Barbell Sumo Deadlift High Pull Practice
Perform one Deadlift every minute on the minute for 10 minutes.
Go at about 75-80% 1RM or just pick a weight that feel heavy but doable today.
5 Rounds or 20 Minutes NFT of:
5 Chin-Ups (add weight if possible)
8 Heavy Dumbbell Bench Presses
1:00 Plank (add weight if possible)
Reminder that there are NO CLASSES this Saturday while we host Fight Gone Bad 2012!
Q: What’s the cutest thing in the world? A: BABIES AND TODDLERS AT CROSSFIT.
Proof: Muster Photo Album
Thanks to all who came out for the first ever CFSBK Baby Army Muster! Huge thanks to the Nofi’s, (Greg and Erica) for organizing this event, Asta for taking pictures and Coach Nick for chaperoning. The event was a great success and we hope to hold more in the future!
Sumo Deadlift High Pull Practice
If you haven’t gotten a chance to try out the SDHP this week and are competing in FGB, join David at Open Gym on Friday night (6:30p-7:00) to work out the movement and pressure test your capacity in it. Please email David at David(AT) to RSVP. Please put SDHP as the subject heading. If there are lots of folks we may run a couple sessions.
In the meantime, Check out this SDHP specific Mobility WOD to try on
Fight Gone Bad is 2 Days away! What is your strategy for the workout? Do you have certain rep goals per movement/round?
Get Up. Get Out. Don’t Sit NY Times