing using Wendler. I'm going to continue pressing only once a week (instead of rotating it with the bench) so I figured this might be a good way to go. Considering how little I pressed Jan-Feb this isn't a bad place to start. The 5/3/1 iPhone app is awesome BTW.
Good to be back at CFSB after a week away…We bought two meat shares this week and it was TWICE as fun to unpack it.
My prediction yesterday for WOD 12.3 was "one of those brutally long WODs revolving around a triplet or couplet." I swear. And unfortunately my strategy is to avoid them completely.
I start my 5 minute prowler workouts on Friday. I promise and expect to be held to it by my friends, near and dear.
Congrats Bob!
awesome bob.
My strategy for this is (keeping in mind I blow at box jumps and T2B)
is to do push press unbroken and fart through the other movements at a very leisurely pace
I cant even watch TV for 18 minutes without needing a break.
New nickname: Julie Red Band. Three pullups/chins.. umm what do you call it when you use switch grip!?! Switchups? ANYWAY – 3. In a row. The goal of 3 strict by June is on track as apparently – if you can get 5 on the red then you should be good to go for 1 strict. Or that's what the gossip is. WOO!
Charmel rules – he was on FIRE with 12.3 this morning. Woo!
Looking forward to a seriously amended 12.3 adventure tomorrow. I was right – its gross.
Wow, this iced coffee is really good..
Pressed 63# across and chin-up 1RM'ed #30.
Was a delight to work with Kiki (I hope I spelled your name right) and I also had the pleasure of meeting Sean, who I mistook for a seasoned crossfit vet.
Good luck to everybody on 12.3!
Because I don't think I'm the only person with this problem, I'm going to post this question on the blog.
Coaches — I don't have toes-to-bar. I'm going to practice on Friday to see if I can get a few, but as of a month ago, I did not. Therefore, I might not even get through one full round (nevermind that 75# is pretty heavy for me overhead). Is it possible to do a partial round and have my score still count? That is, if I'm not getting TTB, can I mark myself down as a partial round and then scale from then on out (in hopes of getting a good workout, at least)? Or do I just have to struggle for the remainder of the 18 minutes?
My biggest complaint with WOD 12.2 was that it ended up being a kind of crappy workout if you didn't have a 75# snatch. I ended up standing around for six and a half minutes, and that was after draaaaagging out the first 30 snatches.
Katie my impression is that the WOD is scored in reps (judging by the leader board) so you can probably do a version where you just put a 27 on the board, and then do a scaled version.
I was pretty bummed when I saw 12.3 posted since I'm shite at TTB, but Coach Josh explained them really well during the 6am class today. I was able to bang out a bunch of rounds of 9 unbroken with very little effort in between the weighted pullup attempts, which was really surprising to me. The kip is really no different than the one we use for kipping pullups and once you figure out the rhythm, they're not so bad. So now that TTB don't scare me, my strategy on 12.3 will be to move at a nice steady clip and not to burn out. The games standard box jumps actually force you to pace yourself on that movement, which is nice. I think the push presses will get heavy enough after a couple of rounds that I'll need to break them up 6/6, but other than that I just want to keep it steady and shoot for 10+ rounds.
@ KMo: You practicing tomorrow night at Open Gym?
In my excitement about guessing the WOD yesterday, (w/o proof) I forgot to congratulate Bob.
That. Is. Awesome.
are many folks going to virtuosity?
Katie – What Joel said, it's scored as 1 point per rep. If you do the 15 BJ and the 12 PP Rx'd then you will have a score of 27, allowing you to progress through to 12.4. All classes today are doing T2B practice, so come in and see if you can't get yourself a few. I'm on the fence about allowing any scaling for the Games WODs to be counted for validation for a few reasons.
1- Competition is not about "getting a good workout", it's about pushing oneself to the edge of their capacity. There were lots of folks who PR's their snatch last week, and I'm not sure that would have happened if they'd decided to scale right off the bat.
2- I think scaling the workout in any manner would mean that it should not be eligible for validation, but we'll see if anything pops up on the Games site.
So, as of right now no scaling to count for validation. I hope this doesn't discourage anyone. In the end there is nothing wrong with practicing a movement for 15 or so minutes. If you feel lost about the T2B then you could decide that you will use the time remaining after the BJ and the PP as well spent working on them.
