At 0:00
30-20-10 reps for time:
Kettlebell Swings 72/53
Push Ups
at 15:00
21-15-9 reps for time:
Dumbbell Thrusters
Pull Ups or Jumping Pull Ups
At 0:00
9-6-3 reps for time:
Muscle Ups
Squat Clean Thrusters 155/105
At 15:00
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Pull Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Kayleigh is in Park City, Utah and after scaling a 10,000 ft. mountain, she realized, “I’m wearing my CFSBK shirt and I’m really high up—I should try a pistol.” Get it, girl! And come home to us soon!
Erik Kolb Update
Last week, we made the sad announcement that one of our members, Erik Kolb, died at the end of May. Many of you reached out and asked how you might be able to help, and Shawn S. did some research and discovered that Lafayette College (where Erik went to college) has a memorial scholarship set up in Erik’s name. Should you feel so inclined, there are three ways to donate:
1) Go to their online donation page and put Erik’s name into the “in memory of” section of the form.
2) Send a check payable to Lafayette College with “in memory of Erik Britton Kolb” in the memo field to: Development Office, Lafayette College, Box 3000 Easton, PA 18042
3) Call the development office at 610.330.5034 and give them your credit card information and specific fund instructions over the phone.
Lafayette will send the family notifications of any donations made. Thank you, Shawn!
Upcoming Competitions
Interested in putting your CrossFit training to the test? Consider signing up for one of the following competitions:
2014 Subway Series
Registration is still open for all four of the Subway Series events. The first one takes place on Sunday, August 3rd at CrossFit LIC. More information can be found on the event page.
Flex on the Beach—Long Beach
Teams of 4 athletes complete 3 WODs on the beach Saturday, 13 September 2014. Each team consists of 2 men and 2 women. Rx’d and Scaled divisions available. Additional details can be found here.
If you are interested in competing, please email Coach MeLo, at melissa [at]
Run a 10K Time Trial Tomorrow Morning
Calling runners with advanced or elite development goals! CFSBK’s Endurance Coach Michael O. is pacing and recording a 10K for time with CFSBK marathon-athlete Evan R. this Friday at 6am in Prospect Park. This is a peak of 10K training to test sustainable speed and power before entering a NYC Marathon training program. If you have any big marathon goals (i.e., sub-40:00 10K time), consider joining these gentlemen tomorrow morning to set a great benchmark for your marathon journey.
When: 6am SHARP for warm-ups tomorrow, Friday the 18th
Where: Prospect Park Grand Army entrance
If interested, you must e-mail michael.olzinski [at] to let him know you’re coming.
Train Like a German Soccer Star New York Times
Ample Hills Gowanus, Brooklyn’s ‘Ice Cream Paradise’ Eater
Butt Wink Is Not About the Hamstrings Dean Somerset
How Coolness Defined the World Wide Web of the 1990s The Atlantic
Wednesday 7pm SC
Lack of sleep and out of gas after a 10 course late dinner with some pretty good drinks and also hurting arms made this really hard. I did the 3 reps but did not squat deep enough on last one. The bench press went pretty well but a lot of pain after. Skipped the chins went home and iced the arms and had some painkillers instead. Now its all about eating healthy no booze, a lot of sleep and getting ready for Sundays total.
Great 6am class with D.O. and Jess with a whole lot packed into one hour.
Partnered with Chris P. on the WODs. Workout 1 was done with Ring Dips and 32kg kettlebell and finished in 5:44. Workout 2 was done with kipping pull ups and 30# DBs. I would normally use 40s but I am still rehabbing (babying) my right shoulder. Finished that in 8:14.
Afterwards I had a headache and felt pukey so I layed on my apartment floor and stared at the ceiling for 10 minutes before getting in the shower.
6am with DO and Jess.
Intense fitness WOD today.
16:10 total time. 7:19 on WOD 1 Rx. 8:51 on WOD 2 Rx with 40# DB.
Ring dips were tougher than expected after a heavy American KB swing. Thrusters were a beast on WOD 2. I was a little wobbly to start but got into a groove after a bit. Thanks to DO and Michael for helping me finish up strong at the end! Pretty sure I won't be able to raise my arms over my head for the next 24 hours.
