12×2 @50% of 1RM
– These will feel very light. The point of speed squats is to develop speed strength, not maximal effort strength.
-Rest about 30 seconds between sets.
-Set box just below parallel. Use a stance about 1 step wider than normal. Pause for a 1 count on the box. Maintain tension on the box.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
12 Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 8.22.11
Happy Birthday, Julio G!
Check Out Lana Z talking about CrossFit South Brooklyn, The Post, Hyperbole, Community and Broken Feet
Upcoming Programming Template
For the next 4 weeks we’ll be running the following training template for our lifting. As always there will be additional conditioning or assistance work each day.
Mondays: Olympic Lift complexes alternating between Snatch and Clean each week. We’re looking to build better positions and speed on these days. Emphasis on clean movement and no missed lifts.
Wednesdays: Speed Box Squats. These will be light and fast and be based off your most recent 1RMs.
Thursdays: Push Presses. Two weeks of heavy triples, one week of heavy doubles, one week for a heavy single. No Missed Lifts
Saturdays: Front Squats. Two weeks of heavy triples, one week of heavy doubles, one week for a heavy single. No Missed Lifts
Sundays: Longer duration Metcons 15-20min+
Train Your Butt For Strength And Speed Greatist
Chris Spealer Explains Double Unders
Adrian Demos “No Arms Burpees”