That Paoli/K Star box jump video keeps cutting out towards the end, right before they get to the actual tips.
My strategy is to hire the guy who played Duke in the Rocky movies to yell lines from Rocky 4 at me for 18 minutes.
No pain. – Take his heart.
You see? He's not a machine! He's a man!
You want it more than he does! No pain!
There's no stopping us now. This is our round.
No stopping now! You start, and you don't stop!
All your strength! All your power! All your love!
Everything you've got!
To win, you have to knock him out! Punch till you can't punch no more!
This is your whole life here! – Knock him out.
I think what Katie is saying is that she'd do the first part as RX'ed, then if T2B aren't happening just kind of do her own thing for the rest of the time. We had some people just do 1 burpee or 1 snatch just to keep moving forward and we didn't make them stand around for the full 7 or 10 minutes just so their score counted. If they had been in the mood to, say, do jumping jacks while the clock ticked down that wouldn't have invalidated their score right?
Stella! Sorry the time doesn't work out. I tried to schedule these sessions at a different time than the normal Saturday 1PM time to get people who don't have free Saturdays. We will work it out, I promise!
With that in mind DMak and Collum, where are your RSVPs?! Only have 2 spots left for the muscle up class and 4 for the pullup class, get on it!
Can't wait for the Potluck! Can definitely wait for 12.3!
I updated the Kelly Starret Video link to the full video (some 23 minutes in length). Sorry about posting the wrong link.
Joy – Yes, that's my plan. Want to meet up / work together? Email me at katie dot mohrhauser at gmail and we can set up a time. I’m thinking around 6:30.
Fox – Thank you. I'm planning on practicing T2B at Open Gym for sure, and I may just surprise myself (as Dan Betz said). However, in thinking about my strategy for this WOD, what if I don't? What if the edge of my capacity is a score of 27, 30, or only 15? Should I just keep trying and failing T2B for the remainder of the 18 minutes? Or should I switch to a scaled version so I could at least keep moving? Either way, I would only submit the 27 or 30 or 15 of Rx-ed work for validation. The rest would just be for my own benefit. I completely agree that any scaled work would be ineligible for validation.
I want to thank Josh for explaining toes to bar so well this morning that I actually did one – my first ever! I'm going to wreck WOD 12.3 tomorrow at 7am, son.
Kristin! Shut up! That is AWESOME.
Safety Bar Squats
Light active recovery squats
Hit a heavyish single and took it easy on the rep out. Shit felt heavy today
Chin-ups: 68, 78, 88F, 83F
Luca, I will go up there if you do. You can cheer me through my brutal two rounds. and Ill do the same for you.
5 rnds + 10 Box Jump = 196
This was rough. 24" box jumps are no friend of mine, and the 10 or so no-reps (rightfully so, as I was not controlled at the top of the box) were a soul crusher. Push press felt heavy sooner than I expected. Big thanks to DMak for counting my reps and encouraging me along, and to Joe O for lapping me within about 2 minutes 😉
Glad that's over with.
Luca, Gabrus, et al: registration for CFV ends tonight, sign up soon if you want to go!
Press: 51x3x5
Accessory: jumping negatives – about 5 total. I couldn't believe how hard these were – pull ups are truly a use it or lose it movement and after 9 months mine are long gone.
Press 100×5, 115×3, 130×1
Weighted chin x1: 50, 70, 85 (.6 BW) I'd been wanting to test this 'cause I've been working on it.
Somebody in class today said stepping off the box in 12.3 is a no rep but I watched the video breakdown and that is not the case. No stepping up though.
I plan to jerk the push press which is legit and will certainly split jerk at some point.
I had imagined getting 7ish rounds but after seeing Fox's score, I will be pleased with 4+.
Did 12.3 tonight. After scoring Fox and watching Joe O. smash it, I was a bit intimidated.
One rep short of five rounds = 179
You have no idea how frustrating it was not to get that last T2B. I had no missed reps until the end, finishing with 3 missed reps. Really wanted to get back on box jump for final sprint and was impatient with that last rep.
Big thanks to all that were cheering me on.
Carlos – I have no gas. You should CRUSH me.