6am, early wod today. I love the handstand practice. I don't do it enough at home, but I'm hoping that some day I'll pull off a handstand. That will surely impress my kids (who can already do it).
WOD – partnered with Val, who is always an inspiration.
#1: KB at 24kg and ring pushups. All my kb were unbroken which leads me to think I should have gone up a bit. but I usually work w/ at 20, so I thought 24 a stretch. The ring pushups were fine for the first 21; the 15 was in one set of 5, then threes. The 9 round was sets of 2 then ones. finished in 7:11
#2: 25 D.B.'s and chinups. No problem on the thrusters except I had to break them up into sets of 10, then in 15 and 9, sets of 5 or 6. The pullups/chinups were tough. I didn't even get through the first round before I switched to jumping, chest to bars. Again, not unbroken, but in sets of 4's & 5's.
All in all, loads of fun, elbows and shoulders are sore, back is sore, working on a lacrosse ball as I write.
Yesterday's WOD. Worked up to 155 on a C&J (new PR). Missed 165 twice – I know I can hit this though. Just too drained/run down in general yesterday. Front squat – worked up to 165 Also a 3-rep PR. Put 170 on the bar, did one rep and re-racked it. Just one of those days when I thought I should quit while I was ahead. Will take two days off and hit the weekend workouts. Looking forward to DL'ing on Sunday in particular.
6am. During the pre-warmup handstand kickups I unexpectedly didn't come back down after one of the kickups and held a handstand for 5-10 seconds. Should work on that more as I'm feeling close to doing freestanding handstands reliably.
Perf WOD 1 (@ 155): 8:25. Muscle-ups felt great today and were broken up: 5-4, 3-3, 3. Was being more aggressive pulling through and really noticed a difference. Squat clean thrusters were rough. Decent form on the first round, but ended up doing a squat clean followed by a press in the later parts of the workouts.
Perf WOD 2: 7:10. The burpees kicked my ass. Michael and BK both lapped me on this one.
6am with JF and DO.
I really enjoy the double/triple WOD days. A couple of weeks ago, I worked out with the competition club at Crossfit Oldtown and top ranked Masters Jerry Hill and tackled 5 WODs, time domain of 5 mins each with a 1:1 rest, a really fun hour.
Back to today:
WOD #1 @ 135#: 7:34 (I forgot my seconds)
Same as Peter, MU felt good today. Held back for to avoid failure. 3/3/3, 3/2/1, 2/1
The squat clean thrusters were fun. I bet there was some pressing but the bar speed was fairly consistent across all rounds. I believe the bailing and some additional rest staring at the bar helped with the MUs.
WOD #2: 4:59
Not much to say about burpees. Just work that needs to get done. Pullups felt stronger than expected after the MUs and clusters. Nice way to increase the heart rate.
Glad to have not done the DB thrusters. Those are just brutal.
Yesterday's 10am with Jeremy:
C and J:
40, 60, 75, 90, 102F, 102 — the jerk at 90kg felt really good, like I had gotten lower than I have been before. Still catching the heavier cleans in really ugly positions — there's room to grow in terms of leg strength, but only once I get the catch position figured out.
FSQ (converted to lbs from kilos)
154×5, 220×3, 242×1, 265 (PR), 276 (PR), 287 (PR)
Thrilled with this one, for sure. After getting some great tips from Ro earlier this cycle the FSQ has felt much better.
A little terrified of what's to come later today!
6am class with DO and Jess. I echo MattyChm's comments that the hour felt more action-packed than ever.
That was a tough WOD today. Part of it (I think) was lack of gas from pulling an all-nighter at work, but it was still a blast racing with Peter and Brad on the perf version.
Did 9:09 on Part 1, the thrusters being slightly easier than I thought because you could (and should IMO) dump each one. Did 5:02 on part two; for some reason my burpees fell apart in the middle round of 15 but I managed to stay consistent on everything else.
