Performance: 5/3/1 “3 Week”
70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
Never done a 5/3/1 progression before? Click here for the details
Fitness: 2×10
Linear Progression
Add 5lbs or so from last weeks exposure or start your LP light with adding weight each week in mind, around 80% of your best 3×5 from last cycle is a good place to start.
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LBBSQ e2/6
AMRAP 7 Minutes of:
7 Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches, left arm
7 Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch, right arm
7 Push-Ups
Scale the push-ups to be moderatly challenging for 7 reps. If 7 reps is easy for you then scale up to 14 reps.
AMRAP 7 Minutes of:
14 Dumbbell Power Snatch
7 Ring Dips
Switch hands each rep on the Snatch. Dumbbell touches floor each rep. No bands on the Ring Dips
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Pierre D goes for a heavy single
MEAT CSA Pickup Today!
Interested in learning more about the meat CSA? Jerry Peele, the Herondale farmer, will be in the house at the LBFB Challenge Pot Luck on Saturday, Feb 22.
All We Had Was Heart”
Here is another installment from CFSBK’s Poet Laureate Dr. Mike about his youth football experiences.
We just wanted to play ball after outplaying our welcome
with all the teams our age. They found us. “You guys look pretty good.”
That’s how this childhood version of “Bury My Heart
at Wounded Knee” got started. They were older, bigger, stronger.
Ready to use us up like water on a hot day.
We were the mice. They were the cats.
Big cats who swiped us with their paws,
and sent us sprawling. But, we kept getting up again
and again. We could annoy the hell out of them,
nipping at their tails and legs, but never doing any serious damage.
They called us the “little balls” team.
Outweighed. Outgunned. Full of blind courage.
I called the plays, ran, did the punting with two fleet halfbacks,
a sturdy fullback, and some talented receivers. All of us could run.
Broken field running was our specialty. That’s because we knew
how to run away from our older brothers at home.
When the fox is being chased, he knows how
to dart and weave. But … we were still the fox.
The score at the beginning and the end said it all.
First quarter: 7 to 7. Then, the punishment began.
Final score: 7 to 70. They won. They always won.
Our huddle in the 4th quarter was a study in fear and panic.
Heaving chests and downward stares at the ground
said it all. No one wanted the ball. It just hurt too much.
Too many knees in the face. Too many pile-ons. No Ref.
This was sandlot, schoolyard rules. So, I’d have to keep
the ball myself. All we had was heart. Each week we went down
in flames … again. No hope of winning. Still not sure
why we did it. But, we came back week after week.
It was the greatest athletic experience of my life.
To learn how to keep going when your tank is on empty.
Life is a Game, This is Your Strategy Guide
What happens when you let two bots have a conversation
Phenomenal model to help you visualize Spacetime and Gravity