For Time:
Run 400m
21 Deadlifts
Run 400m
15 Deadlifts
Run 400m
9 Deadlifts
Weight Options
Rx+: 255/175
Rx: 225/155
A: 185/135
B: 155/115
C: 135/95
D: 115/75
Post load and time to comments.
Congrats to Zach H who ran a 44:12 10K yesterday and took 2nd place in his age group!! (Male, 20-24)
Announcing The CFSBK Movie Club
“Remember how much fun it was back in middle school when you and your pals would giddily invade the local multiplex on a Friday night to catch whatever schlock the most recent teen heartthrob (Freddie Prinze, Jr. FTW!) was turning out that week? There’s just something special about sitting in a dark room with friends and watching attractive people pretend to be other attractive people. We may get older, we may develop taste, but movies will always be awesome.
It is with that in mind that we submit, for your consideration, CFSBK Movie Club. Each month, the group will vote for an upcoming film; we will organize a field trip to see said film in the theater; and then we will retire to a nearby bar to discuss. Kind of like Book Club, if the books were made of moving pictures.
To get the ball rolling, we will be seeing “Cloud Atlas” (as a tie-in with the Book Club) sometime in November. After that, it’s up to you (so choose wisely).
If you’re interested, email gina.gatto(AT) to be added to the listserv.
Cool Equipment
Do you know about the following pieces of equipment? Cool stuff!
The Dynamic Indoor Rower
The Dynamic Indoor Rower offers the closest simulation to rowing on the water and was developed to meet the specific training needs of the competitive rowing athlete. Unlike the Model D and E Indoor Rowers, the footrest on the Dynamic is free to move and there’s minimal movement of body mass throughout the stroke. The Dynamic demands similar concentration and body control to that needed when rowing in a boat, making it an excellent sport-specific training and coaching tool. –Concept2
See Video
The Reverse Hyper
The Rogue Reverse Hyper® 5,356,359 and 6,491,607b2 decompresses the spine and has no vertical compression on the spine at all. This simple device allows for dynamic strength development in the concentric phase, while serving as a rehabilitation mechanism in the eccentric phase by gently stretching and depressurizing the spine and creating, in essence, an internal pumping mechanism, filling the spinal column with spinal fluid and the low back muscles with blood. Anyone who has injured their back knows that the pressure needs to be relieved and circulation restored to the injured area in order to rehabilitate. This can be used 3 to 4 times a week for therapeutic work but have also had clients that used every day with light weight to get tightness out of lower back area. -Rogue Fitness
The Airdyne
Ask any college athlete about the worst workout their coach put them through and it probably involved an Airdyne. There are even horror stories of coaches who took off the seat to make it even more miserable. -Rogue Fitness
The airdyne is similar to the concept 2 Erg in that it works off a flywheel and variable resistance. A nice feature of the airdyne is that since it’s a LOW skill activity, you can go absolutely batshit without worrying about a rapid decrease in technique.
Honorable Mentions
The Strength Axle
Cargo Nets
Parallel Bars