Day 3 at Wolverine Strength & Conditioning/Crossfit Subjugate, where they live every week like its crush week.
Morrison in 35:50 (10# WB, 20" box, 16kg KB American)
After 3 days here, I need to upgrade my original rating of this box. It is definitely the best box I've dropped into in my travels. The coaching staff is super friendly and welcoming, and really attentive and knowledgable, and the space is great. I think there are like 4 crossfit gyms here, so if you're ever in Ann Arbor, I definitely recommend this one.
6am with Jess and DO. Action packed indeed. I really enjoyed the handstand practice – I'm bummed to not be able to attend the handstand workshop this weekend. Not bummed enough to cancel my weekend at the beach, but…hope another one comes around before too long.
WOD #1: I went with 30# dumbells and green banded pullups. Those thrusters got heavier than I expected and the pullups were unfortunately just as heavy as I expected. I finished in 9:30 ~ something.
WOD #2: 24kg bell and ring pushups on the set of 21, regular old pushups on the remainder. I've never done ring pushups before and they were probably ugly as sin, but it's fun to try new ways to kick your own ass. I finished this one in 12:40ish.
Then I went home and took a 20 minute pre-work nap. I'm hoping to be able to lift my arms at some point later today. Please excuse any spelling or punctuation errors as I'm typing this with my face.
8am with Fox
Did the performance WOD at 135 as I'm still pretty sore from earlier this week. Could probably have handled 155 in retrospect. First part in 7:07. MUs started to fall apart a bit at the end.
Second part went a little better than expected. Burpees were somewhat slow, but did all the PU unbroken. 4:24
Squat Cleans
Front Squats
1! Reps in 10 Minutes of:
DB Thrusters, 30lbs
Burpee Box Jumps
I got to about 10 reps on each but I lost count three times so there are some doubts about my data collection accuracy here.
These workouts looked brutal today, glad to just come in for some Olympic practice and fun stuff:
Hang Clean > Clean > 2 Jerks
60×1 70×1 80×1,1,1,1,1
Drop snatch
20×3 30×3 40×3 50×3 60x3x3
Missed the last rep after not getting it into position properly on my back, cleaned it up for a make-up.
Muscle up
Finally managed to be able to do a few of these again.
Fat bar l-sit pull up
DB curl and press
4:30 class
Performance Rx
WOD 1 in 7:40. That bar felt so heavy.
WOD 2 in 6:10. My triceps were so fatigued. Felt awful and pukey for about 15 minutes after.
4:30 with Whitney
WOD 1: 9:45 I think
20kg Russian swings
First time doing unscaled push ups! Had to break them up into mullllltiple sets. Thankfully I had Whitney to whip me into shape.
WOD 2: 7:30ish (wasn't too good with time today)
20# for DB thrusters
Strict chin ups: scaled volume 12-9-6
Today's WODs worked me. Pull-ups and push-ups have been a major biatch for me since my injury so although i felt like i was movig slow, I'm actually really happy with how today went!
Also couldn't have done it without @Fox…who was so kind to serenade me during my final reps. Extremely motivational. Much appreciated.
6:30 with Ro and Whit. Today I tried to kick up to he wall but it was like my feet got stuck…right above my head…in a freestanding handstand for about 4 seconds before I realized what was happening and panicked and collapsed. It was a weird sensation.
Wod #1 with 24kg American in 9:02. Push ups were really slow!
Wod #2 with 30# dumbbells in 11 minutes and change. Yikes. Pull ups were really slow! (Sensing a theme here.) I kept thinking that I would switch to jumping pull ups at some point but then I guess I got stubborn. Thanks to everyone who cheered me on to the bitter and belated end.
WOD #1 @24kg bell: 5:05
WOD #2: 45lb DB front squats and 15-9-6 strict chins: 5:15
you guys see this?
Truth be told it's ten thousand feet above sea level, not the full way up (though it was a 8 mile hike). I miss CFSBK and am excited to return and hopefully catch some totals this weekend!
WOD #1 @24kg bell: 5:05
WOD #2: 45lb DB front squats and 15-9-6 strict chins: 5:15